200字范文 > 藏文文献 Tibetan document英语短句 例句大全

藏文文献 Tibetan document英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-24 14:34:41


藏文文献 Tibetan document英语短句 例句大全

藏文文献,Tibetan document

1)Tibetan document藏文文献

1.In this article,the author makes a probe into an identical content recorded commonly by the Mongolian document the origin of Mongol andTibetan documents such as the history of the religious origins and so on.本文探讨的是蒙文文献《蒙古源流》和藏文文献《如意宝树史》、《宗教源流史》等所共同记载的一段相同内容的文字。


1.There are enormous numbers of Tibetan-language documents and archives in various categories, next in number only to the Han-Chinese language ones.西藏藏文文献档案数量巨大,门类繁多,在中国仅次于汉文文献档案。

2.British-French Collected Dunhuang Documents in Ancient Tibetan Language and Early Tubo Culture;英法藏敦煌古藏文文献与吐蕃早期文化

3.From Ancient Tibet Documents Analyzing the Tobo Culture Model and the Development Process of Tibet Nationality Character;从古藏文文献看吐蕃文化与人格的关系

4.Ancient Tibetan Ethics in the Old Tibetan Document Phu bos nu bor btams shing bstan pa’I mdo of Dunhuang从敦煌古藏文文献《兄弟教诲录》看藏族古代礼仪道德文化

5.Notes on the Chinese Buddhist Writings from Karakhoto Site;《俄藏黑水城文献》汉文佛教文献拟题考辨

6.The Edition Value of Documents From Karakhoto in The Russia Collections and The Documents in Xixia from Dunhuang in The France Collections;英藏黑水城文献和法藏敦煌西夏文文献的版本学价值

7.Explanation on the Documents of Xiaohu Tribe of Song in the Heishuicheng Manuscripts Collected in Russia;俄藏黑水城文献宋代小胡族文书试释

8.Analysis on the Collection of Special Literature in Wanjiang Culture皖江文化特藏文献的分析与采集研究

9.Ancient documents and archives are well preserved in Tibet.西藏的文献档案得到妥善保护。

10.The electronic documents database and selected collection storehouse have been built.建有电子文献资料库和精品典藏库。


12.A Study on the Sanskrit-Chinese Phonetic Transcriptions of the Dunhuang(敦煌) Fragment P.3861 in French Collection;法藏敦煌P.3861号文献的梵汉对音研究

13.How to Improve the Rate of Utilization of TV University Library Documents;如何提高电大图书馆馆藏文献利用率

14.Designing a Program to Screen Dated Collections in the Library;馆藏文献剔旧计算机程序设计与实现

15.Analysis of literature collecting feature in Min Christian university s library;闽教会大学图书馆馆藏文献特色分析

16.On the Construction of Information - Date Resources in College Libraries;地方院校馆藏文献信息资源建设探讨

17.The Book Collecting Zhao Family of Changshu;常熟赵氏文献世家第宅及藏书流变考

18.The Development of Electronic Resources and Evaluation;馆藏电子文献的发展与评估方法探讨


Tibetan documents藏文文献

1.The publication ofTibetan documents started long in Beijing, and the collection of them under different catalogues is in great number.藏文文献在北京的出版与收藏有相当长的历史。

3)library collection馆藏文献

1.Development program oflibrary collection is the guide oflibrary collection construction.馆藏文献发展规划是馆藏文献建设的行动指南,只有制定和实施好规划,馆藏文献资源建设才能得到充实和完善,从而为文献信息服务奠定基础。

4)library collections馆藏文献

1.“To get rid of the stale”and“take in the fresh”of documents have a com- mon task to undertake,that is,constructing,organizing,developing the system of thelibrary collections,and regulating,controlling,reforming,perfecting the structure of the library col- lections,and making it more rational.文献的“吐故”与“纳新”共同承担着建设、组织、发展馆藏文献体系,调整、控制、改革、完善馆藏文献结构,使之更趋于合理的任务,它们是图书馆文献资源建设的两大基本活动。

2.This paper analyzes the evaluation necessity of Vocational college Library collections through anal-yzing the two major outstanding features of Vocational college Library collections.通过剖析高职图书馆馆藏文献的两大突出特点,阐述了对高职图书馆馆藏文献评价的必要性。

5)collected literature馆藏文献

1.This paper introduces the characteristics of library s literature demand structure, analyzes on the practical significance of researching on the literature demand structure, and probes into the methods and measures for the adjustment of thecollected literature structure.介绍了图书馆文献需求结构的特征,分析了研究文献需求结构的现实意义,就馆藏文献结构调整的方法与措施进行了探讨。

2.This paper probes into the targets of the digitalization ofcollected literature,the copyright protection and the methods for the copyright protection in university library,and puts forward several suggestions on the construction of the library law.对高校图书馆馆藏文献数字化的目的、著作权保护问题和著作权保护采取的措施进行了探析,为图书馆法建设提出了一些建议。

6)library literature馆藏文献

1.This paper analyzes the present situation of thelibrary literature construction in Zhejiang Police College,and advances some countermeasures for strengthening the construction of thelibrary literature resource.分析了浙江警察学院图书馆文献资源建设的现状,提出了加强馆藏文献资源建设的对策。

2.After a university established branch libraries,it will encounter with the work of allottinglibrary literature.高校图书馆设立分馆后,必然面临馆藏文献的调拨和布局工作,结合实践对图书馆馆藏文献的调拨以及各阅览室的布局进行了总结和探讨,提出了科学合理的调拨及布局的方法。

3.This paper intends to disclose the key factors for aesthetic education in the libraries of institutions for higher learning from three aspects:library literature,library environment and librarian s character.本文从馆藏文献、馆舍环境、馆员素质等三个方面揭示了高校图书馆的审美教育的要素 ,指出了高校图书馆不仅是知识学习的宝库 ,教学科研的殿堂 ,而且是向学生读者实施审美教育的一个重要阵


藏文信息处理标准化藏文信息处理标准化Tibetan information processing standardizationZOr协帕n xinxi Chuli biaOZhuhua藏文信息处理标准化(皿玩切口i刊ronnation pro-~吨山口血心zation)藏文是藏族使用的文字。它是表音文字,有30个辅音字母和4个元音符号。从左向右横写。有一部分复合声母用宇母上下迭加的方法表示。元音符号加在字母的上面或下面。藏文信息处理是藏文信息操作的系统执行,包括数据处理、藏文通信和办公自动化之类的操作。它的标准化是制定藏文信息处理特需的标准。从1望抖年开始,已制定了藏文的编码宇符集、字型和键盘标准,统一协调解决了藏文信息处理的翰人、交换和抽出问题。《信息技术信息交换用藏文编码字符集基本集》(GBI已巧争一l卯7)是按照国际上最新编码体系的国际标准(信息技术通用多八位编码字符集)( 13洲IECI(冷拓)等同采用制定的国家标准,它规定了l的个藏文字符及其二进制编码表示。《信息技术藏文编码字符集(基本集)解x48点阵字型第1部分:白体》(GBIT 16臾刃.l一1卯7)统一规定了GBI的59中藏文字符的显示和打印输出字型。《信息技术藏文编码字符集(基本集)键盘宇母数字区的布局》(G肠叮17543一1卯8)统一规定了cBI已巧9中藏文字符在键盘上的排列位里。这些标准在发展藏文信息处理系统中有着重要的作用。(于洪志)
