200字范文 > 雅思口语:a competition you want to take part in(歌唱比赛)

雅思口语:a competition you want to take part in(歌唱比赛)

时间:2019-04-22 02:42:47


雅思口语:a competition you want to take part in(歌唱比赛)



I’ve always wanted to enter a singing competition.

In my spare time, I always watch those talent shows, like The Voice of China, Britain’s Got Talent, American Idol and things like that.

I fancy myself as a good singer as well, ‘cause I took several singing classes when I was little and I’ve got a pretty good singing voice. I usually sing in the shower, and my parents often encourage me to sign up for a contest. However, what has stopped me from doing this is that I have serious stage fright, you know, I don’t have the courage to sing in front of a large audience. So I really admire those people who are brave enough to show their talent on the big stage.

If I want to take part in a competition like this, the first step is to overcome my fear and practice my singing skills. I really need to work on my confidence, I mean, if I keep being timid like this, I would stand no chance of winning.

My cousin used to be one of the contestants, and she did super well in the open audition, but unfortunately, she didn’t make it to the final, I hope I could top that one day.


enter = to put your name on the list for an exam, a race, a competition, etc; to do this for somebody例如:

1000 children entered the competition.

How many students have been entered for the exam?

and things (like that) = (informal) used when you do not want to complete a list例如:

She likes nice clothes and things like that.

I"ve been busy shopping and things.

fancy = to like the idea of being something or to believe, often wrongly, that you are something 例如:

She fancies herself (as) a serious actress.

sign up for something = to arrange to do a course of study by adding your name to the list of people doing it

stage fright = nervous feelings felt by performers before they appear in front of an audience

work on something = to try hard to improve or achieve something例如:

You need to work on your pronunciation a bit more.

‘Have you sorted out a babysitter yet?’ ‘No, but I"m working on it.’

timid = shy and nervous; not brave例如:

He stopped in the doorway, too timid to go in.

They"ve been rather timid in the changes they"ve made (= they"ve been afraid to make any big changes).

a timid voice

Deer are naturally timid creatures.

stand a chance (of doing something) = to have the possibility of succeeding or achieving something例如:

The driver didn"t stand a chance of stopping in time.

contestant = a person who takes part in a contest例如:

Please welcome our next contestant.

top = to say or do something that is better, funnier, more impressive, etc. than something that somebody else has said or done in the past例如:

I"m afraid the other company has topped your offer (= offered more money).

He has a house in five European capitals—how do you top that?

one day = at some time in the future, or on a particular day in the past例如:

One day, I want to leave the city and move to the country.

One day, he walked out of the house with a small bag and never came back.



