200字范文 > Unit3 A purse 教案_小学四年级英语教案

Unit3 A purse 教案_小学四年级英语教案

时间:2021-06-09 08:46:48


Unit3 A purse 教案_小学四年级英语教案


《义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语4b第三单元a read and say 。


1 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读对话,做一些有关对话内容的练习。

2 能正确地听、说、读单词句型classroom, perhaps, over there, not at all. let me see.。

3 能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语 what’s this/that over there? it’s a/an… is this/that your…? let me see. yes, it is. no, it isn’t. perhaps it’s xxx’s. where’s xxx? he’s/she’s in the… thank you. not at all.。


1 能正确理解掌握对话内容,并能朗读对话。

2 能正确运用句型what’s this/that over there? is this/that your…? let me see. yes, it is. no, it isn’t. perhaps it’s xxx’s.


1 能流畅地朗读对话内容,做相关练习。

2 能准确流利使用句型is this/that your…? let me see. yes, it is. no, it isn’t. perhaps it’s xxx’s.


1 教具准备:单词卡片、新授句型卡片、实物、多媒体课件。

2 板书准备:课题unit3 a purse what’s that…? it’s a/an… yes, it is. no, it isn’t.


a preparation and presentation

1 review the words

通过句型what’s this/that? is this/that…? 复习单词,拼写单词,同时复习句型。为后面的新句型铺垫。

2 learn “what’s that over there?”

通过句型what’s this/that? 引出句型“what’s that over there?”卡片出示“over there”,学生读,上贴黑板。师生示范对话1次,生生练习,表演。

3 复习句型where’s the/my…? it’s in/on…

t: what’s that over there?

s: it’s a pen.

t: oh, it’s my pen. where’s my pen?

s: it’s on the desk.

t: look at the screen. ask and answer.


4 复习句型 where’s xxx? she’s/he’s in the…

多媒体呈现画面。通过听声音,猜地点,猜出来的同学奖励本子。用“this copybook is for you. ”引出not at all.卡片出示“not all at.”在最后用“where’s yang ling?”引出classroom。卡片出示“classroom”,学生读。

生生练习“where’s yang ling? she’s in the classroom.”2次。通过杨玲引出这堂课的重点句型。

b presentation and practice

1 呈现新句型is this/that your…? let me see. yes, it is. no, it isn’t.

t: yang ling lost her book just now. she is looking for it. let me help her. look, this book is hers? let me ask her“yang ling, is this your book?”she says “no, it isn’t.” whose book is it? is this your book?

s1: no, it isn’t.

t: is that your book?(指较远的书)

s1: no, it isn’t.

t: is this your book?

s2: yes, it is.

卡片出示句型“is this/that your…?”,学生读,上贴黑板。


s1: is this your pen?

t: let me see. yes, it is.
