200字范文 > 养老社会保障制度 retirement pension system英语短句 例句大全

养老社会保障制度 retirement pension system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-17 20:28:34


养老社会保障制度 retirement pension system英语短句 例句大全

养老社会保障制度,retirement pension system

1)retirement pension system养老社会保障制度


1.Research on Social Justice of Retirement Pension System养老社会保障制度的社会公平问题研究

2.On Harmony Liaoning Legal System of Farmers Pensions;辽宁农民社会养老保障法律制度研究

3.The Construction of Multi-level Old-age Pension System in Rural Areas;多层次农村社会养老保障制度的构建

4.Premium Evasion:The Dilemma of China′s Social Security System for the Aged;逃费:中国社会养老保障制度的困境

5.Endowment insurance system is the key content of social security system.养老保险制度是社会保障制度的重要内容。

6.Peasant Workers Social Endowment Insurance: System Barriers and Building a New System According to the Classification of Peasant Workers;农民工社会养老保险:制度障碍与分类建制

7.Old-Age-Insurance System and Socialist Market Economic System;养老保障制度与社会主义市场经济体制

8.Analyses on the Construction of the Legal System of Social Security for Aging in the Countryside of China;论和谐农村社会养老保障法律制度的构建

9.The Analysis with Sociology of Law on the Rural Old-aged Security in China;我国农村养老保障制度的法社会学分析

10.Research on Unity of Urban and Rural Development in Social Security Pension System;对社会养老保障制度城乡统筹的认识与思考

11.A Study on Unity of Urban and Rural Development in Social Security Pension System;我国社会养老保障制度的城乡统筹问题探析

12.A Reform of the Old-age Social Security System in Rural Areas in Modern Society;当代中国农村社会养老保障制度的改革

13.On the Construction of Social Security Pension System in the Rural Area of Hebei Province;河北省农村社会养老保障制度建设研究

14.On Mode Option and the Policy for Construction of Rural Old-Age Pension System;农村社会养老保障制度建设的政策模式选择

15.Analysis of Cultural Elements Affecting the System of Provisions for the Old in Rural Areas;影响农村社会养老保障制度的文化因素分析

16.Prospect and simulation of circulation of social security funds of China;中国社会养老保障制度下基金的构想与模拟

17.The Dilemma and the Way out of China\ s Old Age Security System in Transitional Period;转型期社会养老保障制度的困境与出路

18.Selection of Social Security System Based on Social Utility基于社会效用的养老保障制度选择分析


social security pension system社会养老保障制度

1.The unity of the urban and rural development insocial security pension system is an important aspect of urban and rural development in our country and is the real and current need of maintaining political stability and realizing social harmonious development.社会养老保障制度的城乡统筹是中国城乡统筹的重要方面,有深厚的理论基础和发达国家的实践经验,符合社会发展的客观规律。

2.As far as unity of the urban and rural development insocial security pension system is concerned,it is an important aspect of urban and rural development in our country;it is the real and current need of maintaining political stability and realizing social harmonious development.社会养老保障制度的城乡统筹是我国城乡统筹的重要方面,是保持社会稳定、实现社会和谐发展的现实需要。

3)strategic change in the guard system for the old社会养老保障制度战略转变

4)old-age social security养老社会保障

1.Strategics on the establishment ofold-age social security covering city and countryside;建立覆盖城乡居民的养老社会保障体系的战略思考

5)old-age social security law养老社会保障法

1.Theold-age social security law is the result of social change.作为社会法的养老社会保障法是社会转型的产物。

6)social endowment security社会养老保障

1.The multitudinal undertakings of peasant-workers"social endowment security——besed on the administration perspective农民工社会养老保障多元化责任分担——基于治理理论的视角


