200字范文 > 集合企业年金计划 the plan of collection corporation pension英语短句 例句大全

集合企业年金计划 the plan of collection corporation pension英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-05 18:45:15


集合企业年金计划 the plan of collection corporation pension英语短句 例句大全

集合企业年金计划,the plan of collection corporation pension

1)the plan of collection corporation pension集合企业年金计划

1.This article analysed the causes and pointed out thatthe plan of collection corporation pension is a reasonable solution to these problems.然而我国中小企业企业年金制度的建设一直停滞不前,本文对其原因进行了分析,指出集合企业年金计划是解决该问题的合理途径,并对我国建立中小企业集合企业年金计划提出几点建议。


1.The Plan of Collection Corporation Pension;我国中小企业的现实选择——集合企业年金计划

2.On Pooling Corporate Annuity Plan for Small and Medium Enterprises in China;论发展我国中小企业的集合企业年金计划

3.China Shandong Aviation Group Enterprise Annuity Plan Design;中国山东航空集团公司企业年金计划方案设计

4.A Study on Pension Plans for Small Business in America and Pension Plans in China;美国小企业计划及对中国企业年金的启示

5.SB Plan in the US and Its Implications for Chinese Enterprise Pension;美国小企业计划及其对中国企业年金的启示

6.Research on Financial Feasibility of Establishing Occupational Pension Plan by Our Country"s Corporations我国企业建立企业年金计划的财务可行性研究

7.Method of Designing a Plan of the Business Annuity and its Crisis Management;企业年金计划的设计方法及其风险管理

8.Design and Implementation of the Comprehensive Plan Information Management System;企业集团综合计划管理系统的设计与实现

9.How Insurance Company Take Part in Collective Pension Funds of Small and Medium Size Enterprises我国保险业参与中小企业集合年金的策略探讨

10.The Actuarial Research on the Two Modes of Enterprise Pension in China;我国两种企业年金计划模式的精算研究

11.Choice of the Model of Corporate Annuity Plan in Foreign Countries and its Enlightenment to Us;国外企业年金计划模式的选择及对我国的启示

12.Develop Annuity Program in SMEs,Improve Social Retirement Insurance System;发展中小企业年金计划完善社会养老保险体系

13.Firm Pension as an Insurance--A Perspective of Central Planner;企业年金的保险作用——一个中央计划者视角

14.Annuity Plan Governance Comparison between Trust Business Model and Enterprise Business Model;信托型和公司型企业年金计划的治理比较

15.The Suggestions to the Development of Our Country s Enterprise Pension from American s 401(k) Project;美国401(k)计划对我国企业年金发展的启示

16.Running of Corporation Pension Plan in America and Its Meanings for China;美国企业年金计划的运作及其对我国的启示

17.Integrated optimization approach of contract planning and surplus inventory matching of steel mill钢铁企业合同计划与余材匹配的集成优化方法

18.Discussion on the Relationship between Corporate Pension Plans’Payment Obligation and Ratio of Liabilities to Assets;浅析企业年金计划的偿付责任与企业负债率的关系


Corporation pension plan企业年金计划

1.Corporation pension plan namely the supplementary pension plan,is a welfare institution,which enterprise hold for their staffs in addition to the basic pension plan.在这种情况下,如何将企业年金计划同企业人力资源战略有机结合起来、发挥出企业年金计划的激励功效,成为了我国企业年金制度发展过程中的一个重要问题。

3)collection of enterprise annuity集合企业年金

1.Because thecollection of enterprise annuity has lots of advantages which include economics of scale,reduce costs and etc,it is suit for the small and medium-sized companies.集合企业年金具有规模经济、降低成本等优点,很适合中小企业的实际情况。

4)design of employer pension plan企业年金计划设计

5)Employer Pension Plans企业年金计

6)collective pension中小企业集合年金

1.And the enterprise annuity system which is aiming at large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises doesn’t have clear provisions ofcollective pension funds of SME .而且现阶段的企业年金制度仅仅是针对大中型企业而言,关于中小企业集合年金的开展模式没有明确的规定,4%的税收优惠对中小企业缺乏足够的吸引力,中小企业无力也不愿建立企业年金计划。


