200字范文 > Unit 2Growing Pains教案_高一英语教案

Unit 2Growing Pains教案_高一英语教案

时间:2020-10-20 15:53:53


Unit 2Growing Pains教案_高一英语教案

unit 2growing pains教案

by yu juan XX-9-14

period 1 welcome to this unit

teaching objectives:

to introduce and develop the theme of growing pains.

to develop speaking ability by talking about families and problems that happen between teenagers and parents.

to know more about classmates and their families.

important and difficult points:

get students to understand what growing pains means.

make students know the relationship between parents and their teenage children in the usa.

help students to form a positive attitude towards relationships between their parents and them.

teaching procedures:

step 1 lead-in

get the students to read the two passages in the lead-learning paper and have a general idea of “growing pains”

keys: cbaad, abbac

then ask the students the following questions:

what are growing pains?

when do we probably have growing pains?

step 2 picture discussion

ask ss to look at the pictures and discuss each picture in groups of four.

picture 1

what does the boy do?

what is the mother doing? how is she probably feeling?

what feelings may the boy have?

picture 2

what happens to the girl with a bag?

what did her parents ask her to do?

can you guess what might have happened to her?

what will she do?

picture 3

why are the boys and girls around the pretty lady?

what does the boy want to do? is he allowed to do so? why or why not?

what feelings may the boy have?

picture 4

what is the boy probably doing?

did the boy do well in his exams?

how does his mother feel about the score?

what feelings may the boy have?

get several students to talk about the pictures.

step 3 picture description

imagine the situations and try to describe each picture as fully as possible with their own words. make sure that ss have “when”, “where”, “who”, “what” in your descriptions.

invite some ss to report back their descriptions.

step4 further discussion

discuss the following questions in groups of four.

when you have a problem and want to talk to someone, who do you choose to talk to?
