200字范文 > CFRP carbon fiber reinforced polymer英语短句 例句大全

CFRP carbon fiber reinforced polymer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-01 07:43:50


CFRP carbon fiber reinforced polymer英语短句 例句大全

CFRP,carbon fiber reinforced polymer

1)carbon fiber reinforced polymerCFRP

1.At present, Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) is extensively used in strengthening structures in civil engineering reinforcement because of its advantages of high strength, light quality, good workability, good durability and so on.目前,碳纤维增强复合材料(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer,简称CFRP)因具有高强轻质、良好的抗疲劳性能和耐久性能而在土木工程结构加固中应用日益广泛,然而CFRP加固钢筋混凝土结构除了荷载作用外还可能会暴露于化学环境、干湿循环、海水环境、冻融循环或其它各种恶劣环境中,加固结构会面临耐久性降低而无法正常使用的问题。

2.Effective bond length is a critical bond length betweencarbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) and concrete,after which no more increase of load bearing capacity on the interface are observed.有效粘结长度是碳纤维增强片材(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer,CFRP)与混凝土的临界粘结长度,超过这个临界粘结长度,CFRP与混凝土界面承载能力就不会增加。


1.Study on Mechanic of Concrete Filled CFRP-Steel Tube Column;CFRP钢管混凝土柱的力学性能研究

2.Application and Research of CFRP Prestressed Reinforced Earth Technology;预应力CFRP加筋土技术的应用与研究

3.Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Pultrusion;CFRP拉挤工艺过程数值模拟及优化

4.Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with CFRP Sheets;CFRP加固RC梁非线性有限元分析

5.Research of Mechanical Property of CFRP-Concrete Interface under Elevated Temperatures;高温下CFRP-混凝土界面受剪性能研究

6.Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Concrete Filled CFRP-Steel Tube Component;CFRP钢管混凝土构件力学性能分析

7.Study on Application of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer in Tunnel Strengthening to Resist Spalling;CFRP在隧道加固中抵抗剥落的应用研究

8.Experimental Study on Shear Strengthening of RC Beams with CFRP Sheets;CFRP加强混凝土梁抗剪强度的试验研究

9.Research on Behaviors of Hybrid CFRP-Concrete-Steel Double-Skin Tubular Columns;CFRP—混凝土—钢管组合柱轴压性能的研究

10.Research of Mechanics Characteristic and Optimized Design of Cable-Stayed Bridge with CFRP Cables;CFRP索斜拉桥力学特性研究及优化设计

11.The Study on Steel Plate Reinforced by Carbon Fabric Reinforced Plastic;CFRP加固钢板梁承载力的研究分析

12.Study on Flexural Strengthening with CFRP Materials and Its Application in Highway Bridges;CFRP抗弯加固研究及其桥梁工程应用

13.Nonlinearities of Arch Bridge with CFRP Hangers and Tie Bar;CFRP拉索系杆拱桥非线性静力性能研究

14.Test Research of Concrete Beams Reinforced with CFRP Flexural Behavior;CFRP筋混凝土梁抗弯性能的试验研究

15.Investigation of Bond Mechanics of NSM CFRP Strips to Concrete;混凝土表层嵌贴CFRP板粘结机理研究

16.CFRP Pultrusion Process Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Thermal Strain;CFRP拉挤工艺过程模拟与热应变分析

17.Research of the Fatigue Test of Welded Steel Structure Reinforced by CFRP;CFRP加固焊接钢结构疲劳试验研究

18.Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beam Strengthened with CFRP Sheets Based on ANSYS;CFRP布加固RC梁的ANSYS有限元分析



1.Fatigue behaviour of adhesive bonding in steel beams strengthened with aCFRP plate;CFRP板与钢梁粘接的疲劳性能研究

2.Experimental and theoretical studies on concrete beams strengthened withCFRP platesCFRP板加固混凝土梁试验与设计理论

3.In this paper,an analytical model is proposed for a rectangular reinforced concrete beam strengthened by prestressed CFPR plate based on the deformation compatibility conditions between the beam,adhesive andCFRP plate.针对预应力碳纤维复合材料板(CFRP板)加固的钢筋混凝土矩形截面梁,应用梁底面、粘结层间和CFRP板之间的变形协调条件,推导出了一个理论模型。

3)CFRP tendonCFRP筋

1.The research on one kind ofCFRP tendons applied in prestressed concrte beams;一种CFRP筋在预应力混凝土梁中的应用研究

2.Experimental study of reinforced concrete eccentric compression columns withCFRP tendonsCFRP筋增强混凝土偏心受压柱受力性能的试验研究

3.<Abstrcat> During the past half century,CFRP tendons have been used widely in different structures.CFRP筋要广泛地应用于工程结构中,,则必须解决其锚固问题。

4)CFRP cableCFRP索

1.First application ofCFRP cables for a cable-stayed bridge in China;国内首座CFRP索斜拉桥的研究

2.Wind-resistant performance of cable-supported bridges usingCFRP cables;应用CFRP索缆索支承桥梁的抗风性能

3.Dynamic test and seismic response analysis of testing cable-stayed bridge withCFRP cablesCFRP索斜拉试验桥动态测试与地震响应分析


1.Research into transverse bend test of external pre-stressed beem withCFRP tendons;CFRP筋体外预应力梁抗弯试验研究


1.In this paper, bending properties ofCFRP bar concrete beams,CFRP bars-steel composite concrete beams,CFRP bars-laminate of composite concrete beams are all studied, as well as compared with ordinary reinforced concrete beams.本文对CFRP筋混凝土梁、CFRP筋—钢筋复合混凝土梁、CFRP筋—片材复合混凝土梁的受弯性能进行了试验研究,并同普通钢筋混凝土梁进行了对比研究。


