200字范文 > 进城务工人员子女 Children of Migrant Workers英语短句 例句大全

进城务工人员子女 Children of Migrant Workers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-25 13:55:38


进城务工人员子女 Children of Migrant Workers英语短句 例句大全

进城务工人员子女,Children of Migrant Workers

1)Children of Migrant Workers进城务工人员子女

1.Perspective on Educational Discrimination forChildren of Migrant Workers in New Period新时期进城务工人员子女教育歧视现象透视——以瑞安市为例


1.A Research on the Environmental Support System for Socialization of the Migrant Workers" Children进城务工人员子女社会化的环境支持体系研究

2.The Research of the Practice of Responsibility Body of Free-education for Rural-urban Migrant Workers Children;进城务工人员子女义务教育责任主体的实践研究

3.On the Educational Equity and Institutional Guarantee of the Rural Migrant Workers Children;教育公平与制度保障——进城务工人员子女接受义务教育的现状分析

4.Perspective on Educational Discrimination for Children of Migrant Workers in New Period新时期进城务工人员子女教育歧视现象透视——以瑞安市为例

5.On the Entering Higher School Opportunity of Peasant Workers’ Children in Urban Area进城务工人员随迁子女升学问题探讨

6.Exploration and analysis on family moral education for city migrant works children;城市外来务工人员子女家庭德育探析

7.Analyses and Countermeasures of the Problems in Protecting the Equal Right to Education of the Children Living with the Rural Migrant Workers in Cities保障进城务工人员随迁子女平等受教育权利的问题分析与对策

8.On the Access Opportunity of Peasant Workers" Children in Urban Areas进城务工人员随迁子女公办学校入学机会问题探讨

9.Psychological Analysis of the City Engagement of Exotic Employed Personnel s Children;外来务工人员子女融入城市的心理学研究

10.Research on the Education of Migrant Workers" Children among the Margins between Urban and Rural Areas城乡结合部外来务工人员子女教育问题研究

11.Research on Health Services Supply of Migrant Workers;进城务工人员卫生服务供给机制研究

12.Thoughts About the Education of the Family of the Migrant Worker;对进城务工农民子女教育问题的思考

13.Children"s Compulsory Education of Migrant Workers in Cities Research进城农民工子女义务教育问题的研究

14.Exploration and Analyses on the Remittance Purpose made by the Wide City-entering Work-engaged Employees--Let Us Take Xiamen City-entering Work-engaged Employees as an Example;进城务工人员汇款用途探析——以厦门市进城务工人员为例

15.Research on Human Resource Capacity for the Migrant Workers from Rural Areas农村进城务工人员人力资源能力研究

16.Accelerating the Transformation from A Rural Worker into An Industrial Worker through Establishment of Trade Union and System;建会建制加速进城务工人员的工人阶级化进程

17.A consideration of compulsory education for farmers-turned workers sons and daughters;进城务工农民子女义务教育问题与对策的思考

18.Policy Implementation of Compulsory Education for Children of Migrant Rural Labourers to Urban Areas;进城务工就业农民子女义务教育政策执行研究


children living with the rural migrant workers in cities进城务工人员随迁子女

3)city migrant workers children城市外来务工人员子女

4)children of migrant workers from rural areas进城务工人员子弟

1.This survey found mostchildren of migrant workers from rural areas have good moral characters with active cogni- tion to society and sense of being concerned by society as special colony called floating population,thus their desires of repa- ying society are strong.调查发现,绝大多数进城务工人员子弟的品德状况较好。

5)migrant workers进城务工人员

1.Along with the country s industrialization and urbanization process,identity of China s ruralmigrant workers has undergone a great change,following the traditional policy of agriculture and the farmers,industrial,agriculture and services should be hampered.随着国家工业化、城市化进程的推进,我国农村进城务工人员群体的特征已经发生了巨大变化,继续沿袭传统对农业和农民的政策已经对国家的工业、农业、服务业的发展造成了阻碍,当前对于进城务工人员的准确定位是城市化和工业化发展的首要问题。

2.The survey result from 280migrant workers families shows that the adaptation ofmigrant workers to the city on the whole is still in a relatively low level in the economic,social and psychological dimensions,there are many institutional and non-Institutional obstacles.进城务工人员的"家庭式流动"数量日益增多,对其城市适应性进行研究具有重要的社会意义。

3.Themigrant workers usually live in shabby shanty town,in which the rent is low.调查发现:居住在棚户区的进城务工人员总体生活状况较差,对于棚户区环境、自己的居住条件和社会的要求非常低。

6)rural migrant workers进城务工人员

1.Analysis and countermeasure onrural migrant workers self-inferiority;进城务工人员自卑心理透视及调试

2.That therural migrant workers go to work in cities is a gradual phenomenon with the development of reform.本文分析了当前进城务工人员面临的主要问题和造成这些问题的基本原因。


