200字范文 > 中美养老保险制度 pension insurance system of China and the United States英语短句 例句大全

中美养老保险制度 pension insurance system of China and the United States英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-10 05:10:57


中美养老保险制度 pension insurance system of China and the United States英语短句 例句大全

中美养老保险制度,pension insurance system of China and the United States

1)pension insurance system of China and the United States中美养老保险制度


paring the fairness and efficiency of the pension insurance systems of China and the United States中美养老保险制度公平与效率的比较

2.Population Aging and China s Pension Reform;人口老龄化与中国养老保险制度改革

3.On Reforming China s Endowment Insurance System;解读困境中的中国养老保险制度改革

4.Reform of the old-age insurance system was initiated throughout China in 1984.1984年,中国各地进行养老保险制度改革。

5.The Study of Endowment Insurance System Reformation of Public Institution in China;中国事业单位养老保险制度改革研究

6.A Research on the Endowment Insurance System in Rural Areas in China;中国农村社会养老保险法律制度研究

7.An Analysis of the Evolution of China s Pension Policy;中国养老保险制度变迁的经济学分析

8.Rethinking and Reconstructing the Rural Old-age Social Security in China;中国农村养老保险制度的反思与重构

9.Discussion on the Relation Between Government and Market in the Social Endowment Insurance System;论养老保险制度中政府与市场的关系

10.An Enterprise s Role in Urban Endowment Insurance System in China;我国城市养老保险制度中的企业行为

11.The Paradox of China s Pension System and Stratogies;中国养老保险制度的困境与发展对策

12.On the Retirement Age in Social SecuritySystem for the Elderly;养老保险制度中关于退休年龄的探讨

13.Research on the System Maintaining the Continuity of the Pension Insurance Relation in China中国养老保险关系转移接续制度研究

14.The Contrast of Old-age Insurance Systems in America and Sweden--A Useful Reference to Our Country;美国、瑞典养老保险制度的比较及对我国的启示

15.Institutional innovation on endowment insurance in China中国养老保险制度分析——基于人口老龄化的背景

16.The Comparison of Domestic and Foreign EIS, and Their System Innovation;中外养老保险制度比较及制度创新问题

17.Transformation of Pension System and Insurance Company s Reconstruction;养老保险制度变迁与保险公司的转型

18.The Study of China"s Pension Insurance System Based on Cooperating Mechanism基于协同机制的中国养老保险制度研究


pension system养老保险制度

1.The Welfare Analysis of Optimal Voluntary Saving Ratio——Based on China s Pension System;基于福利经济学的最优自愿性储蓄率分析——从中国养老保险制度角度

2.The nation-widepension system has aroused interests of economists,especially those in developed countries because of issues such as redistribution of incomes,income shifts between generations,and the inflexibility of thepension system.国家举办的社会统筹养老保险制度,因收入再分配和代际之间的收入转移以及养老福利的制度刚性问题,引起了世界许多经济学家的关注,特别是发达国家经济学家的关注。

3.At present China′s publicpension system is not perfect,lacking rural formalpension system.为了探讨建立覆盖城乡居民的养老社会保障体系,运用历史学和经济学交叉分析的方法,认为在当前中国城镇基本养老保险制度还不完善,农村正式养老保险制度缺失的条件下,建立覆盖城乡居民的养老社会保障体系应首先进一步完善城镇基本养老保险制度以接纳"乡—城"迁移人口和创建以"非缴费型最低养老金+个人账户养老金"为基本模式的新型农村社会养老保险制度,然后在实现城乡养老保险制度衔接的基础上,通过相关制度合并形成覆盖城乡居民的养老社会保障体系。

3)endowment insurance system养老保险制度

1.Problems in Endowment Insurance System in China And Countermeasures;我国养老保险制度存在的问题及对策

2.Theendowment insurance system in our country is not perfect after some reformation.我国的养老保险制度虽然进行了一系列改革,但仍尚不完善;为迎接人口老龄化、完善社会保障体制,就必须建立综合的养老保险制度和综合的社会保障体系。

3.With the development of economy,many developed countries in the world have established perfectendowment insurance systems.随着经济的发展,世界上许多国家都建立了较完善的养老保险制度。

4)pension insurance system养老保险制度

1.The Selection of Pension Insurance System Diversification in Economic Transformation Period of China;我国经济转型期养老保险制度的多元化选择

2.To solve this issue would require us to further improve on the multiple polarpension insurance system.随着我国养老保险制度结构性改革的开展,政府主导下的基本养老保险计划的保障水平逐步降低,政府在老年经济保障领域的责任进一步退出,而让位于市场化管理运营的企业年金计划和个人储蓄性养老保险计划。

3.For now and a fairly long period of time to come,thepension insurance system in China can not solve the problem of elders completely.当前乃至今后相当长的一段历史时期内,养老保险制度还不能完全解决我国的养老问题,因此,重视养老保险制度与传统文化的依托非常必要。

5)Old-age insurance system养老保险制度

1.Extending Retirement Age and Old-age Insurance System;中国延长退休年龄与养老保险制度研究

2.America and Sweden are typical countries, old-age insurance systems of which all feature financial-aided insurance and welfare given to the whole people although they have respective traits and merits.本文通过对这两个国家养老保险制度的比较,结合我国当前社会保障制度改革的状况,借鉴其成功经验与不足, 提出在我国目前情况下,必须构建多层次、全方位的养老保险体系;建立健全社会保障法规,严格基金管理制度,实现养老保障筹资方式从现收现付制向部分积累制的根本转变;大力整治现存体制中的拖欠、拒缴、逃避缴费现象,确保基金能够得到积累并进入良性循环。

3.Our country s old-age insurance system reform has lasted for more than ten years, but there are many problems existing in old-age insurance system.我国的养老保险制度经过十几年的改革 ,初步形成了一个有一定规模的全国性养老保险制度。

6)endowment insurance养老保险制度

1.Theendowment insurance for the officials in China has not been innovated yet, which has some negative effects.中国公务员的养老保险制度至今未作改革,存在较大的负面影响。

2.The establishment and development ofendowment insurance in ethnic areas is an important part of building a welloff society in an allround way.本文阐述了建立和发展民族地区养老保险制度的必要性和紧迫性,分析了民族地区养老保险制度的现状和存在的问题,并就建立和发展民族地区养老保险制度提出了相应对策。

3.Because of the diversity,complexity and too many historical bills in theendowment insurance, the interconnected system with accounts inendowment insurance has many problems.鉴于养老保障体系功能的多样性、复杂性和历史欠帐过多 ,致使我国以统帐结合的养老保险制度模式存在着一系列问题 ,为解决即将来临的人口老龄化 ,防范养老保障风险 ,笔者认为应该建立起以完全积累制个人帐户为主体的多层次养老金制度体系 ,并重新对政府的职能、作用进行界定。


