200字范文 > 老年护理保险 long-term care insurance英语短句 例句大全

老年护理保险 long-term care insurance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-20 06:19:41


老年护理保险 long-term care insurance英语短句 例句大全

老年护理保险,long-term care insurance

1)long-term care insurance老年护理保险

1.A research on establishing thelong-term care insurance system in China构建我国老年护理保险制度研究


1.Aging Population and Study of the Construction of the Nursing for the Aged Insurance System of Our Country;人口老龄化与构建我国老年护理保险体系研究

2.Reform of Japanese Elderly Care Insurance System and Its Experience;日本老年护理保险制度改革及经验启示

3.Nursing Care System - a New Measure for the Provision of the Aged in Japan;护理保险制度—日本养老保障新举措

4.Analyzing the Outlook of Commercial Care Insurance in China--Concurrently on China s future care system for senior citizens;商业护理保险在中国的前景分析——兼论中国未来老年生活护理制度模式

5.Study on Construction of Aged Long-Term Care Security System in China;论我国多层次老年护理保障机制建设

6.Nursing Insurance--the Effective Path of Replying Dilemma of Chinese Ageing;护理保险——应对中国老龄化困境的有效途径

7.Research of Nursing Insurance System in Japan under Population Aging Background人口老龄化背景下的日本护理保险制度研究

8.insurance paid to the elderly.发给老年人的保险费。

9.The analysis of demand for long term care and its insurance system constructing in China我国老年长期护理需求测算及保障模式选择

10.Application of Risk Management in An Aged Patient Underwent Abdominal Surgery Complicated with Cerebral Hemorrhage-induced Coma and Nursing Care1例老年腹部术后并发脑出血昏迷患者的风险管理与护理

11.The Amendment of Japanese Nursing Care Insurance System and the Pension Participation of Non-profit Organizations日本护理保险制度的修订与非营利组织的养老参与

12.Multi- support endowment insurance is the development of endowment insurance theory.多支柱养老保险是养老保险理论的完善和发展。

13.Risk factors related to femoral neck fracture in 94 elderly patients and nursing94例老年股骨颈骨折患者的相关危险因素分析及护理

14.Study on the carers’recognition and countermeasures to falls in senile patients陪护人员对老年患者跌倒风险的认知状况调查及管理对策

15.More affluent old people would pay higher premiums for their health-insurance coverage.有钱的老年人要为健康保险支付更高的保险费。

16.Study on Risk-control in Pension Fund Management;养老保险基金管理中的风险控制研究

17.Where Should the Occupational Pensions in China Go? -- A comment on the Decree for Pension Fund Management;中国企业年金何去何从——从《养老保险管理办法(草案)》谈起

18.health care for the aged; a federally administered system of health insurance available to persons aged 65 and over.为老年人服务的健康保险;65岁以上的人可享受的健康保险的联邦管理体系。


Elderly care insurance system老年护理保险体系

3)nursing care insurance system for the elderly老年护理保险制度

1.The cost of nursing care for the elderly agrravated their family s burden,so it s necessary to buildnursing care insurance system for the elderly.人口老龄化使越来越多的老年人需要接受长期的护理服务,而传统家庭护理功能正逐渐削弱,老年人护理费用给家庭造成沉重负担,迫切需要建立老年护理保险制度。

4)elder long-term care insurance老年长期护理险

5)the aged insurance老年保险

1.In contrast to the aged trend of Chinese population,the aged insurance in China just started from scratch in the year of 2002.与人口老龄化的趋势不相适应 ,我国仅在 2 0 0 2年才实现了老年保险的零的突破。

6)Geriatric Nursing老年护理

1.It probed into the status quo and development of geriatric nursing care through analyzing health of senile people amd factors of influence.综述了老年人的健康与影响因素以及老年护理的现状与发展。


