200字范文 > 伙伴协作模式 Cooperative Partnership Model英语短句 例句大全

伙伴协作模式 Cooperative Partnership Model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-23 13:20:03


伙伴协作模式 Cooperative Partnership Model英语短句 例句大全

伙伴协作模式,Cooperative Partnership Model

1)Cooperative Partnership Model伙伴协作模式

1.From the international perspective,there are three different government role models: Market-led,Government-led,andCooperative Partnership Models,in which the government plays regulator,leader,and partner respectively.比较而言,采取伙伴协作模式是适合中国现阶段国情的理性选择。


1.Challenge, Support and Development:Teacher Professional Growth in the Context of University-School Partnership;挑战、支持与发展:伙伴协作模式下的教师成长

petition-coordination Mode and Governance Pattern in Third-party Logistics Partnership;第三方物流合作伙伴关系的竞争协调模型和治理模式探讨

3.On Cooperative Partnership Model--Chinese Government"s Rational Choice in Catastrophe Insurance System伙伴协作:巨灾保险制度中我国政府的理性模式选择

4.Research on Partner Selection Based on Partnering Mode;Partnering模式下合作伙伴选择的研究

5.Research on Model and Algorithm for Collaborative Manufacture Partners Selection;协作制造网络伙伴选择模型与算法研究

6.Research on Model and Algorithm for Collaborative Manufacture Partners Selection-Combination协作制造网络伙伴选择组合模型与算法

7.Gradual Improvement Tactics of the Implementation of Partnering Model in China"s Construction Industry我国建设领域推行合作伙伴模式的渐进式策略

8.Study on Silkworm Genus Industry Pattern of Economic and Cooperative Fellowship;经济合作伙伴关系的蚕种生产模式研究

9.Construction of the partner mode of the BOT project between the participants of the interest-related subjects;BOT项目利益相关者合作伙伴关系模式的构建

10.Research on Knowledge Sharing Model in Virtual Supply Chain Cooperation Associate;虚拟供应链合作伙伴的知识共享模式研究

11.On stylized process and actualizing of construction partnering;建筑业伙伴合作模式化程序与实施建议

12.Partnership Cooperation for Common Development:Exploration of New Models of Continuing Teacher Education;伙伴合作 共同发展——上海教师继续教育的新模式

13.On the Mode of Public-Private Partnerships in Basic Education Issues and Its Enlightenments基础教育公私合作伙伴关系模式:问题与启示

14.Review of Partnerships in Initial Teacher Education in Australia澳大利亚职前教师教育伙伴合作模式述评

15.This can be used to restrict the speeds and duplexes advertised to a link partner during autonegotiation.这可用来限制自动协商期间公布给链接伙伴的速度和双工模式。

16.Application of Analytic Network Process (ANP) with Communication to Selection of Cooperative Partners for Virtual Enterprises;协商式层次分析法在虚拟企业寻求合作伙伴中的应用

17.The Partnership Ranking GM(1,2,x) for Larger Container Shipping Companies;大型班轮公司多级伙伴协作优化顺序GM(1,2,x)模型

18.Mode-based Research of Virtual Construction Enterprise Partner Selection;基于专业分工协作模型的虚拟建筑企业伙伴选择研究



1.Analyzing the reticulation framework of the total responding time ofpartnership in larger container shipping companies, a key responding time is defined and modeled.在建立大型班轮公司供应链或物流系统多级伙伴协作总响应时间网状结构模型的基础上,定义多伙伴协作主响应时间的概念,构建多伙伴协作主响应时间结构模型,进一步地构建多伙伴协作主响应时间效率GM(1,2,x)模型。

2.Thepartnership model between university and primary and secondary school is helpful to break the existing balance with in schools and teachers, and head off the teachers conservative attitude toward the reform and renovation and the possible negative feelings in the cooperative environment with equity and democracy as its value pursuit so that the teachers could gain positive psychologic.大学与中小学伙伴协作模式有利于打破学校及教师固有的平衡状态,并在以平等、民主为价值诉求的协作环境中,化解教师面对改革创新的保守态度及可能出现的负面情绪,使教师在“高挑战、高支持”的理想情境中获得积极的心理和情绪体验,进而提升其专业知识、能力和自主意识。

3)coordinated partnership协作伙伴

1.They should realize that their duty is to guide new ideas instead of monopolizing everything,and take into account the openness of school improvement information and its limit,so as to properly deal with ethical issues relating to the involvement of school improvement,and achieve common development based oncoordinated partnership.同时,教育研究者需要走出传统的课题研究的误区,做好学校改进实践中的思想引领而不是包办代替,并考虑到学校改进信息的公开性及其限度,以解决好介入学校改进时的伦理问题,实现协作伙伴基础上的共同发展。

4)Partner model伙伴模式

1.The article analyzes respective characteristics on traditional model,DB,CM,BOT andPartner model applied widely in the international construction market.合适的工程承发包模式对维护业主的利益具有直接和重要的影响,本文对国际上应用较广泛的平行承发包模式、设计—建造模式、CM模式、BOT模式和伙伴模式的特点以及影响工程承发包模式选择的相关因素进行了分析,为业主选用合适的工程承发包模式提供一种理论依据。

5)partnering cooperation伙伴式合作

6)Cooprate Relationship Management Mode合作伙伴管理模式


