200字范文 > 南海局势 the situation of the South China Sea英语短句 例句大全

南海局势 the situation of the South China Sea英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-27 20:32:12


南海局势 the situation of the South China Sea英语短句 例句大全

南海局势,the situation of the South China Sea

1)the situation of the South China Sea南海局势


1.The Impact of the Change of Japanese Security and Defense Policy on the South China Sea Situation;日本军事法制变革对南海局势的影响

2.To further stabilize the situation in the South China Sea, China is willing to complete consultations with ASEAN on the norm of behavior in the South China Sea region as quickly as possible.为使南海局势更加稳定,中国愿与东盟早日完成南海地区行为准则的磋商。

3.Creating a New Situation for Further Development and Making New Contributions for Hainan National Education;适应新形势开创琼州大学新局面 为发展海南民族教育做出新贡献

4.Declaration on the situation in Haiti关于海地局势的宣言

5.The Taiwan Straits situation is complicated and grim.台湾海峡局势复杂、严峻。

6.Southeast Asia and East Asia: Different Situation of Balance of Power;东南亚与南亚:两种不同的均势格局

7.Analysis of Restructure of Planting Industry on Farmland in Qionghai City, Hainan Province;海南琼海市耕地种植业布局调整分析

8.Countermeasure on strong marine economy region in north of South China Sea;南海北部海洋经济强势区域创建策论

9.The North and South were at loggerheads.南北双方形成了剑拔弩张的紧张局势。

10.Tension in South Asia has not been fundamentally changed.南亚紧张局势没有根本改变。

11.Situation in Southern Lebanon and Activities of UNIFIL黎巴嫩南部的局势和联黎部队的活动

12.He shifted the conversation to the situation in the south-west.他把话题转到西南的局势。

13.Heath was acute in his assessment of Southeast Asia and the Middle East.希思深刻地分析了东南亚和中东局势。

14.Analysis on the Agricultural Industry Comparative Advantage and Agricultural Layout in Southern Xinjiang;南疆农业比较优势分析及其布局研究

15.The Predication of the Sugar Cane Production and Location of Hainan Island in 20002000年海南岛的甘蔗发展与布局预测

16.The Population Structures and Distribution Patterns of Pinus latteri in Bawangling,Hainan Island海南霸王岭南亚松种群结构与分布格局

17.The Study on the Green Planning of Huinan Town,Nanhui District,Shanghai上海市南汇区惠南镇绿地布局规划研究

18.The situation in the South China Sea remains generally stable.南海地区形势基本保持稳定。


The deadlock situation of the South China Sea南海困局

3)South Sea Bubble南海骗局

4)trigger tension in cross-Straits relations引发台海紧张局势


1.The Multi-benefit Structure and the Situation of the Korean Peninsula;多元利益格局与朝鲜半岛局势

2.The final result ofsituation, and changing the stability analysis of conflict into a Markov analysis pro.讨论了局势的最终结局,并将冲突的稳定性分析转化为一个Markov分析过程。

3.This paper gives an introduction of multi goal greysituation policy determination by means of the grey system theory and method.用灰色系统理论和方法与目标局势决策 ,对与目标集为一体综合分析 ,从中得出一个较全面的好决

6)Hainan province海南

1.Genetic Diversity of Oryza rufipogon Griff. in Hainan Province with SSR Markers;利用SSR标记分析海南普通野生稻的遗传多样性

2.Soil fertility in banana plantation inHainan province;海南香蕉园土壤肥力研究

3.A Discussion on the Indicators and Standards of Ideal Structure of Montane Rainforest in Bawangling of Hainan Province;海南霸王岭山地雨林理想结构的指标与标准(standards)探讨


