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排球课 volleyball class英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-02 13:01:39


排球课 volleyball class英语短句 例句大全

排球课,volleyball class

1)volleyball class排球课

1.Based on literature, questionnaires and data statistics, this paper analyzes and studies sports injury sustained by college students in theirvolleyball class.采用文献资料、问卷调查、数据统计等方法,对高校排球选项课中学生所出现的运动损伤情况进行研究,结果发现:在高校排球课教学中,学生课中受伤与课中教学和专项运动有着密切的联系,文中通过分类调查并逐个进行分析与研究,针对分析结果提出建议。

2.Through the experiment of practical research of touch-screen computer assisted technology of TC-CAI in thevolleyball class of general colleges and institutes,the teaching effects and the students studying interest can improve greatly and are benefit for improving the study interest of students.普通高校排球课教学引入触摸屏电脑TC-CAI技术的教学实验表明,可以大大提高排球课教学效果,有利于提高学生的学习兴趣,激发学生自主学习与练习热情。


1.Study on under pass teaching of volleyball class in college and university;普通高校排球课垫球技术教学的实验

2.On Contest-Centered Teaching of Volleyball Course;高校排球课教学要以比赛为中心环节

3.Improving volleyball classroom Teaching and Training students Creative Ability;优化排球课堂教学 培养学生创新能力

4.An experimental study of the teaching mode of "Imagination Training Method" in volleyball elective;高校排球课“想象训练法”的教学实验

5.Class is over,we play volleyball.下课了,我们打排球。

6.On the Training of Students Volleyball Consciousness in Specific SelectionCourse of Volleyball among General Colleges and Universities;对普通高校排球选项课学生排球意识的培养

7.The making and application of spike multimedia CAI;排球扣球多媒体CAI课件的制作及应用

8.Development and Application of the Package CAI in Selecting Volleyball Course;《排球》选项课CAI课件的开发与应用

9.The Experimental Study on Pedagody of Taking Volleyball as an Elective Course With Sofe Volleyball in the Communal Physical Education in College;高校公体排球选修课结合软排教法实验研究

10.Research on the Patterns of College Students Volleyball Fitness Club;大学生课外排球健身俱乐部模式研究

11.Exploration on the Mentality of Students and the Practical Teaching Methods in the General Volleyball Classes;排球普修课学生心理及教法运用探析

12.My Opinion on Improving the Teaching Quality of Volleyball Elective Courses;提高排球公共选修课教学质量之我见

13.Designation and research into viga-teaching methods about studentsusual practice technique in common courses of volleyball;排球普修课学生带练技能微格教学法

14.Investigation on the Present State of College Students Participating in Volleyball After Class;大学生课外参与排球活动的现状调查

15.Exper imental Study on Applying “Appreciation Education” to Vol leyball Optional Lesson;排球选项课运用“赏识教育”的实验研究

16.The Development of the volleyball specialized course in thequality-oriented education;排球专修课适应素质教育发展的对策

17.Reform of Teaching Model of Volleyball Compulsive Practice Course;浅谈排球普修实践课教学模式的改革

18.On education reform on woman volleyball item course in college;谈普通高校女生排球专项课教学改革


volleyball course排球课

1.The author researches some characteristics of students attitude towardsvolleyball course in physical education department according to collecting information, analyzing questionnaires and arranging some data.采用文献资料法、问卷调查法与数理统计法对体育教育专业学生排球课的学习态度特征进行研究 ,比较男、女学生及不同来源学生学习态度的异同。

3)volleyball course排球课程

4)Volleyball Elective Course排球选修课

1.Discuss about the Optimization Teaching of College GirlsVolleyball Elective Course;高校女生排球选修课优化教学探讨

2.In volleyball elective courses of university students master and apply technology more slowly,and the assessment rate is not high.针对普通高校排球选修课中,大学生掌握和运用排球技术动作比较慢,考核达标率不高的问题,以影响运动技能形成与发展的因素为依据,并利用脑功能的最新研究成果,通过对比法和数据统计方法,对学生进行形象思维教学实验研究。


1.With the methods of questionnaire investigation and documentary review,the authors have conducted a study on whether it s practical to havebeach-volleyball class in Shenyang Sport University.采用文献资料、问卷调查等研究方法,对沈阳体育学院开设沙滩排球课的可行性进行研究。

6)volleyball elective course排球选项课

1.It shows that the sports teaching model can advance the positive effect ofvolleyball elective course by improving their studying ability.运动教育模式教学有利于提高排球运动的学习能力、比赛能力、参与兴趣和学习自觉性,从而提高排球选项课的教学效果。


第11届世界女子排球锦标赛第11届世界女子排球锦标赛Di 1 1 Jie ShijleN位21 paiq:uJ,nbiaosai第n届世界女子排球锦标赛国际排球联合会主办的世界性排球比赛。1990年8月22日一9月1日在中国北京市举行。共有16个队参加了比赛。苏联队获冠军,中国队获第2名,美国队位居第3名。
