200字范文 > 每日练笔 daily writing英语短句 例句大全

每日练笔 daily writing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-25 02:36:28


每日练笔 daily writing英语短句 例句大全

每日练笔,daily writing

1)daily writing每日练笔

1.Rationally thinking on the practice ofdaily writing,this paper aims to explore how to enable students to write with theirown words so that they can naturally express their true feelings in their own life.本文从"每日练笔"的实践出发进行理性思考,探究如何让学生用自己的语言写作,自然地表达出自己在生活中真实的感受。


1.Feeling, Writing, Flowing--The Practice and Thoughts on the Promotion of Daily Writing心动 行动 涌动——开展“每日练笔”的实践与思考

2.Carl Baermann"s Complete Method for Clarinet and Basic Practice of Clarinet从贝尔曼《每日练习》谈单簧管的基础练习

3.In addition, every Chelsea youth player keeps his own logbook, recording how he trained and what kind of session he did for every day of the season.另外,每个切尔西年轻人都有他自己的日志,记录每个赛季每天他自己的训练方式和成绩。

4.Take ten c.c. each time, three times a day.每日三次,每次10c.c.。

5.Sessions take place weekday evenings at VC firms" offices. Each session: 1? hours.这个练习在工作日晚上、创投公司的办公室举行。每次1.5小时。

6.Physical Fitness Instructors prepare routines of exercises to suit the individual client"s age and level of fitness.健身教练准备适应每个顾客年龄和健身水平的日常锻炼。.

7.Each day"s training added something to the spread and effectiveness of the two machines.每日的训练开拓了这两部机器的活动范围,提高了效率。

8.Their morale was low because they did not want to march in parades every Sunday afternoon.他们士气低落,因为他们不愿意每个星期日下午都列队操练。

9.An entire system of mysterious statics is daily practised by prisoners, men who are forever envious of the flies and birds.那些无时不羡慕飞虫飞鸟的囚徒,每日都练习一种神奇的巧技。

10.In addition to translating Richthofen, he did exercises from Easy Basic Japanese.除了翻译李希霍芬之外,他每天都做《简明基础日语》后头的练习题。

11.An exercise - book is different from a note - book .练习本和笔记本不同。

12.A succinct style lends vigor to writing.措辞简练使文笔有力。

13.written in a terse style以简练的文笔写成的

14.After he finished his exercise,he put down his pen.他做完练习,就放下笔。

15.You need to use a good heart rate monitor, have specific weekly goals, and keep an aerobic fitness diary.你需要使用一个优质的心率监测器,制订每周训练目标,并做每日有氧健身的记录。

16.He isn"t a high flying act, he isn"t flashy, but he gets it done night in and night out.他的弹跳能力不是很强,动作也并不华丽,但是他每日每夜的都在练习。

17.You, verdant and luxuriant, tall and straight, grow through the temper of time: every day you greet the rising sun and bathe in the boundless croud and mist.你苍郁挺拔,在岁月的磨练中成长,每日迎着初升的旭日,沐浴着无际的云雾。

18.Please issue everyone with a pencil.请给每人发一支铅笔。


Complete Method for Clarinet Op. 63《每日练习》

3)practice writing练笔


5)note-taking training笔记训练

6)daily iron supplement每日补充


