200字范文 > 造型文法 figure methodology英语短句 例句大全

造型文法 figure methodology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-06 21:03:14


造型文法 figure methodology英语短句 例句大全

造型文法,figure methodology

1)figure methodology造型文法


1.Discuss the Method of How to Figure the Carton Toy"s"Combination of Appearance and Spirit"论卡通玩具“神形兼备”的造型文法

2.A Method of Constructing the Hypertext Net for the Database of a Busineses Type System商务型系统数据库超文本网络的一种构造方法

3.A Study on the Contemporary Architectural Modeling Approach Involved in the Vision Culture视觉文化介入的当代建筑造型手法初探

4.Abstract: One method to make casting sand mold directly from the bozzetto(mud-draft) of the sculpture is introduced.文摘:介绍一种在雕塑泥稿外直接制作铸造砂型的方法。

5.modern mo(u)ld and core-making process现代型模型及型芯制造法

6.Chinese painters are famous for their smart drawing, simple sculpt and human spirit.辉煌七百多年 ,中国文人写意画以其潇洒的笔法、简括的造型、豁达的人文精神著称于世。

7.With the algorithm of emboss bump mapping, the bumped text texture is implemented and can substitute for text created by modeling.运用浮雕凸凹纹理映射算法,实现具有凸凹感的文本纹理,可以替代真实的文本造型。

8.word problem of type-0 grammar0型文法判字问题计0型文法-短语文法

9.Chinese Text Classification Based on Structural Covering Algorithm;基于构造性覆盖算法的中文文本分类

10.On the Transformation of Chinese Teaching fromImpartation Mode to Creativity Mode in Middle School;论中学语文从传授型教学向创造型教学的转型

11.Research on 3D molding practice in mould miscellaneous of firebrick异型耐火砖模具3D造型方法的研究

12.The author gives a simple algorithm for the solution to an optimal lot-size model based on paper[2], and preseats an example for discussion.在文献[]基础上构造了求解最优批量模型的迭代算法,并用实例进行了讨论。

13.In the eyes of design culture, various styles of plastic art provide various approaches to artistic expression.从设计文化的角度来看,造型艺术的多样性发展为艺术设计的表现提供了多种手法借签的可能。

14.The proposed approach helps to promote the application and popularization of curvature line in CAGD and surface modeling.文中的思想与算法有助于曲率线技术在计算机辅助几何设计及曲面造型中的使用与推广.

15.An object defining the type of a construct in a source file.定义源文件中的构造类型的对象。

16.The Cultural Significance of "Griffin" Artistic Image“格里芬”艺术造型的文化学意义

17."Imagery thinking" and the cultural modeling art in Sanxingdui;“意象思维”与三星堆文化造型艺术

18.The Cultural Connotations of Architectural Modeling in the Scene of The Monkey King;《大闹天宫》场景中建筑造型的文化内涵


bra shape文胸造型

3)grammar construct文法构造

4)Manufacture process mould制造法造型


1.Application and Development ofV-process at Home and Abroad;V法造型在国内外的应用及发展

2.This paper outlines the basic principles,processes and equipments commonly used inV-process,green sand and resin sand moldings.文章介绍了目前常用的真空V法造型、湿砂造型和树脂砂造型的基本原理、工艺过程以及所使用的设备,列举了它们的优缺点和经济的适用范围。

3.The practical application of producing iron castings and steel castings using the vaccum-sealing moulding method(V-Process) were introduced.介绍了利用真空V法工艺生产铸铁件、铸钢件的实际应用过程,总结了V法造型工艺的优缺点和操作技巧。

6)Laser Model Making光造型法


