200字范文 > 辩证观 Dialectical view英语短句 例句大全

辩证观 Dialectical view英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-27 01:34:36


辩证观 Dialectical view英语短句 例句大全

辩证观,Dialectical view

1)Dialectical view辩证观

1.Zhu Tingzhen was a Yunnan scholar in the Qing dynasty and his Xiao Yuan s Notes on Classical Poetry reveals a dialectical view of organically combining "regular mode" with "irregular mode" in poetic stu.《筱园诗话》对诗法持"有定法"与"无定法"有机结合的辩证观,对诗歌创作之技巧与法则作了较为深入和系统的研究,是中国古典诗学史上不可多得的一部诗歌创作之谈。

2.The basic intension of Jiang Zemin s dialectical view of human rights and the sovereignty are that state sovereignty is prerequisite and guarantee for the people of one country to fully enjoy human rights, respecting and ensuring human rights is inherent demand of developing socialism democratic politics, building socialism political civilization.江泽民人权与主权辩证观的基本内涵是 ,国家主权是一国人民充分享有人权的前提和保障 ,尊重和保障人权是发展社会主义民义政治、建设社会主义政治文明的内在要求。


1.William Blake s Dialectics and Its Expression in Some of His Poems;布莱克的辩证观与体现其辩证观的若干诗作

2.On dialectic relationship between the politics teaching and practice;论思想政治课教学反思实践的辩证观

3.On Dialectical View of Construction and Function in Histology;论组织胚胎学中结构与功能的辩证观

4.The Dialectical Views About Thoughts and Language of Liu Xie s Spiritual to Creation;论刘勰“神思”中的思与言的辩证观

5.objective and subjective dialectics客观辩证法与主观辩证法

6.Cultivate Students Ability of Dialectical Thinking;渗透辩证法观点 培养辩证思维能力

7.dialectical materialist view of nature辩证唯物主义自然观

8.Human Rights Is The Dialectic Unity Of Objectivity And Subjectivity;人权法是客观性与主观性的辩证统一

9.Dialectical Natural Laws in Physics--Control、Information、System and Dialectical Natural Laws;物理学中的辩证自然观——控制、信息、系统与辩证自然观

10.The unity of opposites is the fundamental concept of dialectics.辩证法的基本观点就是对立面的统一。

11.The View of Practice and the Fundamental Spirit of Marxist Dialectics;实践观点与马克思辩证法的根本精神

12.Subtitling:Toward an Integrated Approach Based on Dialectical Systemic Thinking;字幕翻译:基于辩证系统观的综合探讨

13.The Dialectical Materialist Perspective of Freud s Psychoanalysis;论弗洛伊德精神分析学之辩证唯物观

14.Relationship between dialectical development thoughts of DENG Xiao-ping and construction of harmonious society;邓小平辩证发展观与和谐社会的构建

15.A Dialectical Interpretation of Marxist View on Harmonious Civilization;论马克思主义文明和谐观的辩证图景

16.Dialectical Materialism as Scientific Concept of Development by Lenin;列宁论作为科学发展观的唯物辩证法

17.Thoughts on building the socialist new countryside dialectically;从辩证的观点看建设社会主义新农村

18.The dialectic relation between the college student s views in selecting an occupation and the college ethics education;大学生择业观与大学德育的辩证关系



1.This paper probes into Blake sdialectics which developed initially from his concept of "contrary states of the human soul" and finally took shape in his poetic prose The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.布莱克基于"两个相反状态"这一概念在《天堂与地狱的婚姻》中发展成为辩证观,进而发展成"对立面"和"反面"这两个体现其辩证观的重要概念,从宏观的角度可以看出这两个重要的论说体现在其前期的诗作《天真与经验之歌》和完成于18世纪90年代的"预言诗"之中。

2.This article is discussing how to deal with the relationship of them and make the combination of them perfect using thedialectics of Marxism-Leninism from the following aspects : the law of the unity of opposite,the law of the negation of negation,the law of mutual change of quality and quantity,the means of make a concrete analysis of concrete problems and the viewpoint of universal connexions.在教学上理论课与实践课是对立统一的两个方面,运用马列主义的辩证观从对立统一规律、否定之否定规律、质量互变规律、具体问题具体分析方法、普遍联系的观点这几个方面进行分析,怎样处理好它们之间的关系,并使它们达到相结合的最佳效果。

3)dialectic view辩证观

1.Thedialectic view serves as the scientific basis for the revelations on the politic teaching and practice.辩证观为思想政治课教学反思实践提供了科学的指导。

4)the new dialectical concept新辩证观

1.In contrast,the new dialectical concept of cultural pluralism expounds on the dialectical relationship between the uniformity and dissimilarity in plural cultures in a more thorough and modern perspective.新辩证观文化多元论则从更全面、更现代的角度更好地诠释了多元文化中同一性和差异性的辩证关系。

5)dialectical view辩证观点

6)legal dialectic idea法辩证观


军事的客观辩证法和主观辩证法军事的客观辩证法和主观辩证法military objective dialectics and subjective dialecticshe法CtiVe内容辩证及其观辩是一界的发展会的着社而发矛盾体、、必攻与主动与精等诸相互相互域各其规必然!客观iunshi de keguan bianzhengfzhuguQn bianzhengfo军事的客观辩证法和主观辩证(military objective dialeeties and subjdialeeties)关于军事辩证法的客泌和主观反映的一对范畴。军事的客为法指军事领域中客观存在的辩证运舀规律。军事的主观辩证法指对军事堪证法的主观反映。二者在本质__上致的。军事领域的矛盾运动如同客观桂其他运动一样,都是处在不断的辩让之中。军事领域的矛盾运动在人类之生产方式发展到一定阶段产生,并伯会生产方式不断向更高的阶段发尾展,最终归于消亡。军事领域充满〕的对立统一。一般与特殊、部分与奎不确实性与确实性、流动性与固定杠然性与偶然性、可能性与现实性、遥防御、持久与速决、内线与外线、与被动、优势与劣势,以及物质因礴神因素、人与武器装备、政治与军哥矛盾方面之间,都存在着相互排斥、依存、相互转化的辩证关系,它们口作用推动着军事事物的发展。军事匀种事物的发生、发展和消亡的过程石律,就是军事的客观辩证法。军事的客观辩证法具有客观性、性和普遍性等特点。客观性,指军事白人的存在发展事实必然客观事物内在的形尽的军事实践性,辩证的军事实串于军事终。辩证的概证发的矛的主于军过人立起式而表现相互客观用军的主事的对军,军而军对军军事握之具。辩证源于。
