200字范文 > ISO9000族标准 ISO9000 Standards英语短句 例句大全

ISO9000族标准 ISO9000 Standards英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-09 22:58:04


ISO9000族标准 ISO9000 Standards英语短句 例句大全

ISO9000族标准,ISO9000 Standards

1)ISO9000 StandardsISO9000族标准

1.Analysis of Three Examples ofISO9000 Standards Application in Paper Industry;ISO9000族标准在造纸行业应用的3个案例分析

2.As the latest developments in quality management, ISO9000 standards in the 20th century produced the 1980s, is currently the only recognized by the majority of countries of the international quality management system standards.作为质量管理的最新发展,ISO9000族标准产生于二十世纪八十年代,是当前唯一被大多数国家所承认的国际质量管理体系标准。

3.ISO9000 standards, as the latest development of quality management, were firstly put forward in the 1980s and they are currently recognized as national quality management system standards by most countries.作为质量管理的最新发展,ISO9000族标准产生于二十世纪八十年代,是当前唯一被大多数国家所承认的国际质量管理体系标准。


1.ISO9000 Series Standardization and B Model Management;ISO9000族标准和B管理模式

2.The Relationship between MRP Ⅱ and ISO9000 Series Standards;MRPⅡ和ISO9000族标准的关系

3.A Study on Quality Control of Middle School Based on ISO9000 Series Standards;基于ISO9000族标准的中学质量管理研究

4.Analysis on introduces the ISO9000 system standard into the university teaching management;高校教学管理引入ISO9000族标准探析

5.Methods of Introducing ISO9000 Standards into the Management of Higher Education Institutions;高校管理导入ISO9000族标准的方法

6.ISO9000 Quality System and Teaching Quality Management in Colleges and Universities;ISO9000族标准与高校的教学质量管理

7.The Difference between ISO 9000 Family Standard and BNQA;ISO9000族标准与波多里奇奖的区别

8.Discussion on Courses of the ISO 9000 Family of Standards in High Vocational School;高校开设ISO9000族标准课程的探讨

9.The Applicability of ISO 9000 Quality System to Higher Institutions and the Development of Quality Management System in Universities;ISO9000族标准在高校的适用性及积极影响

10.On the Sustainable Improvement in ISO9000 Series Standard;论2000版ISO9000族标准中的持续改进

11.On School Management Under ISO9000 Standards;论ISO9000族标准下的学校管理

12.The New Progress in Series of ISO9000:2000 Standards;2000版ISO9000族标准的最新进展

13.Practice and Experience of Carrying out ISO 9000 Series Standard;贯彻ISO9000族标准的实践与体会

14.IS09000 Standards are the Development and Deepening of TQC;ISO9000族标准是TQC的发展与深化

15.Improvement of the implementation of ISO9000 international standard series;进一步做好贯彻ISO9000族标准工作

16.Simply Discusstion on ISO9000 Standardization and Carry-out Sighnification;浅谈ISO9000族标准及实施意义

17.The Prospect of Application of ISO 9000 in Higher Education;谈ISO9000族标准在高教界的应用问题

18.The structure analysis of the ISO9000 Family Standards and the quality certification;ISO9000族标准的构成分析与质量认证


ISO9000 standardISO9000族标准

1.It is required that we should put togetherISO9000 standard and JCI standard when determining the department directors responsibility in hospital quality management system and to improve these standards.在医院质量管理体系中对科主任职责的要求,应将ISO9000族标准和JCI标准有机结合起来,加以完善。


1.Three Key Points in Appliance ofISO9000 Standard in Hospital;医院推行ISO9000族标准的三个关键点

2.ISO9000 in Higher Education Management: A Literature Review;高等教育管理引进ISO9000族标准的研究综述

3.On ApplyingISO9000 to the Construction of the PE Teaching Quality Management System in PE Colleges and Institutes;应用ISO9000族标准建构体育院校教学质量管理体系的研究

4)ISO9000 family standardISO9000族标准

5)ISO9000 series StandardsISO9000族标准

1.Research on quality control system of the admission of CPC Members among college students based onISO9000 series Standards;运用ISO9000族标准构建高校学生党员发展质量体系的研究

2.Doctor-Patient Communications in Community Health Service by Introducing ISO9000 Series Standards.;ISO9000族标准导入下社区卫生服务中的医患沟通

3.Based on ISO9000 series standards, it is emphasized in this thesis with the core of total processing control of graduate education, not only with the mode of goal control.本文以ISO9000族标准为基础,强调以教育全过程管理为核心,而不是仅以目标管理为模式,对研究生教育质量管理体系进行了研究,这对保证研究生教育质量具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

6)ISO 2000 Edition2000版ISO9000族标准


