200字范文 > 长期沉降 Long-term settlement英语短句 例句大全

长期沉降 Long-term settlement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-12 15:05:25


长期沉降 Long-term settlement英语短句 例句大全

长期沉降,Long-term settlement

1)Long-term settlement长期沉降

1.Study on long-term settlement behavior of driven pile foundation in Shanghai soft soil area;上海软土地区打入桩基长期沉降性状研究

2.Method for long-term settlement prediction of pile-foundation in consideration of time effect of stress–strain relationship;考虑应力应变时间效应的桩基长期沉降计算方法

3.Based on long-term settlement monitoring data of bored pile foundations in 26 high-rise buildings in Shanghai,analysis is made on the effects of the types of pile toe bearing strata,sand layer depth ratios in compressible layers under pile tip and soil properties surrounding the pile shaft on the long-term settlement characteristics of bored pile foundations.结合上海地区26栋高层建筑钻孔桩基长期沉降观测资料,分析桩端持力层的种类、桩端压缩层中砂土比、桩周土层特性等因素对钻孔桩基长期沉降特性的影响,结果表明,桩基持力层的选择和压缩层内的砂土比对桩基沉降有较大影响,钻孔桩沉降受桩周土的影响明显小于打入桩基础。


1.Analysis of secondary consolidation settlement based on the data from long-term observation of settlement从长期沉降观测资料分析次固结沉降

2.Long-Term Settlement of Soft Soil Ground Induced by Traffic Loadings;交通动荷载引起的软土地基长期沉降

3.Law of Influence of Segment Leakage on Long-term Tunnel Settlement管片局部渗漏对地铁隧道长期沉降的影响规律

4.Long-term settlement of tunnels across a river induced by vehicle operation车振荷载引起的软土越江隧道长期沉降分析

5.A simple method to predict traffic-load-induced permanent settlement of road on soft subsoil交通荷载作用下公路软土地基长期沉降的计算

6.Application of Mathematic Models in Prediction of Long-term Surface Settlements above Shield-driven Tunnels数学模型在盾构地面长期沉降预测中的应用

7.Study of Load Transmiting Rule and Long Term Subsidence Deformation on Pile Foundation of High Building;高层建筑桩基础荷载传递规律与长期沉降变形研究

8.Back analysis of parameters and long-term settlement prediction of harbor soft ground considering its creep behavior考虑蠕变性状的港区软土地基参数反演和长期沉降预测

9.Ant Colony Algorithms of Long-term Uneven Settlement Prediction in Tunnel隧道长期不均匀沉降预测的蚁群算法

10.Settlement Analysis of Plate-layered Soil Systems under Long-term Repeated Loading;长期往复荷载下分层地基基础板的沉降分析

11.Atmospheric nitrogen and phosphorus deposition during optimal algal growth period in northern Lake Taihu太湖北部藻类生长旺盛期大气氮、磷沉降特征

12.Experimental Study on Long-term Cumulative Settlement and Equivalent Cyclic Load of Speed-up Railway Subgrade Soil提速铁路基床长期累积沉降及等效循环荷载试验研究

13.Building Settlement Prediction Based on Parameters Identification by Initial Stage Field Observation以前期沉降观测反演参数预测建筑沉降

14.Study on the settling rate of suspended sediments for the Chenhang Reservoir in the Yangtze Estuary上海长江口陈行水库泥沙沉降率研究

15.Settling velocity at Xuliujing in Changjiang Esturay长江口徐六泾洪季泥沙沉降速度研究

16.Atmospheric Dry and Wet Deposition of Heavy Metals in Changchun City,China长春市城区重金属大气干湿沉降特征

17.Effects of Stimulated Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition and Its Recovery on Soil Acidification and Nutrient模拟大气氮沉降及短期氮沉降恢复对森林土壤酸化及养分的影响

18.The Statistical Analysis on Completion Settlement and Last Project Settlement with Cement-soil Mixing Pile to Deal With Embankment水泥土搅拌桩处理的路堤填筑期竣工沉降与工后沉降统计分析


long-term surface settlement地表长期沉降

1.Influence of partial drainage of linings onlong-term surface settlement over tunnels in soft soils;衬砌局部渗流对软土隧道地表长期沉降的影响研究

3)secular subsidence长期缓慢沉降

4)long-term cumulative settlement长期累积沉降

1.By filling with the Monismith model,the formula for calculating thelong-term cumulative settlement of the top soil and bottom soil was established.本文基于实测的路基动应力波形,通过室内动三轴试验研究铁路基床C组填料压实土分别在列车荷载和正弦荷载作用下的长期变形规律,并采用Monismith模型进行拟合,得到基床表层和底层土的长期累积沉降计算公式。

5)long-term settlement prediction长期沉降预测

1.Back analysis of parameters andlong-term settlement prediction of harbor soft ground considering its creep behavior考虑蠕变性状的港区软土地基参数反演和长期沉降预测

6)sedimentation period沉降期

1.The optimal temperature for shortening thesedimentation period of the mature soy sauce was obtained by montor of numberous index and by observation of the products stored at differnet tempteratures.该试验通过对配制老抽类产品存放在不同温度条件下进行观察,量化指标、出品率的测定,寻找产品最适沉降期的温度范围。


长期极移除了地球瞬时轴在地球本体内作周期约 1.2年的自由摆动和周期为1年的受迫摆动外,地球形状极在地面上的位置也在不断变化,这种变化就是长期极移。为了研究长期极移,需要地球上确定一个参考原点。目前国际上采用国际习用原点 (CIO)作为这一参考原点。国际极移服务和国际时间局都计算相对于CIO的地极坐标,国际纬度服务(ILS)的极移观测资料也归算到CIO系统,来为研究长期极移服务有些人根据ILS积累八十年的极移资料,用适当的数学方法扣除极移的张德勒项和周年项以后,求得长期极移的统计结果:长期极移的平均速度约为每年0奬003,方向大致在西经70°左右。长期极移的量是微小的,目前主要根据 ILS的资料进行研究。但这一系统的台站较少,有连续八十年观测结果的台站只有三个,因此有许多人对上述长期极移数值表示怀疑。在观测到的长期纬度变化中,如何将极性部分和非极性部分区别开来,这个问题至今还未解决。近年来,古气候、古生物、古地磁等研究也发现,地球自转极和地磁极以及各个大陆在漫长的地质年代里有过大规模移动。这些研究虽然比较粗略,却表明在漫长的地质年代中长期极移是可能存在的。对长期极移的起因的研究还处于探索阶段。可能是地球内部或表面物质分布的变化和不平衡,引起整个地球相对地球自转轴有一个长期扭动,也就是使形状轴在地球本体内长期漂移。
