200字范文 > ISO9000族质量标准 ISO9000 Quality Standards英语短句 例句大全

ISO9000族质量标准 ISO9000 Quality Standards英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-27 00:15:23


ISO9000族质量标准 ISO9000 Quality Standards英语短句 例句大全

ISO9000族质量标准,ISO9000 Quality Standards

1)ISO9000 Quality StandardsISO9000族质量标准

1.UsingISO9000 Quality Standards in the Training of Practical Talents;在介绍ISO9000族质量标准的基础上,分析了高等教育大众化背景下工程应用型人才培养中引入ISO9000族质量标准的必要性与可行性,阐述了ISO9000族质量标准的8项基本原则在工程应用型人才培养中的具体表现,并由此建立基于ISO9000族质量标准原则的教学质量管理模式。

2)ISO9000 seriesISO9000族质量管理体系标准

3)ISO9000 standards of quality managementISO9000族质量管理标准


1.The Applied Research of the ISO9000 Series Quantity Management Standard in the Tax Administration Organization;ISO9000族质量管理标准在税务组织的应用研究

2.A Study on Quality Control of Middle School Based on ISO9000 Series Standards;基于ISO9000族标准的中学质量管理研究

3.ISO9000 Quality System and Teaching Quality Management in Colleges and Universities;ISO9000族标准与高校的教学质量管理

4.Eight Quality of Management Principles in ISO9000 Series Standards-2000;ISO9000:2000族标准的八项质量管理原则

5.ISO9000 s series standard and enterprise quality management;ISO9000族系列标准与企业质量管理

6.On the Quality Management of Higher Education Transplant ISO9000 Race Standard论高等教育质量管理移植ISO9000族标准

7.ISO-9000 Criterion is the Best Tool to Complete Quality Administration for an Organization;ISO9000族标准是组织完善质量管理的最佳工具

8.A Feasibility Study Concerning the Introduction of ISO 9000Standard to Teaching Quality Administration in China sInstitutions of Higher Learning;ISO9000族标准引入高校教学质量管理的可行性分析

9.ISO9000 Standards and the Management of Teaching Quality in Middle Schools and Primary Schools浅谈ISO9000族标准引入中小学教学质量管理

10.Supply Chain Quality Management Scheme Based on ISO9000基于ISO9000族标准的供应链质量管理实施框架

11.ISO9000 Series Standardization and B Model Management;ISO9000族标准和B管理模式

12.On the Using of ISO9000 Standards in Educational Quality Management in China;关于我国教育质量管理引用ISO9000族标准的理论反思

13.A Study on Implement of ISO9000 Standard in Audit Quality Management of China;我国审计质量管理实施ISO9000标准研究

14.Quality Management and Study of Carry out IS09000 Standard;企业质量管理与实施ISO9000标准研究

15.Higher Education Quality Management and ISO9000 Standards;高校教育质量管理与ISO9000标准

16.The Quality Management System of Teaching in Higher Vocational School by Referring ISO9000 Standard;导入ISO9000标准的高职教学质量管理体系

17.A Study of Applying ISO9000 Standardto Quality Management of Higher Education;高等教育质量管理引入ISO9000标准的探讨

18.Reflection on the implementation of ISO9000 standard in the education quality management in colleges anduniversities;高校教育质量管理实施ISO9000标准的思考


ISO9000 seriesISO9000族质量管理体系标准

3)ISO9000 standards of quality managementISO9000族质量管理标准

4)ISO9000 quality standardISO9000质量标准

5)ISO9000 StandardsISO9000族标准

1.Analysis of Three Examples ofISO9000 Standards Application in Paper Industry;ISO9000族标准在造纸行业应用的3个案例分析

2.As the latest developments in quality management, ISO9000 standards in the 20th century produced the 1980s, is currently the only recognized by the majority of countries of the international quality management system standards.作为质量管理的最新发展,ISO9000族标准产生于二十世纪八十年代,是当前唯一被大多数国家所承认的国际质量管理体系标准。

3.ISO9000 standards, as the latest development of quality management, were firstly put forward in the 1980s and they are currently recognized as national quality management system standards by most countries.作为质量管理的最新发展,ISO9000族标准产生于二十世纪八十年代,是当前唯一被大多数国家所承认的国际质量管理体系标准。

6)ISO9000 standardISO9000族标准

1.It is required that we should put togetherISO9000 standard and JCI standard when determining the department directors responsibility in hospital quality management system and to improve these standards.在医院质量管理体系中对科主任职责的要求,应将ISO9000族标准和JCI标准有机结合起来,加以完善。


