200字范文 > 闽台合作 cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan英语短句 例句大全

闽台合作 cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-08 15:41:01


闽台合作 cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan英语短句 例句大全

闽台合作,cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan

1)cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan闽台合作

1.Leisure agriculture development in Taiwan Region andcooperation between Fujian and Taiwan;台湾地区休闲农业发展与闽台合作

agricultural cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan闽台农业合作

1.Analysis of development of the patterns of management of agricultural industrialization and its causes inagricultural cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan;闽台农业合作中产业化经营模式的演进及其成因分析

2.Research into farmland leasing inagricultural cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan;闽台农业合作中的农地租赁问题探究

3.Farmer′s land rights inagricultural cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan;关于闽台农业合作中农民土地权益问题的探讨

3)forestry cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan闽台林业合作

4)economic and commercial cooperation between Fu-jian and Tai-wan闽台经贸合作

1.Since the reform and open policy,economic and commercial cooperation between Fu-jian and Tai-wan has great developed and promoted the economic construction of Fu-jian Province.改革开放以来,闽台经贸合作取得了长足的发展,推动福建经济建设快速发展。

5)financial cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan闽台金融合作

6)Co-operating agricultural experimental area between Fujian and Taiwan闽台农业合作试验区


