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民族语言 National Language英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-16 23:44:21


民族语言 National Language英语短句 例句大全

民族语言,National Language

1)National Language民族语言

1.The Rising of National Consciousness and the Development of English national Language in the Later Middle Ages;中世纪后期英国民族意识的萌发与民族语言的形成

2.On the relations between national language, culture and metaphor;论民族语言、文化与隐喻

3.TheNational Language is the basis to form national music style.民族语言是形成民族音乐风格的基础,是我国声乐事业发展的力量源泉。


1.Chinese minority linguistics中国少数民族语言学

2.Ianguage teaching of Chinese national minorities中国少数民族语言教学

3.Ethnolinguistic Vitality, Language and Cultural Attitude and Language Behavior;民族语言活力、语言态度、文化态度以及语言行为

4.Language: English is the official language, Hausa, Yoruba and Ibo are the main native languages.语言:英语为官方语言,豪萨语、约鲁巴语和伊博语为主要民族语言。

5.Language: The official language is Bulgarian. But many of the nation"s ethnic minorities speak their own languages as well.语言:保加利亚语为国语。其它少数民族讲其民族语言。

6.Language: English is the official language, But Shona and Ndebele are widely spoken.语言:英语为官方语言,绍纳语和恩德贝莱语为通用民族语言。

7.Language: French is the official language, Mossi and Dioula are widely spoken among many native dialects.语言:法语为官方语言,有很多民族语言,主要是莫西语和迪乌拉语。

8.The Hui, Manchu and She nationalities use Han language, while others use their own spoken and written languages or Han.回族、族和畲族通用汉语,其余各族使用自己的民族语言或汉语。

9.The Phenomena of the Minority Languages in the Mandarin Chinese Dialects in the Region of Yongdeng, Gansu Provice;甘肃永登方言中的少数民族语言现象

10.Language: English is the official language, but aboriginal languages are also spoken in certain regions.语言:通用英语,某些地方讲土著民族语言。

11.The influence of Minority Languages on the Chinese Dialect Word Order of Qiandongnan,Guizhou Province少数民族语言对黔东南汉语方言语序的影响

12.English Hegemonism and Preservation of Linguistic Diversity;英语霸权时代民族语言多样性的保护

13.As the language is, so also is the nation."语言如此,民族性亦然。”

14.any member of the peoples speaking a Turkic language.一说土尔其语言的民族。

15.Languages are the pedigrees of nations.语言是民族的家谱。

16.The Nilotic language of this people.马萨伊语该民族属尼洛特语系的语言

17.View the Nationality of the Japanese from its Language Phenomenon;从日语的某些语言现象透视日本民族的民族性

18.Language Identity and Ethnic Identity of the Tu Ethnic Group in Tongren,Qinghai Province青海同仁土族的语言认同和民族认同


national languages民族语言

1.This paper first elaborates the basic theories of LPP and then makes a detailed contrast in LPP between China and the United States in terms ofnational languages,foreign languages and bilingual education.语言政策和规划的基本理论,就中国和美国两个大国的语言政策和规划作较详细的对比,对比主要从民族语言、外语和双语教育几个方面入手。

2.Studying national cultures throughnational languages has great significance not only in deepening the recognition of the cultural features of different languages, but also in revealing the unknown phenomena in various national cultural history, reshaping the overall looks of national cultures and understanding the characteristics in the ways of thinking of different nationalities.通过民族语言研究各民族文化,不仅能加深对各种语言的文化属性的认识,而且对揭示各民族文化史上的未知现象,重塑少数民族文化的整体面貌,了解各民族思维方式的特点,都有重要意义。

3)minority languages民族语言

1.Value and suggestions on how to m aster and carry outminority languages in hospitals on national area;民族地区医院护士掌握民族语言的意义

2.These hypotheses are gronded in the typological variations between the northern and southern Chinese dialects, and are further supported by the data from classical Chinese andminority languages.并且参考古代汉语与周围少数民族语言的语序现象,提出关于汉语起源的两种假设。

4)language nationalization语言民族化

1.To struggle for discourse power is nuclear oflanguage nationalization, however, discourse power s dominant position about the language of Chinese national Characteristic oil painting is a special aesthetic way which Chinese oil artist own and a natural and harmonious artistic spirit which human being syncretize nature and environment ethics.语言民族化其实质就是争夺话语权,而中国油画语言的话语权优势就是中国油画艺术家所具有的独特审美方式和天人合一的自然和谐的艺术精神。

5)linguistic ethnology语言民族学

6)ethnolinguistics view民族语言观

1.It is the important component of Marxist national theory with regard to theethnolinguistics view that any language is equal.关于各民族语言文字平等的民族语言观是马克思主义民族理论的重要组成部分。


《中国少数民族语言简志丛书》中华人民共和国国家民族事务委员会民族问题 5种丛书之一。由丛书编辑委员会主编。主要读者对象是具有高中以上文化程度的语言工作者和民族工作者。从1980年起由北京民族出版社出版。包括57种中国少数民族语言简志,原则上以语言为单位编写。每本简志包括以下民族情况,语言的使用和分类情况,代表点的语音系统,词汇的一般特征、构词特点、借词情况,各词类的主要语法特点和句法等。方言差别较大和有文字的语言,简要介绍方言和文字的特点。每本简志都附有按一定顺序排列的语言或方言常用词1000~1500个左右。
