200字范文 > 中医人才 talent of Chinese medicine英语短句 例句大全

中医人才 talent of Chinese medicine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-14 01:29:12


中医人才 talent of Chinese medicine英语短句 例句大全

中医人才,talent of Chinese medicine

1)talent of Chinese medicine中医人才


1.Start Chinese Medical Speciality and Train Personnel for Countryside;开办农村中医专业 培养农村中医人才

2.Construct of Chinese medicine person with diversification ability and flexible curriculum platform;中医人才培养多样化与柔性化课程平台的构建

3.The exploration of personnel training model of Chinese physical medicine physicians中国物理医学医师人才培养模式探索

4.Optimizing educational environment and cultivating high-quality professionals of Chinese medicine优化中医育人环境 培养高质量中医药人才

5.Construction of Powerful Province of Tradition Chinese Medicine and Drugs for Establishing Global Net of Talented Man搭建中医中药强省 建设全球人才网络

6.A talk on cultivation of Chinese medicine professionals from aspect of EBM development从循证医学的发展谈中医药人才的培养

7.Training high quality TCM personnel with Xin"an medical characteristics突出新安医学特色 培育高素质中医学人才

8.Creating a new mode of training talents in the 7-year program of Chinese medicine论七年制中医学人才培养模式的创新

9.Reform and Practice of Training Mode of Innovative Talents for Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医创新人才培养模式的改革与实践

10.Probe How to Cultivate High Quality Talent of Combination Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine;培养高素质中西医结合人才方法探讨

11.Some thoughts on nurturing creative talents of Chinese medicine;关于中医创新性人才培养的几点思考

12.A study of curriculum system to bring up professional talents of integrated Western and Chinese medicine;中西医结合人才培养课程体系的研究

13.Nursing personnel trained in TCM colleges and universities高等中医药院校培养护理人才之我见

14.Humanities social sciences education in the training of the role of medical personnel;论人文社科教育在培养医学人才中的作用

15.Of them, more than 500 have been trained by the Tibet College of Tibetan Medicine, founded nearly ten years ago.其中西藏藏医学院建立近十年来,共培养各类藏医药人才500多人。

16.The Role of Traditional Chinese Medical Literature Played in Training Students of the Xin An School如何发挥中医文献学在培养新安医学人才中的地位与作用

17.Highlight the Characteristics of the Locally Administrative Colleges of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Deepen the Professional Training Mode of Traditional Chinese Medicine把握地方高等中医药院校特征 深化中医药人才培养模式改革

18.On educational management of the students and nurturing of creative professionals of Chinese medicine论学生教育管理与中医学专业创新人才培养



1.Study on Correlated Policy in Cultivation of Rural Doctors ofTCM;农村中医药人才培养的相关政策研究

3)clinical professionals of Chinese medicine中医临床人才

1.The theoretical construct of quality structure forclinical professionals of Chinese medicine;中医临床人才素质结构的理论构想

2.Vigorously nurturingclinical professionals of Chinese medicine;大力培养优秀中医临床人才

4)rural Traditional Chinese Medicine personnel农村中医药人才

5)external-oriented professional of Chinese medicine外向型中医人才

6)rural professional of Chinese medicine农村中医人才


