200字范文 > 城市燃气 city gas英语短句 例句大全

城市燃气 city gas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-14 13:33:22


城市燃气 city gas英语短句 例句大全

城市燃气,city gas

1)city gas城市燃气

1.Grey System Theory Method of City Gas Long-term Load Prediction;城市燃气长期负荷预测模型的灰色方法

2.Treatment of Common faults in lowpressure pipe network incity gas;城市燃气中低压管网运行中的常见故障及处理方法

3.An accumulation method to predict the long-period load ofcity gas城市燃气长期负荷的累积法预测


1.Choice and Analysis of City Gas Storage Peak Modulation Methods城市燃气储气调峰方式的选择与分析

2.Application of LNG Gasification Unit in City Gas SystemLNG气化装置在城市燃气系统中的应用

3.Gas Consumption Forecast for Long-term Planning of City Gas Pipeline Network城市燃气管网长期规划用气量的预测

4.Considerations of Operational Model of City Gas Appliances;关于城市燃气市场燃器具产品运作的思考

petition situation and strategies on the urban gas market in China我国城市燃气市场的竞争格局与对策

6.Affect That Application of Gas Direct-fired Unit on City Gas Sustainable Development;推广直燃机对西安城市燃气可持续发展的影响

7.An Approach to Natural Gas Market Value for City Gas城市燃气的天然气市场价值分析方法探讨


9.Application of High-pressure-gas Underground Storage Wells in Urban Gas Peak-shaving高压气地下储气井在城市燃气调峰中的应用

10.Method of testing for relative density of gas in urban areaGB/T12207-1990城市燃气相对密度测定方法

11.Method of testing for calorific value of gas in urban areasGB/T12206-1990城市燃气热值测定方法

12.Determination of hydrogen sulfide of gas in urban areaGB/T12211-1990城市燃气中硫化氢含量测定

13.Probing to establishment of a comprehensive fuel gas MIS in a city;城市燃气综合管理信息系统建设探索

14.Individual Risk Analysis and Researches of City Gas Pipelines城市燃气管线的个人风险分析与研究

15.Briefly Discussion on Steel Pipe Application and Protection in City Gas Pipeline Network钢管在城市燃气管网中的应用和防护

16.Seismic Damage Analysis and Disaster Mitigation Approaches for Urban Gas Piping Systems城市燃气管网的震害分析及减灾对策

17.Application of Integrity Management Process to Urban Gas Pipeline System完整性管理在城市燃气管网上的应用

18.Design of Information Management System for Urban Natural Gas SCADA System城市燃气SCADA及信息管理系统设计


urban gas城市燃气

1.A Study on Regulation Reform of Urban Gas Industry in China;我国城市燃气产业的政府规制改革研究

2.Discussion on resolvingurban gas network water blocking problems解决城市燃气管网水堵问题的探讨

petition situation and strategies on theurban gas market in China我国城市燃气市场的竞争格局与对策

3)town gas城市燃气

1.The experimental rig of thetown gas premixed combustion within the X type plaque was introduced and the thermodynamic parameters were measured, including thetown gas composition, the flow of the gas and the air, the temperature of the gas and the air and the solid temperature profiles within the plaque under various heat flow.详细介绍了多孔陶瓷板城市燃气预混燃烧的试验装置 ,对燃烧实验中的热工参数进行了测定 ,得到了多孔陶瓷板内固体温度的分布 。

2.With the fast and fruitful development of domestic economy in China and the increasing town planning,town gas, as an important facility in the city, is playing a noticeable role in improving the living condition, promoting the resources structure of the industries and commences as well as raising resources efficiency and protecting environment.随着我国国民经济的健康、快速发展,城市化水平不断提高,城市燃气作为一项重要的城市公用基础设施,对于改善人民生活质量、改善工商企业的能源结构、提高能源利用率、保护环境有着重要的作用。

4)urban gas popularization城市燃气化

5)city gas supply城市供燃气

6)city gas industry城市燃气行业


城市燃气城市燃气 gas【概念】供城市生产和生活作燃料使用的天然气、人工煤气和液化石油气等气体能源的统称。
