200字范文 > 现实人格 realistic personality英语短句 例句大全

现实人格 realistic personality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-06 04:37:17


现实人格 realistic personality英语短句 例句大全

现实人格,realistic personality

1)realistic personality现实人格

1.The traditional personality of our country is still influencingrealistic personality deeply, and hindering the transformation to modern personality.我国传统人格仍然深深地影响着现实人格,阻碍着现实人格向现代人格的转化。


1.Pondering over the Relations of Net, Cyberpersonality and Actual Personality;网络、网络人格和现实人格的关系思考

2.Harmonious Moral Quality:the practical pursuit of College Teachers with CPC Membership;和谐道德人格:高校党员教师的现实人格诉求

3.On Zhao Mengfu s Artistic Personality and His Own Personality;论赵孟頫的艺术人格对现实人格的超越

4.From Ideal Personality to Realistic Personality--On Deng Xiaoping s Development of Mao Zedong s Thoughts about Personality Shaping;从理想人格到现实人格——邓小平对毛泽东人格塑造思想的发展

5.A Comparative Study of Ideal Personality,Actual Personality and Objective Personality of Adolescents青少年现实人格、理想人格与客观人格的比较研究

6.Actual Personality and Ideal Personality of Adolescents’ Self-report and Their Parental Expectation of Them父母对子女人格发展期望与青少年理想人格、现实人格和客观人格的比较研究

7.The Research about the Relationships between the Internet Addiction Students Realistic Personality and Network Personality;网络成瘾大学生的现实人格和网络人格关系研究

8.Construct a Harmonious Societyand Realize the Modernization of Traditional Personality构建和谐社会 实现传统人格的现代化

9.The Person of Self-realization--A.H.Maslow s Perfect Personality Model;自我实现的人——马斯洛的健康人格模型

10.Slave: Between Natural Person and Personality──Also a Discussion of Significance of Hegel s Personality Thought for Modern China;奴隶:在自然人与人格之间——兼论黑格尔人格思想对中国现实的意义

11.Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncracy of a living being.人格是生物内在特质的最高实现。

12.Ideological Trait and Practical Significance of Mencius Bachelor Personality;孟子“士”人格的思想特质及其现实意义

13.The attempt of interface between personality and cognition: history and actuality;人格与认知融合的尝试:历史与现实

14.Talk about Free Development of People and Its Realization by Marx and Engles;马克思恩格斯论人的自由发展与实现

15.On Cultivative Goal Of Higher Normal Education In New Century;论“自我实现”型教师人格及其塑造

16.Personality Dignity of Teachers and Students in School Education and Its Actualization学校教育中师生的人格尊严及其实现

17.Wang Yangming"s Inducing by Conscience and Implementation of Ideal Personality王阳明“致良知”与理想人格的实现

18.Research of the Ideal Personality of Pre-Qin Confucian and Taoism and Its Modern Inspiration;先秦儒道理想人格思想之比较及现实意义


loss of criterion in realistic personality现实人格失范

1.Viewing trust crisis from the angle ofloss of criterion in realistic personality;从现实人格失范维度看信任危机

3)the personality of self-actualization自我实现者人格特征

4)Actual pattern现实格局

5)realistic character现实品格

1.Mei paid attention to poetic images and aesthetic feeling aroused by poems,and tried to deeply studyrealistic character of Mei s poetic comments on the basis of a theory—the shadow structure of ancient Chinese culture.梅尧臣诗论的现实品格是与中国古代文化阴影结构理论密不可分的。

2.The reasonable value of clean official literature embodies itsrealistic character.清官文学的合理价值集中表现为 它的现实品格。

3.Thus it displays vividrealistic character and human solicitude spirit.新现实主义小说是在社会转型期这个特殊的历史语境中形成的 ,因而表现出了鲜明的现实品格和人文关怀精神。

6)price materialization价格实现


