200字范文 > 人才聚集 talent aggregation英语短句 例句大全

人才聚集 talent aggregation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-13 12:54:14


人才聚集 talent aggregation英语短句 例句大全

人才聚集,talent aggregation

1)talent aggregation人才聚集

1.There will be the phenomenon oftalent aggregation when the talent liquidity has certain scale.当人才流动达到一定规模就会产生人才聚集现象,同时也会发生人才自我冲突,形成人才聚集的负效应,但若对冲突化解和消减得当,也会形成人才聚集的正效应。

2.There will be the phenomenon oftalent aggregation in the flow process of talents.科技型人才是人力资源中最优秀的群体之一,他们在流动过程中往往会在一定的区域或产业形成人才聚集现象。


1.The Phenomenon and the Effect of Talent Accumulation:Analyses and Countermeasures;人才聚集现象与人才聚集效应分析及对策

2.The Alleviation of Interests Conflict in Talents Concentration and Talents Concentration Effects人才聚集中利益冲突的削减与人才聚集效应

3.Systematic Study in Talent Accumulation and the Effect of Talent Accumulation on the Mutual Change of Quality and Quantity;人才聚集现象与聚集效应质量互变系统研究

4.Evaluation on the Causes of the Technological Talents Aggregation and the Effects of Talents Aggregation;科技型人才聚集中冲突动因的评判与人才聚集效应研究

5.Study on the Subtraction of Self-confliction in the Talent Aggregation and the Effect of Talent Aggregation;人才聚集中自我冲突的消减与人才聚集效应研究

6.Analysis of the Human Capital Value of Technological Talent Aggregation科技型人才聚集的人力资本价值分析

7.Evaluation and Optimization on Gathered Environment of the Science and Technology Talents;科技型人才聚集环境评判及优化研究

8.Under the Economical Golbalization Environment Talented Person Gathersthe Pattern and the Talented Person Policy Discussion;经济全球化环境下的人才聚集模式及人才政策探讨

9.Study on the Talent Accumulation Effect of SME Based on Information Management;基于信息化管理的中小企业人才聚集效应研究

10.The Talent Accumulation Effect and Environment in Silicon Valley and Zhongguancun:A Comparative Study;硅谷与中关村人才聚集效应及环境比较研究

11.Research on the Interrelation Between the Effects of Talents Mass and the Adaptability of Regional Culture;区域文化适应性与人才聚集效应的关系研究

12.Research of System Innovation and the Upgrading of Technological Talent Aggregation Effect;系统创新与科技型人才聚集效应提升研究

13.The Construction of Gathering and Innovation Environment of High-level Talent in Zhejiang Province;浙江省高层次人才聚集与创新环境建设

14.Effect of Technological Talent Aggregation and Subtraction of Organizational Conflict;科技型人才聚集效应与组织冲突消减的研究

15.Concentration of carrier-based human resources professionals gather countermeasures基于人才集聚载体的人才集聚对策研究

16.Empirical Research on Talent Agglomeration and Talent Attraction Force of Industrial Cluster;产业集群人才集聚与人才引力实证研究

17.An Interaction Model of Concentration on Talented Persons and Independent Innovation Which Could Use for Reference on Backward Areas;广西“人才小高地”:人才集聚与自主创新互动机制

18.The advantage is that partners can bring together ideas, talents, and money.好处是合伙人可以集思广益,聚集人才和资金。


talent aggregation人才集聚

1.This paper carries out the opinion thattalent aggregation is the new stage of the development of human resource.提出人才集聚是企业人力资源管理发展的新阶段。

2.On the basis of foreigntalent aggregation mode analysis,this paper makes a study of thetalent aggregation modes in different areas in China with a focus on their influence factors.本文在借鉴外国人才集聚模式的基础上,描述和分析了中国不同地区的人才集聚模式,并对影响中国不同地区人才集聚模式的因素进行了实证研究。

3.Whether a country or region can develop sustainable depends largely on the intellectual support and rational distribution of human resources, as well as on whether these talents are fully rational development, utilization, configuration and management; whereas the development, utilization and configuration of these talents need the effects oftalent aggregation.人才集聚可以带来一系列的效应,促进生产和经济的迅速发展。

3)Assembling IT Talents聚集IT人才

1.Construction Key Projects Mechanism forAssembling IT Talents in Sichuan;建设四川聚集IT人才的重点项目机制

4)human capital concentration人才聚集度

5)the phenomenon of talent accumulation人才聚集现象

1.There will bethe phenomenon of talent accumulation when the talents keep on flowing.当人才流动达到一定规模时,就会产生人才聚集现象。

6)the effect of talent accumulation人才聚集效应

1.It is the shortage of talents that SME cannot exertthe effect of talent accumulation,improve competitiveness and develop continuously.中小企业人才缺乏的现状影响了人才聚集效应的发挥,制约了企业竞争力的提高和持续发展的潜力。

2.With the agreeable internal and external environment and the harmonious interpersonal relationship,talent accumulation will be multiplied and bring onthe effect of talent accumulation consequently.若人才聚集内外环境、人际关系等都比较适宜,人才聚集就会出现加总作用,形成人才聚集效应。


聚集经济(聚集利益)(聚集效应)n聚集经济(聚集利益)(聚集效应)是指由于某工业部 n门向某特定地域集中新产生的供生产成本降低的效果。因为分工协作,扩大生产规模,节约使用基础设施等会降低生产成本。n
