200字范文 > 人才标准 talent standard英语短句 例句大全

人才标准 talent standard英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-09 16:56:50


人才标准 talent standard英语短句 例句大全

人才标准,talent standard

1)talent standard人才标准

1.With the continwal development of economy and society, the cumenttalent standard have fallon out the social demand.随着经济和社会的不断发展,我国的人才标准已越来越不适应人才发展的需要,现有的人才标准因其标准单一、依据不合理而倍受质疑。


1.Read Confucian Analects and Dissertate the Talents--Enlightenments from Confucius Value of the Standard of Talents;读“子曰”,论人才——孔子人才标准的现代启示

2.Historical Review of the Theory and Practice of Talent Standards;关于人才标准理论与实践的历史考察

3.Middle School Teachers Views on Good-students and Related Factors;中学教师的学生人才标准观及相关因素研究

4.Discussion on the Teaching Reform of Higher Mathematics under an Innovative and Cooperative Talent Standard合作型人才标准下高等数学教学改革探讨

5.Are there qualitative standards for such training?培养人才有没有质量标准呢?

6.National Professional Standards and the Cultivation of High-skilled Talents in Higher Vocational Education;国家职业标准与高职高技能人才培养

7.Standards of Talented persons Quality in New Century and Basic Trend of Teaching Reformation;新世纪人才素质标准与教改基本走向

8.Standardization Strategy and Talent Strategy in Animated Cartoon Industry动画产业中的标准化战略和人才战略

9.Norm and Assessment Criteria for Maritime Technical Personnel Cultivation;航海技术人才培养规范与评估标准研究

10.Historical Changes and Enlightenment of the Standard of Selecting Talents in Ancient Schools;古代学校人才选拔标准的历史演变及启示

11.Promote the Training of Qualified Accountants To Meet Social Needs;构建“会计人才培养与需求标准一致性”的模式

12.On National Vocational Standard and Higher Vocational High-Skilled Talents Training;浅谈国家职业标准与高职高技能人才培养

13.Cultivating Compound Physical Talents Is the Requirement of the Implementation of the Criteria;培养复合型体育人才是实施《标准》的需要

14.The research of YuanhuYanshui-Sanren’s female aesthetic standards from Female Bel-esprits’Biography;从《女才子书》看“鸳湖烟水散人”的女性审美标准

15.Research on Standard Systems Inviting the Logistics Talented Persons;论企业招聘物流人才的知识技能标准体系

16.The Explorations of Training and Practicing P.E.Talents under the New Course Standard in Universities;新课程标准下的高校体教专业人才培养理念

17.Higher Vocational Students Training Quality Standard and Evaluative Method;高职人才培养质量标准与考核评价方法的探讨

18.Training the Qualified Personnelby the Standard of Vocational Skill;结合职业技能岗位标准培养应用型人才


standard of talents人才标准

1.These standards not only influenced the way of choosing talents and u-sing talents in the past time, but also has some realistic significance for thestandard of talents in modern times.孔子是我国春秋战国时期伟大的思想家和教育家,他提出的依据品德、知识能力、为人处事以及先天素质判定人才的标准,不仅对历代人才的标准和选拔任用产生了深远的影响,就是对我国现代人才学中的人才标准问题仍具有重要的现实意义。

3)tandard view of talent人才标准观

4)talent training standard人才培养标准

5)Talent evaluation criterion人才评价标准

6)standards of innovational personnel创新人才标准


德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)National Standards of Germany: see Deutsches Institut für Normung, DIN;standards system of GermanyOeguo Guol心日icozhun德国国家标准(Natio.吐S加Ln山切曲of Gen”旧ny)见德国标准化学会;德国标准体系。
