200字范文 > 家庭生态环境 family ecological environment英语短句 例句大全

家庭生态环境 family ecological environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-27 10:44:57


家庭生态环境 family ecological environment英语短句 例句大全

家庭生态环境,family ecological environment

1)family ecological environment家庭生态环境

1.An analysis onfamily ecological environment of aural disabled children听力残疾儿童家庭生态环境因素分析

2.The study explores the relations betweenfamily ecological environment and children s early mathematical development with mothers interview, questionnaire and structured observation.家庭生态环境是一个包括家庭社会经济地位、父母对儿童发展的认识以及对儿童的知识传递行为等多个方面的复杂系统。


1.An analysis on family ecological environment of aural disabled children听力残疾儿童家庭生态环境因素分析

2.Family Ecological Environment and Children s Early Mathematical Development;家庭生态环境与儿童早期数学认知能力

3.The Situation of the Preschool Children s Psychological Stress and the Relation to the Behavior Problems and Family Environment Factors;幼儿心理压力的现状及与行为问题、家庭生态环境之间的关系

4.Household Responsibility System, Behavior of Farmers and Environmental Problems in China s Agriculture;家庭责任制、农户行为与农业中的环境生态问题

5.Constructing Strategies and Index System of Environment-friendly Ecological Family构建环境友好生态型家庭的指标体系及其对策

6.Preliminary Research on the Family Education Model of the Ecological Curriculum for the Children with Mental Disability;智力障碍儿童环境生态课程的家庭教育模式初探

7.Relevant Research on Harmony of College Students and Their Family Background and Education;大学生自我和谐与家庭环境、家庭教育相关研究

8.Effects of Animal Husbandry on Wetland Eco-environmental in Dongting Lake Area洞庭湖畜牧业对湿地生态环境的影响

9.A well-off family environment makes it easier for people to become lazy.优越的家庭环境更易让人产生惰性。

10.Correlation between suicide ideation and family environment in middle school students;中学生自杀意念与家庭环境相关分析

11.An Investigation of the Family Characteristics of Internet Addicts in College Students大学生网络成瘾者家庭环境特征调查

12.About family and the house关于家庭和家居环境

13.Geology and Ecology Environment of the Changjiang River Valley and Comprehensive Administration of the Dongting Lake长江流域地质-生态环境与洞庭湖综合治理

14.The Legislation Study on Dongting Lake Wetland Environment Protection;洞庭湖湿地生态环境保护立法问题研究

15.Studies on Ecological Environment and Protection Strategies of the Dongting Lake Wetland;洞庭湖湿地的生态环境及保护对策的研究

16.Status and Protective Regulation Countermeasure in Fishery Resources and Its Environment of Dongting Lake;洞庭湖渔业资源与生态环境现状及保护对策

17.Water Resources of Dongting Lake and Its Influence on Eco- environment of Surrounding Wetland;洞庭湖水资源及其对湿地生态环境的影响

18.Home Environment and Undergraduate Interpersonal Communication Efficacy Relational Research;家庭环境与大学生人际交往效能感的关系研究


environment-friendly ecological family环境友好生态型家庭

1.One of the important steps that China will adopt to enter the stage of a well-off society is to buildenvironment-friendly ecological family.中国已逐渐步入全面建设小康和谐生态型社会的发展阶段,构建环境友好生态型家庭是其中一项重要内涵。

3)prevention and control of destructive insect家庭与环境卫生

4)family environment家庭环境

1.A study on relationship between quality of life of married women of childbearing age and theirfamily environment;家庭环境与已婚育龄妇女生命质量的关系研究

2.Relationship betweenfamily environment and mental health among high school students;高中生家庭环境与心理健康关系

3.Relationship between mental health andfamily environment factors of students from model high school;示范高中学生心理健康状况与家庭环境关系

5)Home environment家庭环境

1.Effect study on early intervention and home environment in Beijing;早期干预对0~1岁儿童家庭环境质量的影响

2.A study on correlation of infantile temperament,home environment with intelligence development of the infant;婴儿气质、家庭环境与智力发展的相关性研究

3.The Effect of Home Environment on Preschool Children"s School Readiness;家庭环境对学前儿童入学准备的影响

6)Family condition家庭环境

1.Investigation and analysis of influences of family condition on healthy development of middle and elementary school students in villages;家庭环境对农村中小学生健康成长影响的调查与分析

2.Objective To expolre the relationship between family conditions and adolescent smoking and to take practicable intervention to adolescent smokers.目的探讨家庭环境与青少年吸烟的关系,为制定切实有效的干预措施提供依据。


