200字范文 > 城市学 urbanology英语短句 例句大全

城市学 urbanology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-06 06:45:02


城市学 urbanology英语短句 例句大全



1.theory forurbanology; 5.作者论述了钱学森在建筑科学领域具有开创性的五个理论贡献:一、为建筑科学定位的理论;二、为建筑哲学定位的理论;三、建立园林学的理论;四、建立城市学的理论;五、建设山水城市的理论。

2.Qian Xuesen made initiative theoretic contributions to architectural science in 5 aspects: the theory for positioning architectural science; the theo ry for positioning architectural philosophy; the theory on the establishment of Chinese landscape architecture; the theory on the establishment ofurbanology; t he theory for building “shan-shui city”.钱学森在建筑科学领域做出了具有开创性的 5个理论贡献 :建筑科学定位的理论 ;建筑哲学定位的理论 ;建立园林学的理论 ;建立城市学的理论 ;建设山水城市的理论。

3.The author expounds necessity and feasibility to provide the subject ofurbanology in university education.本文旨在以我国城市发展进程和城市科学研究的结果证明城市学基础理论课程的开设与普及的必要性和可行性,同时明确指出,由于城镇化担当着现代社会发育的主线角色,我国目前又处在城镇化发展的高速阶段,因此,在相关大学中普及城市学理论刻不容缓。

2)city college城市学院

1.The only solutions for this problem are to develop thecity college and adult education on the present campus, enlarge the educational resources and try to run well thecity college by the use of good management and teaching staff, complete with new ideas in the sy.解决这一问题的对策是:利用老校园大力发展城市学院和成人教育,扩大教育资源的供给;利用良好的管理和师资条件加上制度创新,努力办好城市学院。


1.Scheme for Income Innovation and Its Practice in City College of Dongguan University of Technology;东莞理工学院城市学院薪酬改革思路及实践

2.A Report on the Conditions of Building and Administer of Teachers in Beijing City University;北京城市学院师资队伍现状调研报告

3.The Practice and Understanding ofthe Educational Location of Beijing Urban Institute;北京城市学院教育定位的实践与认识

4.On the Development and Characteristic of Beijing City University;北京城市学院的发展历程和特色初探

5.A Survey of the Undergraduates English Reading in Beijing City University;北京城市学院专升本学生英语阅读情况调查

6.Prospecting the Inherent Logic of the University From Britain s Urban Institute s Development;从英国城市学院发展看大学的内在逻辑

7.The Research of Undergraduates Psychological Health and Career Tendency in Beijing City University;北京城市学院学生心理健康与职业倾向的研究

8.The Civic Colleges of Victorian England and Its Social Impact;英国维多利亚时期的城市学院及其社会影响

9.City Polytechnic of Hong Kong [retitled as City University of Hong Kong]香港城市理工学院〔改称香港城市大学〕

10.College of Architecture and Urban Planning建筑与城市规划学院

11.Metrological Analysis of Quotations from Journal of Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction《天津城市建设学院学报》引文定量分析

12.We visited Manchester Metropolitan University and Bradford College.我们参观了曼城城市大学和布拉福德学院。

13.By the end of 1991 there were 12 CTCs around Britain.到1991年底,全英有12所城市理工学院。

14.College of Urban Construction and Safety & Environmental Engineering城市建设与安全环境学院

15.The design of constructing campus network of Guangzhou city polytechnic;广州城市职业学院校园网的建设规划

16.The Town had the markets (Halles); the city, the Hospital; the University, the Praux-Clercs.新城还有菜市场,老城有主宫医院,大学城有神学子草

17.The City had Notre-Dame; the Town, the Louvre and the Hotel de Ville; the University, the Sorbonne.老城有圣母院,新城有卢浮宫和市政厅,大学城有索邦学堂。

18.The Town had the markets (Halles); the city, the Hospital;the University, the Praux-Clercs.新城还有菜市场,老城有主宫医院,大学城有神学子草场。


city college城市学院

1.The only solutions for this problem are to develop thecity college and adult education on the present campus, enlarge the educational resources and try to run well thecity college by the use of good management and teaching staff, complete with new ideas in the sy.解决这一问题的对策是:利用老校园大力发展城市学院和成人教育,扩大教育资源的供给;利用良好的管理和师资条件加上制度创新,努力办好城市学院。

3)urban aesthetics城市美学

1.From the historically angles analyzes the social and economic development level and theurban aesthetics从历史角度分析社会经济发展水平与城市美学

2.It discusses the relation between the urban principal aesthetic population andurban aesthetics,builds the basic elements establishing the existing urban principal aesthetic population,and analyzes the coming problems and the influence to the urban aesthetic to the different principal aesthetic population owning different speaking right to the urban aesthetic.探讨了城市审美主体与城市美的关系,明确了当前中国城市审美主体的基本组成,分析了拥有不同审美话语权的审美主体、各自面临的问题以及对城市美产生的影响,指出城市美学研究应当关注城市审美主体,重视从审美主体的角度观察和把握城市美的发展。

3.Constructingurban aesthetics with the urban inhabitants as objects is the new task and orientation of aesthetics.随着中国现代化建设的迅猛发展 ,城市经济、文化也随之崛起 ,以城市人的审美经验为研究对象 ,建立城市美学 ,是美学研究的新任务与新方向。

4)Urban science城市科学

5)Urban studies城市科学

1.This article gives a brief view on the problems of the urbanization and the development of the urban studies, the opportunities and challenges faced by Chinese cities, and the "Chinese School of Urban Studies".本文概述了城市发展与城市科学的形成,中国城市化与中国城市科学的发展,中国城市发展的机遇与挑战,城市科学研究的“中国学派”等问题。

6)Urban philosophy城市哲学


