200字范文 > 整体效率 overall efficiency英语短句 例句大全

整体效率 overall efficiency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-06 21:26:36


整体效率 overall efficiency英语短句 例句大全

整体效率,overall efficiency

1)overall efficiency整体效率

1.Study onoverall efficiency of China"s hotel industry:a DEA approach基于DEA方法的我国饭店业整体效率研究

2.This paper introduces principles and features of DEA and evaluatesoverall efficiency of construction enterprise by using the model of DEA.介绍数据包络分析(DEA)规划模型的基本原理和特点,运用该模型对建筑企业整体效率进行评价分析,并进一步分析评价结果非DEA有效的原因,明确其改进方向。


1.Study on overall efficiency of China"s hotel industry:a DEA approach基于DEA方法的我国饭店业整体效率研究

2.The brain also finds it hard to cope with juggling lots of tasks at once, reducing its overall effectiveness, the report added.该报告还补充说大脑很难同时应付许多难题,其整体效率会降低。

3.Using Spiral Cavity Oscillator to Improve the Overall Efficiency of RM;运用螺旋腔振荡器提高相对论磁控管的整体效率

4.Impact of the Development of Producer Services Industry on the General Efficiency of Producer Services Industry生产者服务业发展对服务业整体效率影响的实证分析

5.Enterprise Internal Control:Scope,Nature and Concept Framework--Study Based on Enterprise System and Integer Effectiveness;企业内部控制的范围、性质与概念体系——基于系统和整体效率视角的研究

6.EEE system (Efficiency, Economy, Ecology system)效率、经济、生态体系(染整工艺三要素)

7.Math model and application of general optimal efficiency;整体最优效率行为数学模型及其应用

8.Entirety of the mechanism possesses the advantages of compact in structure and rather high amplification efficiency.机构整体具有结构紧凑、放大效率较高的优点。

9.Urban overall transaction efficiency and the analysis of competition among Chinese cities;城市整体交易效率与中国城市间竞争分析

10.Research on Improving Integration Teaching Effect and Efficiency Using Multimedia Techniques;利用多媒体技术提高整体教学效率与效果的研究

11.The Practice and Search for the Functional Readjustment and Improvingthe Operating Efficiency after Combining the "Two Offices".;“两办”合并后校办公室职能的调整与提高整体运行效率的探索

12.Fairness-Efficiency Dispute And The Integrated View Of Fairness And Efficiency;公平、效率之争与“公平效率整合观”

13.Integrated manufacturing cell: Regardless of the individual machine performance, the entire multi-machine cell must function as a single unit.多台机器单元:忽略单台机器设备的效率,将多台机器作为整体考查。

14.Abstract: The cylindrical milling method of divided area was proposed to improve the quality and efficiency of integrated impeller.文摘:为提高整体叶轮的加工质量和效率,提出了分段侧铣的方法。

15.Regulations Relaxing,Structure Adjusting and Competition Efficiency:A Comparative Study on Electric Power System Reform of China,Japan and Korea;规制缓和、结构调整与竞争效率——中日韩电力体制改革比较

16.Integrating the Separated Control Rights: An Analysis of the Change of the State-Owned Asset Administration System;控制权的分割与整合——国有产权“五龙治水”体制变迁效率的博弈分析

17.overall labour force participation rate整体劳动人口参与率

18.The K-NN case retrieval strategy has been applied in injection mould design system which indicated that the strategy could dramatically improved overall case retrieval efficiency and quality in case-based reasoning system.应用实例表明,该方法能够有效提高基于事例的推理系统整体的检索效率与质量。


general optimal efficiency整体最优效率

1.Math model and application ofgeneral optimal efficiency;整体最优效率行为数学模型及其应用

3)the whole efficiency of society社会整体效率

4)integration teaching effect and efficiency整体教学效率与效果

5)rectification efficiency整流效率

1.It is proved from experiments that the structure is feasible and a highrectification efficiency of 78.试验结果表明,该整流天线系统的整流效率达78。

6)dressing efficiency修整效率

1.Base on the principle of dressing diamond grinding wheel with GC cup w heel and the experiments, a model of the relationship between GC granularity anddressing efficiency of dish diamond grinding wheel is established.在GC杯型砂轮修整金刚石砂轮修整机理以及实验的基础上,建立了GC粒度与碟形金刚石砂轮修整效率间的关系模型,通过模型的分析表明:不同粒度和浓度的金刚石砂轮应采用相应粒度的GC杯型砂轮来修整,浓度越低、粒度越小时应采用的GC颗粒越大,反之则越小。

2.In order to find out the processing rules between different conditions anddressing efficiency and dressing surface quality,a series of contrast experiments were conducted upon dressing the dish diamond grinding wheel with the dresser in different cond.在分析研究杯形砂轮修整碟形砂轮的修整原理及修整方式的基础上,用自行研制的专用修整装置,从主轴转速、修整深度、修整工具结合剂类型等方面进行了对比工艺试验研究,总结了杯形砂轮修整碟形砂轮的不同工艺参数与修整效率、修整质量之间的工艺规律。

3.Studies were made with the circumferential flatness and the radial flatness of the wheel face as the evaluation criterion ofdressing efficiency,and with the tooth precision of the hard alloy slotting cutter as the evaluation criterion of the dressing effect.通过对D、GC杯型砂轮和金刚石微粉烧结棒修整大直径树脂结合剂碟型金刚石砂轮的对比实验,以反映砂轮平面度的周向跳动变化率和径向跳动变化率作为修整效率的评价依据,以被修砂轮加工出硬质合金插齿刀的齿形误差作为修整质量的评价依据,从修整原理及修整模型上分析了影响修整效率和修整质量的主要因素,分析结果表明:被修砂轮金刚石颗粒微切削频率以及修整力方向对修整效率有很大的影响;修整质量与作用在被修砂轮上的修整运动有关,运动越均匀,修整质量越好,反之则越差;单用D杯型砂轮或金刚石微粉烧结棒法修整后的碟形金刚石砂轮适用于精密磨削;单用GC杯型砂轮法修整后的碟形金刚石砂轮适用于粗磨和半精磨;D、GC杯型砂轮组合修整法既具有高的修整效率也具有高的修整质量,是一种可广泛性应用的修整方法。


