200字范文 > 联络线 tie-line英语短句 例句大全

联络线 tie-line英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-05 06:35:43


联络线 tie-line英语短句 例句大全



1.Power flow studies of multi-swing bus based ontie-line power equivalence constraints;基于联络线功率等值约束条件的潮流算法研究

2.Distribution network planning incorporatingtie-line;计及联络线方式的配电网规划方法

3.Along with the establishment of uniform competitive platform for regional electricity market,the transmission capacity of trans-provincialtie-lines,which is decided on the basis of traditional planning method,i.结合华中区域电力市场和华中电网的建设规划,在对电力市场环境下影响省间联络线交易容量的主要相关市场因素(如发电竞争模式及上网报价、交易模式及价格机制、输电费及线损率、发电计划及辅助服务等市场规则)进行合理简化和假设的基础上,提出了一种在电力市场竞争环境下确定省间交易容量的实用计算方法。


1.Research on the Optimization of the Tie Lines in Urban Distribution Network Based on Two-Tie Connection Mode;基于两联络接线模式的联络线优化研究

2.Design of Inter-area Tie-lines Scheduled Power Control System Based on WAMS基于WAMS的互联电网联络线定功率控制系统设计

3.Active Power Control for Tie-lines in UHV Interconnected Power Grid Part Two AGC Performance Assessment特高压互联电网联络线功率控制 (二)AGC性能评价

4.Active Power Control for Tie-lines in UHV Interconnected Power Grid Part One AGC Control Strategies特高压互联电网联络线功率控制 (一)AGC控制策略

5.The influence of tie-line power flow on low-frequency mode in interconnected power system联络线潮流对互联电网低频振荡模式的影响

6.der-wire distributor传号线分配器;联络线分配器;通知线分配器;指令线分配器

7.Radio contact was suddenly broken.无线电联络突然中断了。

8.Intercommunication Between Wireless Sensor Network and IPv6 Network无线传感器网络与IPv6网络的互联通信

9.Dedicated Electronic Link between the Governments of HKSAR and Guangdong Province [HKSAR-Guangdong Link]粤港政府信息网络互联〔粤港专线联网 〕

10.Study and Design on the Interconnection of Wireless Sensor Networks with Internet;无线传感器网络与Internet网络互联的研究与设计

11.On the Legal Responsibilities of On-line Suppliers in Network Transmission;网络传播中网络联线服务商的法律问题

12.Scheme on implementing interconnection between wireless sensor networks and IPv6 networks实现无线传感器网络与IPv6网络互联的一种方案

13."radar transmitting, receiving and radio link equipment"雷达收发及无线电联络仪器

14.They made contact with headquarters by radio.他们用无线电跟总部联络上 了.

15.contact a ship at sea by radio用无线电与海上的船只联络

16.I"ll contact the driver by radio. Please hold the line a moment.我用无线电联络司机,请稍等一下。

17.Intercoms, wiring-everything would be shot.内部通讯联络系统和电线都会被毁坏。

18.Operator, could you connect me to the Raffles in Singapore?接线员,你能把我联络到新加坡吗。


tie line联络线

1.As for a grid of the "hand in hand" type, it is pointed out that the best location oftie line is along the shortest route between the tip sections of the two corresponding feeders.指出对于"手拉手"环状网,在2条馈线的最下游子分区间的最短路建设联络线的方案最优。

2.Accordingly,a bi-level optimization method based on two-tie connection mode is proposed to optimize thetie lines in the distribution network.针对该问题,提出了一种基于两联络接线模式的分阶段双层联络线优化方法。

3.The research on the fault level oftie line is of significance for the security and stability evaluation of power system as well as the preventive control of transient stability.研究联络线故障水平对电力系统暂态稳定性的影响,对于电力系统的安全稳定评估与校核,以及暂态稳定预防控制都有着重要意义。

3)tie lines联络线

1.On the basis of the traditional methods of calculating the available transfer capability,this paper presents a method of calculating the maximum transfer capability of thetie lines.由于确定电力系统联络线最大功率时要考虑其故障时对系统暂态稳定的影响,故提出了一种基于能量函数灵敏度的考虑暂态稳定约束的联络线最大传输功率计算方法。

2.During the optimization of thetie lines for urban medium voltage distribution network,different traverse of the transformer substations will bring different results.城市中压配电网联络线优化的过程中,不同的变电站遍历顺序,可能带来不同的联络线优化方案。

3.A new calculation method of optimal power flow consideringtie lines transient stability constraints is proposed, which is based on the equal increment criteria and linear approximation principle.提出了一种考虑联络线暂态稳定性约束的最优潮流计算的新方法,它是利用等微增率准则及其线性近似的原理,通过寻找发电机有功出力变化量和联络线输送有功变化量之间的近似线性关系快速确定联络线输送功率的极限,并用此极限值作为不等式约束进行最优潮流的求解。

4)Connecting line联络线

1.Plan and research of precast beam field for Changchun connecting line of Harbin-Dalian passenger railway;哈大客运专线长春联络线预制梁场的规划研究

5)contacting line联络线

1.Large cross-section dismantling and brick-constructing methods of subway diggingcontacting line;地铁暗挖联络线大断面拆除与衬砌施工方法

6)66 kV link line66kV联络线


