200字范文 > 架构设计 Architecture Design英语短句 例句大全

架构设计 Architecture Design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-19 01:26:12


架构设计 Architecture Design英语短句 例句大全

架构设计,Architecture Design

1)Architecture Design架构设计

1.Architecture Design and Bus Analysis for Source Decoding System of Digital Television;数字电视信源解码系统架构设计与总线分析

2.The Requirements Analysis andArchitecture Design of Auditing System;审计项目管理软件的需求分析与架构设计

3.It designs and implements the architecture design of waterborne GIS.实现了水运地理信息系统的架构设计。


1.Design on ETL Architecture Based on Ideology of Reusable Component基于可复用构件思想的ETL架构设计

2.Code for design of steel storage racks钢货架结构设计规范

3.Design and Application of the AWSH Integration Framework Based on J2EE Architecture;基于J2EE架构的AWSH整合框架设计与应用

4.Design of HXD1 Type Electric Locomotive Bogie FrameHXD1型电力机车转向架构架设计

5.The Structure Design and Strength Analysis of High-speed Wagon Bogie;高速货车转向架结构设计及构架强度分析

6.Scheme Design of Large-span Steel Structure Truss Structure大跨度空间钢结构桁架结构设计研究

7.Design and Optimum Analysis of H-section Steel Truss Structure;H型钢桁架结构设计计算及优化分析

8.Design for Composite Truss with Long Span and Mechanism for Setting up and Dismantling Quickly;大跨度复合材料支架及其快速架撤机构设计

9.Stability Analysis and Optimization of Truss and Frame Structures;桁架和框架结构的稳定性分析与优化设计

10.Research on the Design of Trusses for Residential Buildings Framed with Staggered Truss;钢结构住宅交错桁架体系中桁架设计研究

11.Service-Oriented Enterprise Application Development Framework Architecture and Design;面向服务的企业级应用开发框架的架构与设计

12.The Design and Application of SSH Combinative Framework Based on the J2EE Architecture;基于J2EE架构的SSH组合框架的设计与应用

13.The Research and Design of N-tier Enterprise Application System Based on .NET Framework;基于.NET框架的多层企业应用系统架构与设计

14.J2EE Platform in Research and Application of System Framework Design;J2EE架构在系统框架设计中的研究与应用

15.The Design and Implement of a Lightweight Web Framework Based on B/S Architecture;基于B/S架构的轻量级Web框架的设计与实现

16.The Research and Design of Web Security Construction Based on SSH Multi-Layered Frame;基于SSH多层框架的Web安全架构的研究与设计

17.A Design of Force Testing Frame Plan for CRH2-300EMU Trailer BogieCRH2-300型动车组拖车转向架测力构架方案设计

18.Design and Implementation of MVC Unified Framework for Large-Scale Software Architecture大规模软件架构的MVC统一框架的设计与实现


framework design架构设计

1.Framework Design and Implementation Mechanism for a Production Workflow Management System;一种生产型工作流管理系统的架构设计与实现机制

2.The location,goal and foundation offramework design of highway advanced traveler information system(ATIS) in the whole planning process are discussed.首先探讨了公路ATIS架构设计在整个规划流程中的定位、架构设计的目的、实施工作基础等问题。

3)Structure Design架构设计

4)design architecture设计架构

1.This paper studies generaldesign architecture of WebGIS based on J2EE.文中研究了基于J2EE的WebGIS总体设计架构,针对具体的应用项目给出了相应的实现方案,较好地满足企业级WebGIS应用的需要。

5)Architecture Design构架设计

1.A Novel IWSN NodeArchitecture Design Scheme;一种新颖的IWSN节点构架设计方案

6)Design & Architecture设计与架构


