200字范文 > 农电 rural power英语短句 例句大全

农电 rural power英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-22 10:29:03


农电 rural power英语短句 例句大全

农电,rural power

1)rural power农电

1.In order to solve the phenomenon of each systematic information detached island inrural power, middleware of message is used to carry on data transmission, ensuring accuracy, security and credibility of data, realizing therural power networking operation.为解决农电各个系统信息孤岛的现象,利用消息中间件进行数据传输,确保数据准确、安全、可靠,实现农电联网运营。

2.The profound influence has been occurred forrural power development.始于1999年的农电体制改革解决了当时农电管理和发展中一些突出问题,对农电发展产生了深刻影响,促进了农电事业的整体进步。

3.The defect management is an important part in therural power management.缺陷管理是农电管理中重要的一部分,为提高农电缺陷管理水平,研究设计了一套农电缺陷管理评估系统。


1.At the same time, the production of farm chemicals, plastic lm, agricultural machinery and electrical power and diesel oil will be developed rapidly.同时,积极推进农药、农膜、农机、农电、柴油等农用工业的发展。

2.Deepening Rural Electric Power Utility s Institutional Reform,Constructing Harmonious Rural Electric Power;深化农电管理体制改革 构建和谐农村电力

3.Distinction of E-agriculture and E-government in Rural Areas电子农务与农村电子政务的概念辨析

4.China Agricultural Film studio中国农业电影制片厂

5.Movie is a rarity in countryside.电影在农村十分罕见。

6.Electric power has come into wide use in the nural areas.农村已广泛使用电力。

7.We have also upgraded power grids in rural areas.改造了农村的电网;

8.By 1960, 97 percent of all farms had electricity.到1960年,97%的农场有了电。

9.The experimental farm is near the waterpower station.实验农场在水电站附近。

10.Making "the kingdom" of agricultural product management--electronic commerce of agriculture;打造农产品经营“王国”——农业电子商务

11.The Alteration of the Electricity Grid and the Structural Amelioration of Energy Usage in Country;农村电网改造与农村用能结构的改善

12.This power station now produces electricity for the villages around.这个电站现在发电供这一带农村用。

13.The Role of the Small Hydropower Guild in the Rural Hydropower Construction;小水电协会在农村水电建设中的作用

14.Line loss analysis of electric network of the rural area with parallel capacitor并联电容器降低农村电网线损的分析

15.Optimized selection of voltage level in rural medium – voltage power distribution network农村中压配电网电压等级的优化选择

16.The discussion of agricultural and industrial tariffs cross-subsidies of Gansu grid甘肃电网工农业电价交叉补贴的探讨

17.Rural electrification practice in new countryside construction in Zhejiang Province;农村水电服务浙江新农村建设的实践与探索

18.Improve Agricultural TV Programs and Raise Science and Education Level of Country Women;改善农业电视节目 提高农村留守妇女科教水平


rural power grid农电网

1.Optimization planning of reactive power compensation forrural power grids by improved genetic algorithm;基于改进型遗传算法的农电网无功优化规划研究

3)Rural hydropower农村水电

1.Ecological and environmental issues and countermeasures in rural hydropower development;农村水电开发中的生态和环境问题及其对策

2.Solutions to ecological and environmental issues in rural hydropower development;解决农村水电生态与环境问题的若干对策及措施

3.Developing rural hydropower for enhancing livelihood of people living in poor and remote areas;开发农村水电 改善偏远贫困地区无电人口民生状况

4)rural power grids农村电网

1.In view of the problems arose from the line loss management of therural power grids,the paper discussed the loss reduction measures and the principles to be followed from the technical and management aspects.针对农村电网线损管理中存在的问题,从技术和管理两个方面提出具有实践意义的降损实施要点和原则。

2.This paper describes the technology and transferring ofrural power grids information network,analyses technology of communications network system of electric power grid in rural area,chooses a new develop direction of technique based on the business needs and trend ofrural power grids,gives a route for development.对农村电网信息业务和传输方式进行了描述,分析了农村电力专用通信网络现有的信息技术体制,并基于农村电网的业务需求和发展趋势,选择一种适合的新技术体制作为发展方向,在此基础上给出信息基础网络的发展思路。

5)rural power enterprise农电企业

1.Space database design of therural power enterprise distribution network GIS system;农电企业配电网GIS系统空间数据库设计

2.Aiming at the situation with relative backwardness ofrural power enterprise distribution network management,this article expounds the superiority of GIS system that was applied in distribution network management system,and elaborates on some functions of GIS,such as map browsing and control,data maintenance,enquiry statistics,line editing,map output,online help and so on.针对目前我国农电企业配电网管理相对落后的现状,阐述了GIS系统应用于配电网管理系统的优势,详细探讨了配电网GIS系统的地图浏览控制、数据维护和查询统计、线路编辑、地图输出、联机帮助等功能,为农电企业进行配电网管理提供了较详细的参考方案。

3.The existing problems in the asset management for China srural power enterprise are summarized in this paper.总结了我国农电企业资产管理中目前存在的问题,并通过相关分析、论证与对策研究,结合我国农电企业目前的实际情况,提出了具有实用性和可操作性的对策以及相应的建议,以期能够有效解决农电企业资产管理中存在的问题,大力发展农电市场。

6)rural power network农村电网

1.Research on Construction Cost Evaluation Index of Rural Power Network Transmission and Transforming Project in Bayannaoer;巴彦淖尔地区农村电网输变电项目工程造价评价指标研究

2.Aiming at the high rate of theft and destruction of electric power facilities at present,a new type of power outage alarm forrural power network has been developed upon analysis of the working principle and defects of the old-style multifunctional power outage alarm.针对当前盗窃、破坏电力设施的案件居高不下的情况,在分析了旧式多功能断电报警器的工作原理和缺陷的基础上,研制了新型的农村电网断电报警装置。

3.The realization of dispatching automation system ofrural power network is the key to ensuring operation stability ofrural power network.VSAT卫星通信组网比较适合于农村电网的现状。


