200字范文 > 煤气燃烧 gas combustion英语短句 例句大全

煤气燃烧 gas combustion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-26 23:56:28


煤气燃烧 gas combustion英语短句 例句大全

煤气燃烧,gas combustion

1)gas combustion煤气燃烧

1.Through analysing the process ofgas combustion in coke oven heating,the article puts forward the viewpoints which apply fuzzy self-optimizing control theory to realize the gas optimizing combustion.通过对焦炉加热中煤气燃烧过程的分析,提出了运用模糊自寻优控制,实现煤气优化燃烧,介绍了控制原理及实现方法。


1.atmospheric gas-burner自燃通风煤气燃烧器

2.direct-heating gas burner直接加热煤气灯,直接加热煤气燃烧器

3.Development of the Constant Volume Combustion Apparatus and Study on Combustion Characteristics of the Blast Furnace Gas;定容燃烧装置的研制及高炉煤气燃烧特性研究

4.atmospheric gas-burner system自动通风煤气燃烧器系统

5.automatic gas fired water heater自动煤气燃烧的水加热器

parison andAnalysis of Oxygen-enriched Combustion and Oxygen-enriched Gasification Combustion for Float Glass Melting Furnace浮法玻璃熔窑富氧燃烧与富氧气化煤气燃烧对比分析

7.A gas burner or lamp.煤气灯一种气体燃烧器或燃烧灯

8.direct gas-heating system煤气直接燃烧加热系统

9.gas-pulverized coal fired boiler气体煤粉混合燃烧炉

10.Manufacture Technology of Blast Furnace Gas in Burner of fas-fired Coal-fired Boiler燃气燃煤锅炉燃烧器中高炉气的制造工艺

11.Study of Combustion of Petroleum Coke to Produce Water Gas and Carbon Monoxide;石油焦燃烧制取水煤气及CO气的研究

12.Investigation of Pulverized Coal/Blast Furnace Gas Blended Combustion that Affect Pulverized Coal Complete Combustion;煤粉/高炉煤气混烧对煤粉燃尽性影响的研究

13.Coal can be converted to gas by burning.煤能通过燃烧转化成气体。

14.Numerical Simulation of Air-staged Combustion for a Pulverized Coal-fired Boiler Furnace in One-dimensionality;一维煤粉锅炉空气分级燃烧数值模拟

15.Research on Coal Gas Straight Burner of Small Automatic Boiler;小型自动煤气锅炉直管燃烧器的研制

16.Numerical Simulation and Industrial Text Study on Low Concentration Coal Bed Methane Burner低浓度煤层气燃烧器数值模拟及试验

17.Experimental investigation on coal and char combustion in O_2/CO_2 mixtureO_2/CO_2气氛下煤焦燃烧实验研究

18.Structure and combustion reactivity of coal char pyrolyzed in different atmospheres不同热解气氛煤焦结构及燃烧反应性


gas burner煤气燃烧器

1.Technical state of non premixing typegas burner widely used in China was analyzed briefly.简要分析了国内普遍使用的非预混式气体燃烧器的技术概况,着重介绍了近几年研制成功的新型低压、低热值煤气燃烧器的结构特征、技术特点及应用效果。

2.This paper introduces the nonpremixedgas burners technology that was used in China at present and introduces the characteristic of the low-calorific valuegas burners structure and technics and the effect of application.分析了国内普遍使用的非预混式气体燃烧器技术概况 ,介绍了研制成功的新型低压、低热值煤气燃烧器的结构特征、技术特点及应用效果。

3.In the light of design ofgas burners a nd gas combustion,an analysis was ma de on reasons of overstandard fume temperature and low efficiency of No.从煤气燃烧器设计、煤气燃烧的影响等方面,分析了马钢热电厂1#锅炉烟温超标和效率低的原因,提出了煤气燃烧器改造方案,经实践证明效果良好。

3)coal gasification and combustion煤气化燃烧

1.The technical mechanism of the integrative boiler ofcoal gasification and combustion with double furnace and fixed grate was introduced,and the testing data in thermal performance and pollutant discharged of the boiler was presented文章详细介绍了最新研制的双炉室固定炉排煤气化燃烧锅炉的技术原理及其热工和环保方面的测试结果。

2.In this paper,the technical mechanism of the integrative boiler ofcoal gasification and combustion with traveling grate was introduced,and the testing data in thermal performance and pollutants discharged of the boiler was presented.文章详细介绍了最新研制的煤气化燃烧一体化链条炉排锅炉的技术原理及其热工和环保方面的测试结果。


5)gas fired furnace煤气燃烧炉

6)gas-oxygen burner煤气-氧气燃烧器


煤气燃烧器煤气燃烧器gas burner种燃料燃烧器)。┌─────────────┐│IL户代,洲三户,户.,r,川│├─────────────┤│!肠/目二二二二粤盆狡鱼丝 │├─────────────┤│}贬,夕三三之卿睡翌│├─────────────┤│…棍委函席────────┤││夕改二二喊舜左农│└┼────────────┤ │「一.-.甲奋两芍草示 │ └────────────┘ ┌──────┐ │附/刀│┌──┬─┼──────┤│l一 │ ││├──┼─┼──────┤│「一│ ││└──┴─┼──────┤ │附万│ └──────┘ 图1焦炉煤气燃烧器高炉煤气多采用无焰燃烧器(见图2)。高炉煤气进人炉膛前,在姗烧器中预先与空气混合,并分成多股片状气流,流经炽热耐火砖隔墙组成的燃烧通道,进行预热以利稳定燃烧。这种嫩图2高炉煤气燃烧器烧器不宜做得很大,多用在中、小型锅炉上。高炉煤气燃烧器的布里,应注意尽量避免对主燃烧器气流的干扰。为了使高炉煤气燃烧稳定,在高炉煤气燃烧器中放t一只焦炉煤气枪(约占燃烧器热功率的5写~10肠),这种“双气”燃烧器已在工程中使用。me.q一ranshooq-煤气燃烧器(gas burner)由煤气喷嘴与调风器组成的一种燃烧气体燃料的装里。通常燃用高炉煤气、焦炉煤气和其他气体燃料,作为辅助嫩烧器应用于发电厂拐炉上。按煤气燃烧机理分为预混合式燃烧器(无焰燃烧器)和扩散式嫩烧器.焦炉煤气多采用扩散式燃烧器。煤气和空气分别喷出,扩散混合与燃烧过程同时进行。优点是适应范围宽,回火危险性小。在锅炉上应用的有缝隙式焦炉煤气燃烧器(见图1),布置在锅炉炉膛墙面上;也有用多枪或单枪式旋流或平流嫩烧器的(见油、气燃烧器)。布置在锅炉角部的煤气燃烧器多数为煤气喷嘴配平流调风器,进行切向燃烧,仍属于扩散燃烧型燃烧器(见多
