200字范文 > 倒伏机构 lodging mechanism英语短句 例句大全

倒伏机构 lodging mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-30 04:46:07


倒伏机构 lodging mechanism英语短句 例句大全

倒伏机构,lodging mechanism

1)lodging mechanism倒伏机构

2)lodged cane harvester倒伏甘蔗收获机


1.Preliminary studies on relationship between root morphological traits,yield per plant andlodging in Brassica napus L.;不同密度的油菜根系特征和产量与倒伏之间的相关性初探

2.Studies on the Influence of Lodging to Germinating in Barley;倒伏对大麦种子发芽影响的研究


1.To place in a prone position.使倒伏置于向下的位置

2.Crops all got flattened after the storm.暴风雨后,庄稼全倒伏了。

3.The rice was beaten down by heavy rain.暴雨使稻子倒伏了。

4.Soon the grass flattened under the wind and the rain.很快,草在风雨中倒伏。

5.roads made impassable by fallen trees因有倒伏的树木而不能通行的道路.

6.They found her slumped over the steering wheel.他们发现她倒伏在方向盘上.

7.Ceremonial prostration is part of Muslim prayer.倒伏行礼是穆斯林祷告的一部份。

8.Mapping Quantitative Traits Loci for the Lodging Resistance of Culm in Rice;水稻茎秆抗倒伏性状的QTL定位研究

9.Studies on regulation technology of lodging resistance in high quality edible rice;优质食用稻抗倒伏调控栽培技术研究

10.Study on the Influence of Fabric Properties on Looseness of Lapel Collar;面料性能对翻驳领倒伏量的影响研究

11.Genetics of Lodging in Tolerance to Maize Stem Puncture玉米茎秆耐穿刺强度的倒伏遗传研究

12.The Original Research on the Anti-loading Characters of the Cold Area Rice寒地水稻茎秆抗倒伏性状的初步研究

13.A Preliminary Application of Lifengling on Resisting to Lodging in Rice水稻应用立丰灵防倒伏技术试验初探

14.QTL Analysis of Lodging and Related Traits in Soybean大豆倒伏性及其相关性状的QTL分析

15.Spraying MET to over-strong wheat can prevent lodging and increase the yield,however,to most unlodging varieties,the yield decreased.对旺长麦田喷施多效唑能防止倒伏,对一般不发生倒伏的麦田,大多品种有减产效应。

16.Evaluation of Lodging Resistance and Effects of Lodging on Yield & Rice Quality during Grain Filling Stage;水稻结实期抗倒性评价及倒伏对产量与品质影响的研究

17.Relationship of resistant index of the third internode to the top of crossing cultivars during riped stage and their parent rices杂交籼稻成熟期倒3节间倒伏指数与亲本的关系

18.This fertilizing method of basal plus dressing can take an effect on high yield without lodging.基施加追施的方法能有效增产而不倒伏。


lodged cane harvester倒伏甘蔗收获机


1.Preliminary studies on relationship between root morphological traits,yield per plant andlodging in Brassica napus L.;不同密度的油菜根系特征和产量与倒伏之间的相关性初探

2.Studies on the Influence of Lodging to Germinating in Barley;倒伏对大麦种子发芽影响的研究


1.The effect of special wind load on wheat stem lodger;典型风荷载对小麦茎秆倒伏的影响

2.Dynamic Studies on Maize StemLodger Resistance;玉米茎秆抗倒伏的力学机制研究

3.Dynamic Analysis of Rice StemLodger Resistance;水稻茎秆抗倒伏的力学分析

5)inverse mechanism倒置机构

1.In addition,aimed at the problems of unknown dimension of the rocker,the correlation literature generally design the mechanism on the basis ofinverse mechanism,resents an alternate mechanism which is in accordance with theinverse mechanism.对于摇杆尺寸未给定的情况下,一般采用机构运动倒置分析的方法,利用转换机架后的倒置机构来设计,现利用倒置机构的变换机构来设计,使摇杆尺寸未知的设计问题更加容易理解和接受。

6)mechanism inversion机构倒置


