200字范文 > 深水港口 deepwater port英语短句 例句大全

深水港口 deepwater port英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-09 09:41:38


深水港口 deepwater port英语短句 例句大全

深水港口,deepwater port

1)deepwater port深水港口

1.Technical progress of China"s coastaldeepwater port construction and major technical problems confronted我国沿海深水港口建设技术进展和面临的重大技术问题


1.The Deepwater Port Act applies to vessel discharges within "a safety zone" of a deepwater port and allows the same defenses as the Trans-Alaska Act.《深水港口法案》只适用于船只在深水港口的“某安全区”内卸货的情况。

2.Technical progress of China"s coastal deepwater port construction and major technical problems confronted我国沿海深水港口建设技术进展和面临的重大技术问题

3.The ocean and seas surrounding the islands are deep blue and many of New Zealand"s cities lie on a bay and have a natural deep harbors.环绕岛屿的大海碧蓝清澈。新西兰的许多城市位于港湾,拥有天然的深水港口。

4.Named port unfamiliar advice what facilities there including wharf side draught.所提港口不熟,请电告该港口的设备及码头水深。

5.The fiery depths of this volcano harbor four gold rocks.这个港口水深火热的四金火山岩石.

6.China s Important Ports Sham Shoreline Use Efficiency Analysis;我国主要港口深水岸线利用效率分析

7.A sheltered part of a body of water deep enough to provide anchorage for ships.海港,港口一块有足够深度为船只提供安全停泊口岸的水域

8.Analysis of River Bed Evolution in Estuary of Minjiang River and Probe into Feasibility of Building Deep Water Port and Navigation Channel闽江口河床演变分析与深水港及深水航道建设可行性探讨

9.A navigable deep-water channel in a river or harbor or along a coastline.航路河流、港口或沿海岸的深水可航航道

10.Real-time monitoring system of water depth based on bistatic sonar in harbor channel基于双基地声纳的港口航道水深实时监测系统

11.The city boasts the second biggest port in northeast China.优越的地理位置,天然的深水良港,以港口为依托,发展城市建设。

12.The Study on Dynamic Management System of the Channel, Harbour Basin and Berth in Port Based on GIS;基于GIS的港口航道、港池及泊位水深动态管理系统研究

13.The port is famous for wind shelter, deep water, non-accumulation of mud and sand, short sea-routes and long, usable coastline.港口以避风、水深、不於积、航道短、可用岸线长而闻名于世。

14.Most natural ports are located where the shoreline is irregular and the water is deep.绝大部分的天然港口都位 于海岸线不规则而又水深 的地方.

15.Exploring Competitive Capability of Container Ports in Shenzhen and Hong Kong;诠释深圳与香港集装箱港口的竞争力

16.Dongshen--Hong Kong Water Supply Scheme东深─香港供水工程

17.(British) a subsidiary port built in deeper water than the original port (but usually farther from the center of trade).在英国英语中称通常建在远离商业中心的地方,并且水比原始港更深的一个辅助港口。

18.Study on Comparison of Investing and Financing System between Shenzhen Port and other Domestic Ports;深圳港口与国内其他港口投融资体系比较研究


harbour depth,harbor depth港口水深

3)Yangkou deep-water port洋口深水港

1.Full use of natural tidal channel for construction ofYangkou deep-water port and industrial base along Jiangsu coast;充分利用天然潮流通道 建设江苏洋口深水港临海工业基地

4)water depth of port and water ways港口航道水深

5)Deep water harbour of Macao澳门深水港口

6)Deep water harbor深水港

1.The development of Yangshan deep water harbor in Shanghai has become the current debating focus, the main standpoint concentrates on that it is too near to Beilun harbor of Ningbo, which may causing repeated construction and waste of financing.上海洋山集装箱深水港与宁波北仑港的开发建设 ,是目前规划专家们争论的焦点。


