200字范文 > 合理低价中标 reasonable low bid as bid winner英语短句 例句大全

合理低价中标 reasonable low bid as bid winner英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-17 14:56:35


合理低价中标 reasonable low bid as bid winner英语短句 例句大全

合理低价中标,reasonable low bid as bid winner

1)reasonable low bid as bid winner合理低价中标

1.With the implement of priced bill of quantities,reasonable low bid as bid winner has become the focus.随着市场经济变化,工程量清单计价的实行,"合理低价中标"已成为社会关注的焦点。

2.Through the comparison ofreasonable low bid as bid winner and lowest bid as bid winner, the article introduces the merits and demerits in the different bid evaluation methods and their practical applicability and it also points the direction for the development of project bidding.文章从"合理低价中标"与"最低价中标"的比较出发,阐述了这两种评标办法的优缺点及现实适应性,提出了招投标工作的今后发展方向。


parison and analysis of winning the bid with a reasonable low price and the lowest price;合理低价中标与最低价中标对比分析

2.Approach to Reasonable Low Bid as Bid Winner and Lowest Bid as Bid Winner in Project Bidding;建设工程合理低价中标与最低价中标的探讨

3.Improving the bid evaluation methods and promoting“ successful bid by reasonable low price ”;改进评标办法 推行“合理低价中标”

4.Force price down phenomenon and countermeasures in the system of winning bid with reasonable and low price合理低价中标制度下压价现象及对策

5.Creating complete surroundings for winning the bidding in the reasonable low price;营造合理低价中标法配套环境的探讨

6.Winning Bidding in Reasonable Low Price:The Current Practical Situation and Measurement合理低价中标法:实施现状与保障措施

7.Analysis of the Reasonable Low Price Method in Developments Engineering Recruits to Bid建设工程招投标中合理低价中标法的分析

8.On the Bid for Construction Project with Reasonable Low Price after the Appraisal建筑工程招投标中的经评审合理低价中标

9.Interpretation of "Reasonable successful low-cost Method" on the Job of Bidding and Tendering招投标工作中关于“合理低价中标法”的解读

10.Research on Theoretical Foundation and Styles of the Low and Reasonable Price Method;合理低价中标法的理论基础及类型研究

11.Application of information of construction works in evaluating the bid of reasonable low price winning the bid;工程信息在经评审合理低价中标法中的应用

12.Game analysis on tender with reasonable low price in international project contracting;国际工程承包中合理低价中标的博弈分析

13.On problems and countermeasure after winning the bid reasonably with low-cost工程合理低价中标后施工中出现的问题及对策

14.Analysis on Main Problems in Construction by Successful Bidder of Reasonable Low Price;合理低价中标后施工存在的主要问题分析

15.On Reasonable Successful Bidding under Project List Model;浅谈工程量清单模式下的合理低价中标

16.Selecting Bid with Reasonably Low Price Without Bottom Price Based On Sector Estimate;基于区间估计的合理低价中标法的探讨

17.An Approach to the Rationality of Being chosen for Low-price Bidding of the Bidding Laws;关于招标投标法中低价中标合理性的探索

18.On the Evaluation Index System of “Rational Low Price” in the Bid on a Construction Project;建设工程招标中“合理低价”的评价指标体系研究


reasonable lower price合理低价中标

1.Defined the meaning ofreasonable lower price,pointed out that it is different from simple the lowest price.明确了合理低价中标的涵义,指出了它不同于简单的最低价中标,并在总结合理低价中标评定因素的基础上,分析了合理低价中标在我国实行所具有的优越性与局限性,提出了完善合理低价中标的措施。

3)method of winning bidding in reasonable low price合理低价中标法

1.The paper discusses the connotation and practical significance of themethod of winning bidding in reasonable low price, deeply analyses its existing problems, puts forward feasible measure to determine the reasonable low price.详细论述了合理低价中标法的内涵和现实意义,深入分析合理低价中标法在实践中存在的问题,提出界定合理低价的可行办法以及在现行的建筑市场环境下为保证合理低价中标法平稳运行所需的措施建议。

4)rational underbidding合理性低价中标

1.The inevitability ofrational underbidding;合理性低价中标的必然性

5)winning the tender with lowest tender price合理最低价中标

6)Lowest Price Bidding Method by Judgment(LPBMJ)经评审合理低价中标法


低价区 低价区——多头市场的初期,此时为中短期投资的最佳买点。
