200字范文 > 我最喜欢的电影英语作文


时间:2022-08-20 18:19:53




我喜欢电影 I Love Movie【1】

I love watching TV since I was a little child, and the programs I liked are cartoons and TV series.

But now, I love watching movie most.

The first movie I liked is My Neighbor Totoro(《龙猫》).

Since then, I nearly watched all movies produced by Hayao Miyazaki.

(宫崎骏)His movies are simple, warm and educational.

They are very suitable for middle school students.

I watch domestic movie most but I love foreign films.

I feel happy and relax when I am watching movie.

Movie brings a lot a fun to me and my life.

I also make new friends due to movie.

We share this common interest and we often introduce movies to each other.

I am a student now and my task is to study, so I only spend a little time in movies.














My favorite movie-LEON

I have seen this movie three times.

I think this is one of the best movies in the film history.

In English the movie is called “LEON”, when translated to Chinese is generally means “a hit man who is not so cold”.

I like this translation, and thought it may be one reason for the well received of the movie in China.

The movie is mainly about a hit man whose name is Leon and a girl called Matilda.

One day Leon saved Matilda whose family was destroyed by the gangster.

And the appearance of a girl changed Leon’s monotonous and dull life.

In order to revenge for her family, Matilda begs Leon to train her.

In the everyday life together, they become intimate friend.

In the end, the revenge has done but Leon was end in common ruin with Matilda’s enemy.

One of the leading characters in the film is Leon.

I think he has to sides: one is cool, and the other is warm.

We can see his cool from his silence, his dresses and his activities.

Obviously he wears shades all the time; he doesn’t talk much to anyone even Matilda; he killed so many men in such a short time and in such a cruel way.

All that things make us realized: he is a hit man, or even say: he’s a butcher!

The other side is warm.

We can feel it in those scenes: first, when he saw Matilda sat in the passage he ask why she have cigarette and stare at her bruise face and when he got home, he drink milk, iron, water the plant (that plant has a special meaning in the film),do what every normal people do.

Second, when Matilda came back home from the shop, the gangster just killed all her relatives and her know this time only her neighbor can save her and knocked at his door.

And when the door opened there are lights like heaven spread out behind the door.

(I think this is one of the best scenes in the film, it just described the character’s feeling in that moment).

The third one is in Leon’s apartment, in order to make Matilda not feel so sad he make funs for her: Leon puts on a hand-piggy puppet and imitates the piggy’s voice to talk in a funny way to Matilda.

Then are that when they living together, from every little thing he does, we can feel his warmth.

The most touching moment is in the end, when Leon was shot by Stan.

He pulls the grenade in his coat, gives the ring to Stan and said: “this is from Matilda.


My favourite movie is transformer.

This film was made in America.

It used a lot of high-techs and computer special effects.

I like it very much.

This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars.

Besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us.

This film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger.

It also have a lot of robot troys I like.

This is my favourite movie.
