200字范文 > 生态休闲 Ecological leisure英语短句 例句大全

生态休闲 Ecological leisure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-05 23:01:09


生态休闲 Ecological leisure英语短句 例句大全

生态休闲,Ecological leisure

1)Ecological leisure生态休闲

1.The article described the Habitat formation of the constituent elements of the environment,based in Nanchang in Jiangxi Province as an example,the process of urban living environment in the building that the city is the urban ecological leisure e.文章从阐述人居环境形成的构成要素出发,以江西省南昌市为例,分析城市化进程中的人居环境建设问题,认为城市生态休闲是城市居民为充分体验生态文明而构建的高品位的生存状态和发展状态,是城市人居环境建设的重要内容。

2.Leisure,especially ecological leisure,is closely associated with the development of human beings,hence,to strengthen the study on ecological leisure and improve people s ecological quality is an organic part of the leisure culture studie.生态休闲与人的全面发展有着密切关联。


1.The Sociological Analysis of Leisure Hot Spot of "Nong Jia Le" --An investigation about ecologically tourist trade of Tuan Jie town;“农家乐”休闲热的社会学分析——对团结乡生态休闲旅游业的调查

2.The Decision and Analysis for Changsha to Become an Ecological and Leisure City in the New Century面向新世纪长沙构筑生态休闲城市的实证分析

3.On the Theory of "Zoology Leisure" and Its Application of Living Circumstances;论生态休闲理念及其在人居环境建设中的应用

4.Study on detailed planning in the ecological recreation grange of Dawu Huilongdao;大悟回龙岛生态休闲农庄Ⅰ期详细规划研究

5.The Characteristic Construction of Ecology Leisure Destination in Xueye, Laiwu, Shandong Province山东莱芜雪野生态休闲旅游的特色建设

6.Ecological Leisure-smart City--Discussion on Design of Modern Hi-tech Parkin Big City生态休闲智城——大城市现代高新区城市设计探讨

7.Thinkings about the Ecology and Relaxation Tours of Fuzhou National Forest Park福州国家森林公园生态休闲旅游的思考

8.Ecotourism Development as Fashional Green Recreation;论生态旅游——绿色休闲时尚的发展

9.The Leisure and Carefree Atmosphere and Poets Villa Writing Environment during the Flourishing Period of Tang Dynasty;盛唐休闲风气与诗人的别业创作生态

10."a state of rest, relaxation, or leisure"休息、放松或休闲的状态.

11.Study on Correlation between Lifestyle and Leisure Characteristics of Postgraduates硕士研究生生活形态与休闲特征关系研究

12.Treatment of psychological sub-health of university students by recreational sports;休闲体育对大学生心理“亚健康”状态的改善

13.An Analysis of Recreation Emotion Based on Changsha Residents Lifestyle;长沙市居民生活形态的休闲娱乐情感分析

14.A Recreation and Leisure Intention Study Based on Guangzhou Residents Lifestyle;基于生活形态的广州市民娱乐休闲意向研究

15.A Study of the Pattern of Life of Peasant Family Plus Ecology Running Water Cultivation Plus Leisure Fishery;“农家乐+生态流水养殖+休闲渔业”模式初探

16.Historical Vicissitudes of Female leisure Life In Chinaand Current Pattern;我国女性休闲生活的历史变迁及其当代形态

17.The Tourists" Consume Behavior Study of Suburbs Tourism Based on Lifestyle基于生活形态的城郊休闲旅游者消费行为研究

18.Research on Development and Management of Recreational Fishery Based on Ecological Environment从生态环境角度研究休闲渔业的开发与管理


The urban ecological leisure greenbelt生态休闲带

1.Abstract:The urban ecological leisure greenbelt plays an important role in city development.在界定了城市生态休闲带概念的基础上,论述了城市生态休闲带的基本特征,并分别从城市格局、城市空间扩展、生态环境、休闲需求、旅游环境、城市形象以及城市文化等方面分析了城市生态休闲带开发的功能与效应。

3)City Ecological leisure Greenbelt城市生态休闲带

4)ecological health sanitaria and Leisure生态康疗休闲

5)the original eco-leisure agriculture原生态休闲农业

6)ecology and relaxation tours生态休闲旅游

1.This paper expounded the basic superiority ofecology and relaxation tours of Fuzhou National Forest Park,it analysed the existing problems of the park tour development,and raised some suggestions for expediting the parkecology and relaxation tours development.阐述了福州国家森林公园生态休闲旅游发展的基础优势,分析了福州国家森林公园旅游发展存在的问题,提出了加快福州国家森林公园生态休闲旅游发展的几点建议。




