200字范文 > 交往活动 communication activity英语短句 例句大全

交往活动 communication activity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-23 02:20:47


交往活动 communication activity英语短句 例句大全

交往活动,communication activity

1)communication activity交往活动

1.Based on the trend of the aging population and our nations particular service system for the aged, this paper presents such opinions as the public building disposition, environment design and thecommunication activity system of the residential belt meeting the requirement of the aging population, etc.分析了人口老龄化发展趋势,及我国特有的养老服务体系,对适合人口老龄化的居住区公建配置、环境设计、交往活动系统阐述了见解。


1.The Analysis of Self-revelation in Children′s Peer Interaction;幼儿同伴交往活动中自我表露的探析

2.The Asymmetry of Lingual Interaction between Chinese Language and English Language;论英汉两种语言交往活动的非对称性

3.A New Analysis of International Contacts of the Communist Party of China during the Period of the War of Resistance Against Japan;抗战时期中国共产党的国际交往活动新析

4.The Qing Government s Handling of the Illegal Practices in theContacts betweenChina and Ryukyu;清政府对中琉交往活动中违法事件的处置

5.Class teaching should go from presupposition towards the generation of meaning, from cognition to communication.课堂教学应从事先预设走向意义生成,从认知活动走向交往活动。

6.The Chinese Government adheres to the One-China Principle in dealing with Taiwan"s contacts with the outside world.中国政府以一个中国原则对待台湾的对外交往活动。

municational Activity and the Intersubjectivity:A New Explanation of the Relation Between Political and Idealogical Educators and Educational Objects;交往活动与主体际:思想政治教育者与教育对象关系新解

8.official functions正式活动[指官员的宴请、对外交往等活动

9.On the Characteristics of Young Children s Peer Interaction in Their Free Play;幼儿自由游戏活动中同伴交往的特点

10.Discussing the Approach and Skill of Policemen s Interpersonal Relations on Duty;论民警在执法活动中的人际交往问题

11.Fete is one of the commonnest intercourse activities in international association.宴请是国际交往中最常见的交际活动之一。

12.In fact,in many professions,important business transactions are initiated at a social event.事实上,在许多行业,重要的商业交易往往始于某一次社交活动。

13.John advised Peter to get out and mix more with people.约翰劝彼得出去参加社交活动, 多跟人们往来。

14.Integrated education of normal and hearing-impaired children:a way to improve communication for hearing-impaired children;优化聋健合一活动模式 促进聋儿多渠道交往

15.Development of Sports Activities and College Students Abilities of Human Relationship;论体育活动与大学生人际交往能力的培养

16.measures shall be taken to prevent dangerous military activities and enhance friendly exchanges of their armed forces in the border areas.预防危险军事活动; 加强双方边境地区军队之间的友好交往等。

17.Musical Activity: A Particular Means of Human Emotional Commnication with Beautiful Acoustic Signs;音乐活动:人以美的音响符号进行情感交往的特殊方式

18.The Design and Implement of the University Student s Skills Trains of Group Counseling on Association between Male and Female.;大学生两性交往成长团体辅导活动的设计和实施


activity and communication活动与交往

1.Advocate learner use former existing knowledge experience to study and cooperate inactivity and communication.建构主义教学理论关注学习者的原有知识经验,注重调动学习者的学习积极性,重视教师与学生、学生与学生、学生与周围环境的互动,倡导学习者在教师的指导下运用原有的知识经验在活动与交往中探究学习、合作学习,注重学习者实际学习能力的培养,强调培养学习者终身主动求知的技能、态度与习惯。

3)social communicating activity社会交往活动

4)communication manner交往型活动方式

5)communication life交往生活

1.However,children s living conditions and education cause the deficiency of children scommunication life.然而 ,幼儿的生活处境和幼儿教育的现实 ,造成了幼儿交往生活的缺失 ,其主要表现在功利社会背景下幼儿正常交往生活的剥夺 ,竞争状态下幼儿的孤立化 ,城市化生活中幼儿交往活动的丧失以及独生子女教育策略的失调。

6)social activities and communication社会性活动和交往

1.He summarizes the law of moral education practice and ways to optimize moral education process insocial activities and communication.他把集体生活、教育活动、家庭生活作为德育的调节场和德行的践履地,并总结出在社会性活动和交往中实施德育的规律和优化德育过程的方法。


