200字范文 > 寻常景观 ordinary landscape英语短句 例句大全

寻常景观 ordinary landscape英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-04 11:58:09


寻常景观 ordinary landscape英语短句 例句大全

寻常景观,ordinary landscape

1)ordinary landscape寻常景观

1.This article analyze deeply the present conditions and errors of the designs of Fuzhou`s resident landscape from creatingordinary landscape and harmonious city angle,and point out its cause,and throught some successful examples of landscape design in our country,put forward some feasible suggests.从创造寻常景观,构建和谐小区的角度深入地分析了福州住宅景观设计的现状及所存在的误区,并透析了误区产生的原因,结合国内景观设计的成功例子提出了几点可行性的建议。

2)A different point of view.不寻常的观点

3)anomalous ecolandscape景观生态异常

1.Guided by geomatics and supported by the technology of enhancing image information, the model of recogniting the active fault zone for spatial information of image is founded, such as anomalous surface drainge pattern,anomalous ecolandscape, anomalous shallow groundwater enrichment zone.以地球空间信息科学为指导,以图像信息增强提取为技术支撑,建立了河南信阳地区地表水系结构异常、景观生态异常和浅层地下水富集带异常的图像空间信息识别模式,揭示了该区区域线性构造场的空间分布规律及活动断裂带的图像特征。

4)Has an unusual philosophy of life.有不寻常的人生观


1.Isotretinoin erythromycin gel in treatment of acnevulgaris:a randomized parallel controlled multicenter clinical trial;异维A酸红霉素凝胶治疗寻常痤疮的多中心随机平行对照临床试验

2.The clinical efficacy of narrowband blue light in the treatment of acnevulgaris;窄谱蓝光治疗寻常痤疮临床疗效观察

3.Effects on the prevention of 0.1% adapalene gel maintenance treatment and relieving relapse of acnevulgaris: a multi-center, randomized controlled clinical trial;0.1%阿达帕林凝胶预防和减轻寻常痤疮复发的多中心随机对照临床试验


1.ordinary integral element寻常[通常]积分元(素)

2.Relating to, characteristic of, or concerned with commonplaces; ordinary.寻常的涉及或有关寻常事物的、具有寻常的特点的;普通的

3.Is this so unusual a case (ie more unusual than most)?这种情况那麽不寻常吗?

4.I look upon that as most unusual.我认为那是很不寻常的。

5.his unaccustomed expression of anger他的不寻常的愤怒表情

6.That was quite a [some] party.那是一次不寻常的宴会。

7.Her style of writing is rather unique.她的写作风格很不寻常。

8.He has a remarkable memory.他的记忆力颇不寻常。

9.He is not an average boy.他是个不寻常的孩子。

10.Is this so unusual a case ?这种情况那么不寻常吗?

11.Among the more unusual:其中较不寻常的有:

12.It was quite remarkable."这真是太不寻常了。

13.Penguins are very unusual animals.企鹅是很不寻常的动物。

14.The scene had an extraordinary charm.景色显得异乎寻常的美。

15.He talked with unusual candor.他谈得异乎寻常的坦率。

16.an unwonted intrusion, interruption异乎寻常的闯入、 打扰.

17.a person who is unusually selfish.异乎寻常的自私的人。

18.lupus vulgaris【医】红斑样寻常狼疮


A different point of view.不寻常的观点

3)anomalous ecolandscape景观生态异常

1.Guided by geomatics and supported by the technology of enhancing image information, the model of recogniting the active fault zone for spatial information of image is founded, such as anomalous surface drainge pattern,anomalous ecolandscape, anomalous shallow groundwater enrichment zone.以地球空间信息科学为指导,以图像信息增强提取为技术支撑,建立了河南信阳地区地表水系结构异常、景观生态异常和浅层地下水富集带异常的图像空间信息识别模式,揭示了该区区域线性构造场的空间分布规律及活动断裂带的图像特征。

4)Has an unusual philosophy of life.有不寻常的人生观


1.Isotretinoin erythromycin gel in treatment of acnevulgaris:a randomized parallel controlled multicenter clinical trial;异维A酸红霉素凝胶治疗寻常痤疮的多中心随机平行对照临床试验

2.The clinical efficacy of narrowband blue light in the treatment of acnevulgaris;窄谱蓝光治疗寻常痤疮临床疗效观察

3.Effects on the prevention of 0.1% adapalene gel maintenance treatment and relieving relapse of acnevulgaris: a multi-center, randomized controlled clinical trial;0.1%阿达帕林凝胶预防和减轻寻常痤疮复发的多中心随机对照临床试验


1.Acne-removing Grains treating common acnes in women;痤疮净颗粒剂治疗女性寻常痤疮

2.The poetics interpretation of "the common is the most strange";“看似寻常最奇崛”的诗学诠释


