200字范文 > 制导雷达 guidance radar英语短句 例句大全

制导雷达 guidance radar英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-08 18:20:44


制导雷达 guidance radar英语短句 例句大全

制导雷达,guidance radar

1)guidance radar制导雷达

1.A kind ofguidance radar with polarization diversity and its signal design for low probability of intercept一种极化分集制导雷达及低截获概率信号设计

2.The major objective of chaff jamming is to destroy the tracking system of ground radar andguidance radar,and hide real aim.箔条干扰是破坏地面雷达、制导雷达的跟踪系统,使其无法跟踪真实目标,实现干扰。

3.The desired signal in the auxiliary antennas ofguidance radar may cause angle measurement error by using conventional adaptive sidelobe cancellation method.制导雷达中若使用常规自适应旁瓣对消方法,辅助天线中的期望信号会引起测角误差。


1.continuous-wave laser guidance radar连续波激光制导雷达

2.d guidance laser radar激光跟踪和制导雷达

3.The Study of Terminal-Guided Radar Detectors in Anti-Ship Missile;反舰导弹末制导雷达实用检测器研究

4.The Design of Monitoring System for Scouting and Controlling Radar Transmitter跟踪制导雷达发射机监控系统的设计

5.Design and Realization for Double-Target of Missile Guidance Radar导弹末制导雷达双目标模拟器的设计与实现

6.Simulation study on the terminal guidance radar of the antiship missile and the ECM system反舰导弹末制导雷达电子对抗系统仿真研究

7.Monopulse Radar 3-D Imaging and Its Application in Terminal Guidance Radar单脉冲三维成像及其在末制导雷达中的应用

8.Research on Signal Processing Methods of Doppler Guidance Radar in MMW毫米波多卜勒制导雷达信号处理方法研究

9.The Methods Research on Anti-Jamming of Towed Decoys for Millimeter Wave Mono-pulse Doppler Radar毫米波单脉冲PD制导雷达抗拖曳式干扰研究

10.Design of Terminal Guidance Radar Signal Processor System某末制导雷达信号处理机系统设计与实现

11.Echo Simulation and Algorithm Study on Signal Processing for Anti-ship Terminal Guidance Radar反舰末制导雷达回波建模与信号处理算法研究

12.radar guided missile with target homing寻的雷达制导的导弹

13.track-and guidance laser radar跟踪与制导激光雷达

14.microwave radar image matching guidance微波雷达图像匹配制导

15.The ECM Efficiency Analysis of the Radar Guided Missile对雷达制导导弹的电子对抗效能分析

16.Study on Receiver of Imaging Lidar;半导体激光成像雷达接收电路的研制

17.Review of Development of Missile-borne SAR Guidance Technology弹载合成孔径雷达制导技术发展综述

18.Information fusion based on radar/IR imaging compound guidance雷达/红外成像复合制导信息融合技术


guided radar制导雷达

1.This paper introduces the performance of the high capacity medium frequency solid power supply and the power distribution system applied toguided radar of ground to air missiles.着重介绍了大功率静变电源在军用制导雷达系统中的应用情况及大功率静变电源在新电源系统中突出的优点和特点。

2.Moreover,the performance of syntheticguided radar is quantitatively evaluated.对地空导弹武器系统制导雷达面临的主要干扰及其所采取的主要抗干扰措施进行了分析 ,建立了制导雷达综合抗干扰能力评估模型 ,对制导雷达综合抗干扰能力进行了评估。

3)radar guidance雷达制导

1.In order to increase the ability of the antielectronic countermeasure technique for ship to ship missile,theradar guidance and television guidance is compared,and the methods of passive jamming are analyzed.通过对雷达制导体制和电视制导体制的比较以及对现代水面舰艇无源干扰作战的分析,提出了末制导雷达“初制导”、“二次搜索”等概念。

4)terminal guidance radar末制导雷达

1.The start time ofterminal guidance radar is unknowable,which results in the realization of dilution jamming is difficult.冲淡干扰是舰载无源干扰设备反导作战的一个重要手段,末制导雷达开机时机的不可知造成了冲淡干扰实施的难度大。

2.In basic framework of total system,signal stage,isomorphic simulation for centroid chaff countering anti-ship missileterminal guidance radar,models of warship were researched.在全系统的、信号级的、同构的仿真研究基本框架下,从研究针对反舰导弹末制导雷达的质心式箔条干扰的目的出发,对目标舰的有关模型进行了研究。

5)homing radar末制导雷达

1.Anti-range-deceptive jamming technology of anti-ship-missilehoming radar;反舰导弹末制导雷达抗距离欺骗干扰技术研究

2.In accordance with the reliability theory, and the concrete analysis of the antenna search cycle and the battle instruction memory time in the unit test ofhoming radar, the view of abolishment of two items is proposed which is discussed for the optimizing the unit test items of horning radar in this paper.根据可靠性理论和对导弹末制导雷达单元测试中“天线搜索周期”、“战斗指令记忆时间”项目的具体分析,提出了该两个项目的检查可以取消的观点,为反舰导弹末制导雷达单元测试项目的优化进行了初步探讨。

3.That will reduce the acquiring probability ofhoming radar.但是随着射程的增加,反舰导弹自控终点的误差散布也增加,同时降低了目标捕捉概率,扩大末制导雷达搜索区域是解决该问题的一个途径,但这将降低末制导雷达的目标选择能力。

6)guidance radar net制导雷达网


