200字范文 > 预测拨号 predictive dialing英语短句 例句大全

预测拨号 predictive dialing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-27 07:20:53


预测拨号 predictive dialing英语短句 例句大全

预测拨号,predictive dialing

1)predictive dialing预测拨号


1.Research and Implementation of Predictive Dialer System in Telecom Call Center电信呼叫中心预测拨号系统的研究与实现

2.The wizard could not detect a dial tone.向导无法检测拨号音。

3.This group ranges from a single user operating a handset via a computer to predictive dialing applications.这组服务包括从通过计算机进行单用户操作话机到预测性拨号应用。

4.With predictive dialing, the computer generates many outbound calls, then transfers answered calls to a human agent.利用预测性拨号,计算机生成很多外线电话,然后把回答电话传送给由人担任的代理。

5.Busy signal detected at remote site on callback.在远程站点回拨时检测到了占线信号。

6.Dial 0 for outside, then your numbers.先拨0,再拨你的号码。

7.Research and Implementation of Internal Network Host Computer Unauthorized Dialing-up Detecting Technology内部网主机非法拨号外联检测技术研究与实现

8.The Dymamic network monitor Application in the Enterprises Long - distance DialingQU Daoqing;动态网络监测在企业远程拨号中的应用

9.Wait for dial tone before dialing~~Prevents dialing until modem receives a dial tone.拨号前等待拨号音~~调制解调器收到拨号音后再开始拨号。

10.Technology of Producing Fast Test Software for the Tone/pulse Telephone Dialing IC CSC91341 AGP with Store of Ten Group Dials带10组电话号码存储的音频/脉冲拨号器的快速测试技术

11.Monitoring and Forecasting System Applied on Concrete-lined Shaft Wall in Jining No.3 Mine济宁三号煤矿的监测与预测预报系统

12.Sure. Dial @[email protected] Dial the area code. Then, dial the local phone number.当然可以。先拨“1”,再拨区号。然后拨当地号码。

13.Dial9 first. Then dial the number which you want to call.先拨九号,然后拨你想打的号码。

14.Listen for the dial tone and then dial the number you want.等待拨号声,然后拨你所要的号码。

15.dialling tone sound heard on the telephone showing that one can begin to dial the number wanted(电话内传出表示可拨号的)拨号音.

16.Use terminal window before dialing~~Displays the dialing process.拨号前使用终端窗口~~显示拨号过程。

17.AutoDial is diabled due to errors with Dial-Up Networking由于拨号网络的错误,自动拨号被禁用

18.allotment [Budget]分配,拨款(预算)


dialer watch监测拨号备份


1.Considering the characteristic of a campus network accessible to subsystem,a high availability accessible to subsystem model based on backup routing through ask and dial is designed and implemented after analyzing the subsystem structure,availability and three backup methods through dial.结合校园网接入子系统的特点 ,在分析校园网接入子系统的结构和可用性以及三种拨号备份方法的特点的基础上 ,提出并设计和实现了一种基于请求拨号备份路由的高可用性接入子系统的模型 。

2.In this article,it tells you in detail the comprehensive solution for the user who dial to internet to assign private IP address and convert it by the Router NAT technology,then testify the identification of the user who dial to internet with AAA technology,it is widely used in internet.本文详细介绍为通过拨号上网的用户分配私有IP地址,再通过路由器NAT技术进行转换,结合AAA技术对拨号上网用户进行身份认证的综合解决方案,在互联网中具有广泛应用空间。


1.Development of a non-central-switch amplifying calland talking telephone system withdialing;具有拨号功能的无主机扩音对讲电话通信系统的研制

2.Ethernet communication, which provides high speed and credibility, data storage and management which use file to make look-up easy, analysis of data,dialing, GUI and setting of parameter are deal with.设计主要包括以太网数据传送,数据的存储管理,数据的谐波、测距、选相、序分量、功率等分析,拨号传送数据,图形界面化,系统参数设置等。

5)dial-up[英]["dai?l?p][美]["da??l,?p, "da?l-]拨号

1.By introducing the resolution of data transmission in a management system of a medical company, the setting and application ofdial-up remote access are analyzed, and the practicability ofdial-up remote access is explained.介绍了远程访问的连接方式及其特点,概述了Windows2000Server内置的RAS的新特性,描述了Windows2000的远程访问组成以及不同的部分构成,最后通过介绍某医药销售公司管理系统的数据传输的解决方案,详细介绍了拨号远程访问的设置和应用,说明了拨号远程访问的实用性。

2.The current VPDN(virtual privatedial-up network) is mainly carried by means of PSTN/ISDN.目前的虚拟拨号专用网(VPDN:virtual private dial-up network)主要是采用PSTN/ISDN承载的。


1.But some intranet users may break the rules and connect to the internet either throughDialup or other ways.但是有些内网用户可能会违反安全性的规定,偷偷的通过拨号或其它方式连接到互联网上。

2.Exploring Technologies for Monitoring IllegalDialup to External Networks;内网中的拨号外联行为是一个重大的安全隐患 ,网络非法外联监控系统可以全面、实时地监控整个单位网络内部的拨号行为。


