200字范文 > 【整理by ooAAMM】河南省洛阳市届高三第三次统一考试(5月)英语试题【Word版含

【整理by ooAAMM】河南省洛阳市届高三第三次统一考试(5月)英语试题【Word版含

时间:2020-12-05 06:05:40


【整理by ooAAMM】河南省洛阳市届高三第三次统一考试(5月)英语试题【Word版含




整理by ooAAMM










1. What does the man like doing?

A. Cooking. B.Shopping. C.Eating.

2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. At the man"s. B.At the woman"s.C.At the cinema.

3. What season is it when they are talking?

A. Spring. B.Autumn. C.Winter.

4.Whose is the novel?

A. Alice"s. B.The man"s. .C.The woman"s.

5. What are they talking about?

A.A film. B.A lecture. C.A book.






6.Which sport does the woman like?

A. Chess. B.Jogging. C.Swimming.

7。Why does the man swim?

A. For a competition. B.For health. C.For fun.


8. When did the man like reading science fictions?

A. When he was in middle school.

B. When he was a teenager.

C. When he was in elementary school.

9. What kind of books does the man like reading now?

A. Mystery stories. B. Romance stories. C.Detective stories.

10. What"s the conversation mainly about? .

A. Writing. B.Listening. C.Reading.


11. Which writer does the woman admire?

A. Jack London.一 B.0.Henry. C.Mark Twain.

12. When was Jack London born?

A. In 1916. B.In 1897. C.In 1876.

13. What will the woman do?

A.Read Love of Life. B.Write a novel. C.Go to the library.


14. Why isn"t the woman interested in traveling?

A. It"s too tiring. B.It"s too expensive. C.It"s too boring.

15. According to the speaker, what does country music emphasize most?

A. The voice. B.The arrangement. .C.The story.

16. What do the speakers think of having a hobby?

A. It keeps you active. B.It makes you busy. C.It keeps you modern.


17. Whodoes Tom live with?

A. His mother. B.His father. C.His aunt.

18. Where does Tom get lost?

A. On an island. B.In a mountain. C.In a cave.

19. Who is the hero of the book?

A. Joe. B.Tom. C.Becky.

20. What does the speaker want you to do?

A.Read the book. B.Help Tom. C.See the movie.


第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)




After a long winter,spring is the ideal time for sightseeing and exploring London"s greenspaces.

1. Explore London"s parks and gardens

Spring time is one of the perfect times of year to explore London"s parks and gardens,whenthe city"s Royal Parks will be blooming with flowers. Go and admire the rainbow of azaleas(杜鹃花)at Richmond Park or hire a deckchair in St James"s Park with a view of BuckinghamPalace.

2. Enjoy the entertainment at a Spring Festival

There are a good many festivals and events held in London throughout spring. Make themost of the cultural exhibitions at the British Library Spring Festival, the Sundance FilmFestival or the London Literature Festival; head to Shakespeare"s Globe,which hosts open-airShakespeare performances from late April untilearly October.

3.Get active

Warmer weather means there"s no excuse for staying indoors,so go for a walking or cyclingtour of London. Alternatively, walk the Thames Walkway,which follows the riveFall the wayfrom central London into the countryside; make the most of London"s"Boris Bikes" ,which areavailable for hire all around the city and are free of charge for the first half hour. If you"re reallylooking for a challenge,sign up for the famous London Marathon,held annually in April.

4. Take to the waters

Whether cruising(航行) along the"Thames River,hiring a rowing boat in Hyde Park or riding a canal boat around Little Venice,there are lots of fun ways to get on the water inLondon. Held every year since 1829,the Oxford and Camhridge Boat Race. allows teams fromEngland"s most famous universities to compete against each other,and draws huge crowds ofwatching people.

21. What arc you advised to do if you are interested in British culture?

A. Visit Richmond Park. B. Row a boat in Hyde Park.

C. Attend the London Festivals. D. Walk the Thames Walkway.

22. Which of the following can you do in London"s parks?

A. You can see Buckingham Palace from St James"s Park.

B. You can use London"s Boris Bikes for free for a whole day

C. You can watch outdoor Shakespeare performances.

D. You can enjoy the rainbow at Richmond Park.

23. What activity challenges you most according to the writer?

A. Watching the Boat Race.

B. Cycling around London.

C. Cruising in the Thames River.

D. Joining in London Marathon.

24. What is the author"s purpose in writing the text?

A. To introduce tourist attractions in London.

B. To suggest ways to enjoy spring in London.

C. To stress the importance of exploring London.

D. To show the beauty of the spring in London. ",


A girl became a volunteer in the activities of Deathbed Care,which meant visiting andtaking care of a patient suffering from an incurable disease with days numbered.

The girl was assigned to look after an old man suffering from cancer whose children livedabroad. Their living conditions were not satisfactory while the old man had a lot of savings. Shewas expected to comfort him and keep up his spirits. Every Saturday the girl came on time tokeep him company, telling him stories. When he was having an intravenous drip (静脉滴注) , she would help massage his arms. The doctor found the patient much improved mentally. Theold man began to involve himself actively in the medical treatment and he seldom shouted atothers.

But something that happened made the doctor uneasy and puzzled. Each time the girl left,the old man would give her some money. The doctor did nothing to interfere(干涉) ,unwilling to offend the old man.

A month later the old man showed evident signs of decline after sufferingcoma(昏迷) a few times. When rescued from the latest coma, the old man told the doctor his last wish,"I have deep sympathy for the girl. Will you be kind enough to help her finish herstudies?" But the doctor knew that her family was well-off and she had no difficulty pursuing herstudies. Sometimes she even came to the hospital in her father"s car.

. When the girl came at the weekend after the death of the old man,the doctor told her thebad news. She was very sad and burst into tears. Then she handed .S 500 to the doctor,saying,"The old man had all along thought l came to do the job because of poverty. He gave memoney so that I could continue my schooling. "Now he got the answer to the puzzle. In the lastperiod of his life,the old man found it a real pleasure to be able to help a girl badly in need.

25. What kind of people do volunteers attend to in Deathbed Care?

A. The patients in need of operations.

B. The people suffering from cancer.

C. The people suffering from diseases.

D. The patients without many days left.

26. What can we infer about the old man according to Paragraph 2?

A. He had abundant savings and he was cheerful.

B. He frequently lost his temper before he met the girl

C. He was suffering from cancer and helped a poor girl.

D. He asked the doctor to help the girl finish her study.

27. What is the real reason resulting in the old man"s mental improvement?

A. His children"s progress in their career.

B. The intravenous drip that he had every Saturday.

C. The pleasure of being helpful to people in need.

D. The girl"s good comfort and care in his daily life.

28. Why did the girl take the old man"s money?

A. To keep him in high spirits.

. B. To continue her schooling.

C. To gather experience on voluntay work.

D. To involve him actively in the treatment.


Persuasion is the art of convincing someone to agree with you. According to the ancientGreeks, there are three basic tools of persuasion: ethos: pathos, and logos.

Ethos is a speaker"s way of convincing the audience that he is trustworthy, honest andreliable. One common way a speaker can develop ethos is by explaining how much experienceor education he has in the field. After all, you"re more likely to listen to advice about how totake care of your teeth from a dentist than a fireman. A speaker can also create ethos byconvincing the audience that he is a good person. If an audience cannot trust you, you will notbe able to persuade them.

Pathos is a speaker"s way of connecting with an audience"s emotions. For example, apolitician who is trying to convince an audience to vote for him might say that he alone can savethe country from a terrible war. These words are intended to fill the audience with fear, thusmaking them support him. Similarly, an animal charity might show an audience pictures ofinjured dogs and cats, to make the viewers feel pity. If the audience feels bad for the animals,they will be morelikely to donate money.

Logos is the use of truths, statistics, or other evidence to support your argument. Anaudience will be more likely to believe you if you have convincing data to back up your claims,for example, in an ad for washing powder. Presenting this evidence is much more persuasivethan simply saying " Believe me".

Although ethos, pathos, and logos all have their strengths, they are often most effectivewhen used together. Indeed, most speakers use a combination of ethos, pathos, and logos topersuade their audiences. So, the next time you listen to a speech, watch a commercial, orlisten to a friend try to convince you to lend him some money, be on the lookout for theseancient Greek tools of persuasion.

29. How is a speaker able to show his ethos to the audience?

A. By expressing his sympathy with the audience.

.B. By telling the audience about his personal preference.

C. By using beautiful language to make his statements attractive.

D. By showing his knowledge and experience relating to the topic.

30. Why is logos used for a commercial?

A. To get the audience"s sympathy.

B. To prove the speaker knowledgeable.

C. To convince the audience with facts.

D. To make the viewers your potential voters.

31. What does the authoradvise us to do in the last paragraph?

A. Don"t use tools of persuasion.[来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K]

B. Never lend money to friends.

C, Be careful of skillful persuaders.

D. Look out for the ancient Greeks.

32. What can we learn about the three aspects of persuasion?

A. Each aspect has a different effect on the audience.

B. Ethos is the most important aspect of persuasion.

C. Honesty is the key to making your arguments believable.

D. Political leaders mostly use pathos to persuade their audience.


Humans have been keeping animals as pets for tens of thousands of years, but Dr. Jean-Loup Rault, an animal scientist at the University of Melbourne in Australia, believes newcompanions are coming: robot pets.

"Technology is moving very fast," Rault told ABC News,"The Tamagotchi in the early1990s was really the first robotic pet, and now Sony and other big companies have improvedthem a lot. "

This may not sit well with pet lovers. After all, who would choose a plastic toy over alovely puppy? But Rault argues that the robotic kind has a lot going for it:"You don"t have tofeed it, you don"t have to walk it, it won"t make a mess in your house, and you can go on aholiday without feeling guilty. "The technologyalso benefits those who are allergic to pets, shorton space, or fearful of real animals.

It"s not clear whether robot pets can replace real ones. But- studies do suggest that we canbond(紧密联系) with these smart machines. People give their cars names and kids give their toy animals life stories. It"s the same with robots. When Sony stopped its repair service for itsrobot dog Aibo in March , owners in Japan held funerals.

As an animal welfare researcher, Rault is concerned about how robotic pets could affectour attitudes towards live animals. "If we become used to a robotic companion"that doesn"t needfood, water or exercises, perhaps it will change how humans care about other living beings.”Hesaid.

So are dogs and cats a thing of the past, as Rault predicts? For those who grew up withliving and breathing pets, the mechanical kind might not do. But for our next generation whoare in constant touch with smart technology,afuture in which lovely pets needn"t have aheartbeat might not be a far-fetched dream.

33. What does the underlined part"sit well with"in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?

A. Be refused by. B.Be beneficial to.

C. Make a difference to. D.Receive support from.

34. Who is fond of keeping robot pets?

A. Those who are not. fearful of real animals.

B. Those who grew up with living beings.

C. Those who willdevelop strong bond with their machines.

D. Those who are often exposed to smart technology.

35. What may be the best title for the text?

A. Robot pets are coming B.The popularity of robot pets

C. Living pets are dying out D.The advantages of robot toys




Tips for Teaching Kids Responsibility

Your best friend has a teenager who helps with housework without being asked. Yourcousin has a one-year-old child that puts her bottle in the sink when she finishes the milk,butno reminders are needed.36~Raising helpful, good kids who know how to make a sandwich is not afantasy! The following tips can give you a better chance of raising a responsible childwho then grows into aresponsible adult.

37 You can"t suddenly spring responsibility on a teenager and expect he will know howto follow through. He needs time to practice and totally understand what responsibility means."Let kids help you. Don"t complain when it"s time to do housework. 38 When your childis invited to participate,he feels valued. He will take these good feelings and learn to takeownership of his home and feel pride in keeping it up.

39 Make responsibilities age appropriate. You can show how to complete small tasks in daily life and perform them ata child"s skill level. For example,if your kid wants a snack,show him where the apples are and how to wash one off.

Teach your child consequences. Learning to take care of his things also helps a childdevelop a sense of responsibility for his actions. Get your son to clean up after an art project, and inform him that he won"t be able to play with his crayons the next day if he leaves a messytable.Then take away his supplies if he does not take his responsibility. 40

A. The more you carry out the rules,the more likely he"s to clean up without being asked.

B.Where do these wonderful children come from?

C. Show kids how to perform responsibility.

D. Start to teach responsibility to kids early.

E. Why do they make a sandwich for kids?.

F. Smile and invite your son to help.

G. Have a sense of responsibility.





I stayed for a while in Costa Rica years ago: One morning Iwas 41 in a local market.I had parked my car a few blocks away. After an hour,I 42 in my purse for my phone,Idug 43 ,searching and searching---no phone! I had butterflies in my stomach____44 the zipper was not zipped on my bag. Perhaps my phone fell out 45 got picked by wanderinghands.

I went around to all the venders(摊主)I had visited asking if they had 46 a lost iPhone. But 47 .Disappointed,I 48 out of the market with all my fresh produce.Infront of me was a lady in her late seventies walking _49 with a heavy bag in each hand.Iobserved many people passing her. At first I thought of doing the 50 ,as I was__51about my phone. But then I heard a voice in my heart saying“ 52 her". I asked the oldlady if I could give her a hand. She gladly 53 me a bag full of produce and we walkedon. As we came to a street corner, we had to walk in opposite 54 My mind 55 for a moment and then I decided to go on helping the lady. I saw a warm smile of _56 _ on herface, which 57 warmed my own heart. We came to her _ 58 _ after a few more blocks.I couldn"t _ 59 her walking so far with two heavy bags all alone!

I walked all the way back to my car. I unlocked my door and sitting between the seats,right in view, was my 60 !

41. A. selling B.shopping C. wandering . D. delivering

42. A. reached B. held C. hunted D. arrived

43. A. up B. out C. around D. away

44. A. since B. unless C. in case D. even if

45. A. or B. and C. but D. so .

46. A. put forward B. come across" C. run out D. broken down

47. A. as usual B. at random C. in vain D. at risk

48. A. pulled B. drove C. walked D. dashed

49. A, merrily B. quickly C. effortlessly D. slowly

50. A. other B. opposite C. deed D. same

51. A. worried B. curious C. excited D. optimistic

52. A. challenge B. help C. leave D. comfort

53. A. fetched B. offered C. handed D. showed

54. A. purposes B. reactions C. reasons D. directions

55. A. wondered B. occupied C. went crazyD. went wrong

56. A. gratefulness B. confidence C. concernD. elegance

57. A. still B. otherwise C. also D. ever

58. A. car B. destination C. assistance D. market

59, A. believe B. tolerate C. imagine D. afford

60. A. iPhone B, block C. bag D: zipper





Phelps, the 31-year-old US swimming star, wasseen 61 purple circles dotting hisshoulders and back at the Rio Olympics. The circles 62 (cause) by. the ancient Chinesetreatment, in which he is a great 63(believe). The Chinese treatment, known as“baguan", uses heated glass cups 64 (create)a suction(吸气)on the patient"s skin, causing a circular mark.

I remember, some 40 years ago, when I fell sick, my mother always did cupping on me.It scared me.1 would cry.65 my mother would say:" Be patient! It will hurt just a bit,like an ant bite. "So I would let her, and it__66 (usual) helped. Now when I have fever,flu, or muscular pain I go to a"cupping spa"and get it done. Not that I don"t trust medicines.But I also believe in cupping.I got it done just last month for my fever,__67 wasn"t comingdown with medicines and injections. One session of cupping and the fever was68(go).

The US National Institutes of Health says on 69 (it) website that "cupping"isconsidered generally safe for70 (health) people when performed by a trained health professional.



假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:l. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Recently,I went with my group to a nearby river. We did much scientific tests to check

how the river was clean or not. Surprisingly, it was!We still, though, took the rubbish we

could found out of the river to make sure fish could live there happy. And the other days, our

group were planted.some flowers in our school. They are hoping they will come out or make the

school look more beautiful. Our group collected rubbish and sold it in order pay for the flowers!

We still have some money left. We hope to use it to buy any recycling bins for the school.







【整理by ooAAMM】河南省洛阳市届高三第三次统一考试(5月)英语试题【Word版含答案】【洛阳市--学年高三年级第三次统一考试】
