200字范文 > Morgan Stanley笔试题

Morgan Stanley笔试题

时间:2023-02-05 00:29:07


Morgan Stanley笔试题

1、Would you please briefly introduce yourself?( 请你作个简单的自我介绍。 )


2、You mentioned that your major is International Economics and Trade.Can you tell me the reason why you chose it as your major?( 你是主修国际经济与贸易的,你为什么选择这个专业? )

记得当时自己从个人兴趣和社会需求两个方面作了回答,“平衡”是我希望着重突出的亮点。“ It is a perfect balance point between my personal interest and future market demand. ” ( 这个专业为我提供了个人爱好和未来市场需求之间的平衡点。 )

3、What have you learned about your major?( 关于你的专业你学到了些什么? ) 这个也简单,我挑几门主干课程说了说,尤其强调了和金融方面有关的几门核心课程。

4、There are several points in your resume that I "" d like to know more. First, about your high school. You once were a student of Shanghai N.M. High School , which is quite famous in Shanghai . Then you transferred to Y.A. High School , right? Would you please tell me why you made such a change?( 我想进一步了解你简历中的几个问题。第一是和你的高中有关。你曾经是上海 N.M. 中学的学生,后来又转学到 Y.A. 中学,能不能告诉我你转学的原因? )

这个问题好像和投资银行一点关系都没有么,不用多考虑,就实话实说啦。 It "" s for family reasons. We movedsintosanother district. I""d like to save the time commuting.( 是由于家庭的原因。我们搬家了。我希望节省来回路上的时间。 )

他接着说:“ I see. Both the two high schools are of top grade in Shanghai . I was graduated from Shanghai Hxxx High School . It""s also a key school of Shanghai. You know, I""m a Shanghai native too.( 这两所学校都是上海的名牌学校。我是上海 xx 中学毕业的,也是市重点。你看,我也是上海人。 ) ”


5、Next, I noticed that you once wrote for the book Financial Market.What "" s that book about? What did you write about? Please explain it in detail.( 接下来,我注意到你曾经参加过《金融市场》的编写。那是一本什么样的书?你写的是哪一方面?能不能谈得具体点。 )

