200字范文 > 位错 dislocation英语短句 例句大全

位错 dislocation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-29 21:29:05


位错 dislocation英语短句 例句大全



1.A Probe into the CAI Courseware of Dislocation of Metallography Course;金属学课程中位错部分CAI课件的探讨

2.Influence of image force ondislocation configuration near free surface of high purity aluminium;映像力对高纯铝自由表面附近位错组态的影响

3.TME study ofdislocation configuration of heat-resistant steel 12Cr1MoV heated at high temperature;12Cr1MoV耐热钢高温加热过程中位错组态的TEM研究


1.One was pure edge misfit dislocations with line directions of 〈100〉;失配位错的类型分为刃型失配位错,位错线沿〈100〉方向;

2.Which of you has made the fewest mistakes?你们哪一位错误最少?

3.screw dislocation螺旋位错 -晶格缺损

4.Evolution of interphase misfit dislocation networks in Ni-based single-crystal superalloy镍基单晶高温合金相界面错配位错网络的演化

5.As creep goes on, the dynamic recovery (DRV) may occur, and the dislocations are concentrated to form the dislocation cells or walls.随蠕变进行,高密度的形变位错发生动态回复,可进一步束集形成位错胞和位错墙.

6.Distribution Parameters of Dislocation Link Length Related with Various Slip Area and the Fraction of Mobile Dislocation Density位错链长分布参数与可动位错密度分量及滑移面积的关系

7.The slip behavior of screw and edge dislocations on the inclined-intersecting {110} planes is discussed.本文讨论了在斜交{110)滑移面上螺位错和刃位错的滑移行为。

8.out of position站错位,离开了基本位置

9.Error: syntax error, at column (%0)%1错误: 语法错误,位于 (%0)%1 列

10.Study of "Offside","Dislocation" and "Omission" Phenomena in Administrative Examination and Approval论行政审批中的“越位”、“错位”和“缺位”

11.The Orientation,Out of Place and Restoration of the Economy Duty of the Township Office;乡级政府经济职能的定位、错位与复位

12.Right. He"s got power, I tell you.没错,他的确是位强打者。

13.The patient is mending nicely.这位病人康复得不错。

14.parity error奇偶错误,[台]同位误差

15.SIO - Status Indication Out of AlignmentSIO -- 错位的状态指示

16.A warp in his character(科幻小说中的)时间错位

17.fracture in which the two ends of the broken bone are separated from one another.断开的骨头两端错位。

18.The builder was wrong.这位建筑商打错了算盘。



1.In both primary γ-grains and γ-laths within lamellar α2+γ colonies, the ordinary 1/2<110]dislocations and the true twins created by1/6<112] partialdislocations or pseudotwins created by 1/6<121] partialdislocations were o.结果表明,2种类型γ相中都能观察到1/2<110]普通位错和1/6<112]或者1/6<121]变形孪晶。

2.The helices come of screwdislocations.蜷线起源于螺旋位错,它们的形状则决定于这些位错的符号与相对位置。

3.The microstructures, precipitates of thin foil anddislocations density of hot strip of low carbon steel produced by CSP were observed using optical microscope, H-800 transmission electron microscopy and positron annihilation technology (PAT).采用金相显微镜、H—800透射电镜和正电子湮没方法分析了CSP热轧低碳钢板金相组织、析出物形貌、尺寸、分布及位错密度。

3)misfit dislocation错配位错

1.Among the three configurations analyzed, dynamics simulation results show that a pairs of edgemisfit dislocations appeared at all the relaxed interfaces.能量学计算发现 ,存在最优构型 ,动力学模拟显示不同构型的界面弛豫后 ,在相界面上都“成对”出现刃型错配位错 。


1.Inspection and Treatment of Dislocation in OffCircuit TapChanger;无励磁分接开关错位的检查和处理

2.The Correction of Functional Dislocation——On Reforming Art Education of Normal Colleges and Universities;功能错位的校正——也谈高等师范美术教育改革

3.Dislocation in Social Role Interactions and Their Causes;社会角色互动的错位现象及成因


1.The Malposition of Educational Idea in Family Education;试析当前家长教养观念错位现象

2.The Malposition of Educational Idea and the Tactics to Rectify the Deviation in Family Education;当前家长教养观念错位现象及纠偏策略

3.Multiple identity compounds and themalposition of writing position——on agricultural cooperation fiction writers多重身份的复合与写作立场的错位——农业合作化题材小说作家浅论


1.Methods On 16 corpses,we observed thedisplacement of the spinal vertebra and its harmfulness after the intervertebral disc or the ligaments damaged.目的探讨颈椎病和颈源性疾病的发病原因及脊椎错位的解剖学因素。

2.Method On 16 corpses, we observed thedisplacement of the spinal vertebra and its harmfulness after the intervertebral disc or the ligaments damaged.目的探讨脊椎病和脊椎相关疾病的发病原因及脊椎错位的解剖学因素。

3.This article put forward the idea thatdisplacement is presented as compositiondisplacement and imagedisplacement as a kind of means of shape-designing.本文提出错位作为一种造型设计手法,具体表现为构图错位和形象错位。


