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流转 circulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-23 09:46:43


流转 circulation英语短句 例句大全



1.Systematic research on rural residing landcirculation;宅基地抵押流转的系统设计

2.Regulating the Circulation of Forest Resources to Improve Supporting Measures of Forestry Property Right System Reform;规范森林资源流转 完善林改配套措施

3.Preliminary Discussion on the Circulation of Homestead Land Use Right under the Background of New Countryside Construction;新农村建设背景下的宅基地使用权流转初探


1.Rural Land Transfer:Material Transfer or Value Transfer;农村土地流转:实物流转还是价值流转

2.There are three major flows involved in global logistics: material flow, document flow and cash flow.全球物流涉及到三种流转:物料流转,单据流转和资金流转。

3.A device, such as a diode, that converts alternating current to direct current.整流器;整流管一种将交流电流转化为直流电流的装置,如二极管

4.a rotary converter【电学】回转变流器

5.To convert(alternating current)into direct current.把…整流将(交流电)转化为直流电

6.Conversion of alternating to unidirectional current.整流交流电转变到单向电流

7.rotating and stratified flow旋转流体和分层流体流动

8.liquid selaed drum gas flowmeter液封转筒式气体流量计

9.Turn the stick slowly until the flow of blood stops.慢慢旋转直到流血停止。

10.current regulator armature spring电流调节器电转子弹簧

11.converter AC/DC, rotary交直两用旋转变流机

12.pneumatic transmitting rotameter气动传送旋转流量计

13.dashpot rotameter带阻尼器的旋转流量计

14.non-slewing mobile crane非回转流动式起重机

15.cut-out relay armature spring断流继电器电转子弹簧

16.schedule of turnover rate of circulating fund流动资金周转率计算表

17.turnover rate of merchandise current capital商品流动资金周转率

18.revolving field alternator旋转磁场交流发电机



1.The Influence ofTransfer of Col- lective Land for Construction on Land Management within the Planned Area;广东省集体建设用地流转对规划区内土地管理的影响

2.Some problems ofTransferring Collective Forest Resources;集体森林资源流转应注意的几个问题

3.Discussion on the Constitution and Consummation of theTransfer System of Property Right of Rural House;我国农村房屋产权流转制度存在的问题及对策


1.Study ontransference and replacement ofagro productive factors in Henan Province;河南农业生产要素流转与替代问题研究

2.Study on the Innovation Mechanism of Promoting the Transference of Rural Land Contract and Operation Rights;促进土地承包经营权流转的创新机制研究

3.Transaction andtransference of land is an importan way to realize the property value of land and a rational distribution of land resources.土地的交易和流转,是实现土地资产价值和合理配置土地资源的重要途径,农村集体非农建设用地流转是我国商品经济发展的必然要求,其势在某些经济发达地区已不可遏止。


1.Construction ofTransaction System of Collective Construction Land in Chinese Rural Area;我国农村集体建设用地流转制度的构建

2.An Analysis of Contracted Land Registration and Its Effect on FreeTransaction;农村土地承包经营权登记对土地流转的影响

3.The land transaction of peasant collective ownership at the fringe of cities, which plays an important role in the urban and rural development, is variational and complex.城乡结合部集体土地流转变动性强、情况复杂,对城乡经济协调发展有着重要的影响作用。


1.This article introduces the new concept of the electronic B/L,theoretically discusses thetransferring process of electronic B/L,and gives more direct comprehension with the diagram for references.阐释了电子提单的新概念,对电子提单的流转过程做了理论性的探讨,并以框图的形式给读者更直观的理解。

2.The principal problems in obtaining andtransferring mining rights are legal.我国矿业权市场还不发育,矿业权取得和流转从产生到进入市场遇到的问题首先是法律性问题。

3.Land stransferring is the only way to do that.建立与市场经济体制相适应的集体土地流转制度,是农村经济发展的必然要求。


1.Artificial assisted external circulation was made for spleen-neck veno-shunt in orthotopic 1iver by pig.在没有循环泵的情况下,可以利用人工的方法进行脾一颈静脉转流,减轻门静脉的淤血。


