200字范文 > 郭店儒简 Guodian英语短句 例句大全

郭店儒简 Guodian英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-01 10:22:05


郭店儒简 Guodian英语短句 例句大全



1.Guodian Bamboo Slips——"The Textbook" of Si Meng School郭店儒简:思孟学派的“教科书”


1.The Discussion about Codices Ideology from Humanity Come from Fate of Guodian Confucius Bamboo Slips;从《性自命出》看郭店儒简的法律思想

2.The Discussion about the logic Developement of the Theory of feudal moral Human Relation from Bamboo Slip of GuoDian;从郭店儒简看封建伦常学说的逻辑发展

3.The Research of Political Ethics Thought of Confucianism;《郭店楚简》儒家政治伦理思想研究

4.The Doctrine of “Benevolence-internal and Justice-external” of Pre-Qin Confucianism: from the View of Guodian Texts;从郭店楚简看先秦儒家的“仁内义外”说

5.On the Thought of Juxian Shangrang of Confucian and Mohist School;儒墨举贤禅让观平议──读《郭店楚墓竹简》

6.The core of the Confucians" political ethics thought of chu bamboo slips is "outside justice in the benevolence".《郭店楚简》儒家政治伦理思想的核心是“仁内义外”。

7.Guodian Chujian and the Development of Li and Yue Cultivation Aesthetic Education Thought of Confucianism郭店楚简与儒家礼乐教化美育观的发展

8.The Ultimate Ideal of the Early Confucianists Revealed in the Way of Tangyi Unearthed in Guodian;郭店楚简《唐虞之道》中原始儒家的终极理想

9.Its discover makes the development of the thought of the Confucianists clear.郭店楚简《忠信之道》的发现,使先秦儒家的演进更为清楚。

10.Educational Ideology of Confucian School Viewed from Bamboo Slips in Guodian;缘情立教 内外双修——郭店楚简所见儒家学派的教育思想

11.Xin and Xing: Substance and Function in One --On the Characteristics of the Confucian Theory of "Xing" as Seen in "The Bamboo Slips of Guo Dian: Xing Comes from the Will of Heaven;心性本不二——从《郭店竹简·性自命出》篇论儒家“性”论之特征

12.Studying the Practical Significance of "the Guodian Meek Book"学习和研究《郭店儒书》的现实意义

13.From that God Decide the Fate to that Human Correct the Fate--To explore the fate idea of the Pre-Qin Dynasty of Confucianism from 《Guo Dian Bamboo Slips·Qiong Da Yi Shi》从命运天定到修正命运——从《郭店楚墓竹简·穷达以时》看先秦儒家对时运观的一种解读

14.The application in practice of the political ethics thought of the Confucians of chu bamboo slips reflects in the theory of rule of virtue and morals training theory.《郭店楚简》儒家政治伦理思想在实践中的运用体现在德治论和道德修养论中。

15.Circulated Copies Reflected from the Three Groups of Laozi Slips Unearthed at Guodian;关于郭店简《老子》三组简文的传本问题

parative Study on Chapter“Ziyi”Between Slips from Guodian and Shanghai Museum;郭店简与上博简《缁衣》对比研究丛札(一)

17.Zi Yi: Mixed Proofreading and Complementary Study of Shanghai Museum Tablet, Guo-dian Tabletand the Normal Edition(Part One);上博简、郭店简《缁衣》与传本合校补证(上)

18.From the Guodian Chu-Slips to the Longgang Qin-Slips:The development of "Suo(所)"从郭店楚简到龙岗秦简看“所”字的发展


Confucian documents in Chu bamboo slips at Guodian郭店楚简儒家文献

3)Guodian Chu bamboo slips郭店楚简

1.The Study on "the Orthodoxy of Loyal and Trust" of Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips;郭店楚简《忠信之道》研究

2.The discovery ofGuodian Chu bamboo slips of Jingmen town Hubei province and the promulgation of Chu bamboo books of Shanghai museum, cause a sensation in China and even World.湖北荆门郭店楚简的发现和上海博物馆收藏楚竹书的公布,轰动了中国乃至国际学术界。

3.In the whole, Wuxing inGuodian Chu bamboo slips is a confucian work with the clear structure.郭店楚简《五行》篇在整体上是一种体系性较强的儒家文本。

4)Guodian bamboo slips郭店简

5)Guodian bamboo slips郭店楚简

1.Li Gou′s Theory of Human Nature and Comparing It to Guodian Bamboo Slips′ Theory of Human Nature;李觏的性情论及其与郭店楚简性情论的比较

2.On the Writing Time of Guodian Bamboo Slips;关于郭店楚简的书写时间问题

parison of two negative adverbs “不” and “弗” onGuodian bamboo slips;从语法功能、表义和强调用法三方面 ,探讨了楚简《老子》中否定副词“不”、“弗”的区别 ,通过对荆门郭店楚简《老子》中“不”与“弗”的比较研究 ,以揭示春秋战国时期这两个否定词的重要特征以及它们之间的关系。

6)Guodian Chu Slips郭店楚简

1.TheGuodian Chu Slips and Interpretations of Ancient (Shang and Western Zhou) Characters;郭店楚简与商周古文字考释


