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毒理 toxicology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-12 04:22:17


毒理 toxicology英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on skintoxicology and penetration enhancement of skin absorption of volatile oil extracted from tender branchers of Camellia oleifera;油茶树嫩枝挥发油皮肤毒理及其促透作用研究

2.Toxicology and Efficacy of Live Brucella Vaccine for Intradermal Injection;人用皮内注射布氏菌活疫苗毒理及药效学研究

3.Evaluation ontoxicology and physiological functions of dietary fibers from seaweeds;3种藻类膳食纤维的功能及毒理评价


1.European Center for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC)欧洲化学品生态毒理学和毒理学中心

2.Study of Toxic Theory of the Peptides Toxins from Amantia Fuliginea and Pilot Study in Alexipharmic for These Toxins;灰花纹鹅膏菌毒素毒理研究及解毒药物初探

3.Review on Occupational Poisoning and Toxicology of N-hexane正已烷职业中毒及其毒理学研究进展

4.Extracting and Toxicity Characterization of Abrin from Abrus precatorius bean相思豆毒蛋白的提取及毒理作用研究


6.The study of the nature, effects, and detection of poisons and the treatment of poisoning.毒理学,毒物学有关毒物的性质、效果及监测和中毒治疗的研究

7.We also bear a variety of accidental inspection including polluted and infectant food, environmental pollutant, toxicant existing in working and living environment.家里了包括一般毒理、省直毒理、遗传毒理等方面的近30种监测方法。

8.International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, The国际法医毒理学家协会

9.General Pharmacology and Toxicology Research on Scorpion Venom Peptides for Injection;注射用蝎毒多肽一般药理与毒理学研究

10.Studies on the Interactive Effect and Poisoning Mechanism of the Organophorus Pesticides;有机磷农药的联合毒性及其毒理学机理研究

11.Rescue care of 6 Type A kreotoxin toxication patients鼳型肉毒毒素中毒患者的抢救护理

12.Cure of Acute Tetramine Poisoning and Advance in Nursing Care急性毒鼠强中毒救治与护理新进展

13.The Research on the Principle of Liver Toxicity and Detoxification of Compatibility;黄药子肝毒作用机理及配伍减毒研究

14.Probe into the difficulties to stop drug taking;戒毒难之探索——吸毒复吸机理之新探

15.the international traffickers who sell addiction and the users struggling to fight free of it(Richard M. Smith)销售毒品的国际贩毒分子和试图戒毒的吸毒者(理查德M.史密斯)

16.the international traffickers who sell addiction and the users struggling to fight free of it(bRichard M. Smith)销售毒品的国际贩毒分子和试图戒毒的吸毒者(b理查德M.史密斯)

17.disinfect with chlorine.用氯消毒、用氯处理。

18.Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy禁毒战略部长理事会



1.The Pilot Study on EyeToxicity of Tetrandrine;汉防己甲素眼毒理作用的初步研究

2.Objective To investigate the eye toxicity of tetrandrine (Tet) with descriptive toxicology.目的运用描述性毒理学初步探讨汉防己甲素(tetrandrine,Tet)对兔眼的毒性作用。

3.Objective It is to observe the chronic toxicity of Safflower extraction in rats.目的观察长期给予红花提取物的毒理作用。

3)toxicity and toxicology毒性毒理

4)pharmacological toxicology药理毒理

1.In this paper, thepharmacological toxicology and clinical evaluation are reviewed.本文对该药的药理毒理、国外临床研究评价进行了综述。

5)pharmacology and toxicology药理毒理

1.This article summarized the Fudosteinepharmacology and toxicology and the clinical trial in detail.文章详细综述了福多司坦的药理毒理及临床试验,得出结论该药用于支气管哮喘等呼吸道疾病的祛痰治疗时,给药方案为:成人,每日3次,每次400mg,饭后口服。

2.Gene chip technology and its applications in pharmaceutical studies,including traditional Chinese medicine,pharmacology and toxicology and pharmacogenomics were reviewed in this paper.本文对基因芯片技术在药学研究(包括中药、药理毒理学和药物基因组学)的应用进行了综述。

6)toxicity and poison mechanism毒性和毒理

1.Niphensamide has been synthesized and tested for spermicidal activity,toxicity and poison mechanism.研究了硝苯柳胺的合成 ,杀精子活性及其毒性和毒理性能 。


