200字范文 > 灯 Lamp英语短句 例句大全

灯 Lamp英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-05 11:05:56


灯 Lamp英语短句 例句大全



1.Life Distribution of A Type LittleLamp and Its Reliability Assessment;一种小灯泡的失效分布及其可靠性评定

2.A Design of Constant Current LED DeskLamp Controlled by Touching;恒流源LED触摸台灯的设计

3.Analysis of Air Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in AutomotiveLamps;汽车车灯内部流动和传热特性的分析


1.This is a lamp, a lamp, a lamp.这是台灯,台灯,台灯。

2.navigation lamps航行灯号灯(包括桅灯

3.a street, table, bicycle lamp街灯、 台灯、 自行车车灯.

4.flash light bulb闪光灯灯泡手电筒灯泡

5.""Under the Gaslight."“《煤气灯下》。”

6.These lights include; Any incandescent (regular) light bulb, halogen lights, black lights and heat lamps.包括白热灯泡、卤素灯、黑光灯、和热灯。

7.The products have contained ceiling lamps, wall lamps, desk lamps, floor lamps and suspension wire light, fragrant smoked light, etc.産品涵盖了吸顶灯、壁灯、台灯、落地灯及吊线灯、香薰灯等。

8.burner of base metal[for oil,petrol, paraffin, gas or acetylene lamps]贱金属制灯头[用于油灯、石油灯、煤油灯、煤气灯或电石灯]

9."Fluorescent, neon, mercury, sodium, and metal-halide lamps are of the electric discharge variety."放电灯的种类有萤光灯、霓虹灯、水银灯、纳灯、复金属灯等。

10.Electric light has superseded gas light.电灯已经取代了煤气灯。

11.The gas lamp gradually lost ground to electric lighting.电灯逐步取代了煤气灯.

12.Please turn off unwanted lights随手关灯(人走关灯)

13.light dimming灯光减弱,灯光变暗

14.cautionary characteristic警告性灯质(特殊灯质

15.stop and license plate light停车和牌照灯的组合灯

16.headlight of all kinds (excl. sealed beam lamps)各种前灯(不包括聚光灯)

17.incandescent bulb for electric lighting电灯照明用白炽灯泡

18.they saw the light of the beacon; there was a light at every corner.他们看到了灯塔的灯光。



1.My essay tries to analyze how to know things by talking about"alight being on or off".本文还通过对灯的"开"与"关"状态的联想为例,浅析"静中求动"认识事物的思维方法,"设计不是一个结论,而是一种假设,不是一种宣言,而是一种步骤、一个瞬间,这里没有确定性,只有可能性,没有真实性,只有经验性,没有那是什么,只有发生了什么",设计是实现作品与生活之间的一种可能性关系。

2.Abrams, an American critic, compared the writer s imitation of nature to Mirror and his feelings tolight.美国批评家艾布拉姆斯用“镜”比喻作家对自然的摹仿,用“灯”比喻作家投射的情感之光。

3.Dai found his source of inspiration and imagery from the cozy and peaceful night and the twinklinglights.幽暗暧昧的“夜”和明灭闪烁的“灯”,筑起了戴诗的意象世界 ,显示了戴诗和中国古典诗词传统抒情意象之间的关联。

3)lights cover车灯灯罩

4)sidelight bulb边灯灯泡

5)lamp black灯烟,灯黑

6)neon tube氖灯灯泡


