200字范文 > 日常语言分析 the ordinary language analysis英语短句 例句大全

日常语言分析 the ordinary language analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-11 04:36:04


日常语言分析 the ordinary language analysis英语短句 例句大全

日常语言分析,the ordinary language analysis

1)the ordinary language analysis日常语言分析

2)logical analysis of everyday language日常语言逻辑分析

3)everyday language日常语言

1.This article analyzes this kind of misunderstanding and shows the differences between scientific language andeveryday language.自从达尔文提出进化论以来,“进化”这个概念已经成为日常语言中的一个常用词。

2.The meaning of education is the question of "What is education?" whose answer can be found in the circle ofeveryday language, and in the circle of educational theories.这个问题的答案在日常语言世界中 ,在教育理论世界中。

3.New application ofeveryday language to the web environment gives rise to the local or the general variation from the original form both in form and in content of representing the idea.日常语言在网络环境下的新用,产生了相比原形式在表意方式和表意内容上的局部性或整体性变异。


1.being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language.日常语言的、具有日常语言特点的或者适合于日常语言的。

2.the everyday speech of the people (as distinguished from literary language).(与文学语言相区别的)人们的日常语言。

3.The Influence of Wittgenstein s Philosophy of Language--Philosophy of Language and Ordinary Language;论维特根斯坦语言哲学的影响力——语言哲学与日常语言

4.People always try to understand the abstruse philosophical terms with the help of commonly-used words and expressions.人们总是基于通俗的日常语言来理解深奥的哲学语言。

5.Function of Vagueness in Everyday Conversation: A Pragmatic Approach;日常会话中模糊语言的语用功能分析

6.On Gender-Related Differences in Daily Communication of English;英语日常交际中体现的性别语言差异

7.The everyday language spoken by a people as distinguished from the literary language.日常用语;俗语;白话某个民族所说的、区别于书面语言的日常用语

8.Being more appropriate for use in the spoken language than in the written language.口语的更适合于日常口语,而不适于书面语言的

9.On the Taboo Language and Taboo Customs in Japanese Daily Lives日本人日常生活中的禁忌语言与禁忌习俗

10.the language (usually considered to be Altaic) spoken by the Japanese people.日本人的语言(通常认为属于阿尔泰语系)。

11.Pragmatic Analysis of Vague Language in Daily Conversation and Its Translation;日常会话中模糊语言的语用分析及其翻译

12.Discourse handling and its gender difference in Chinese daily conversations;汉语日常会话中的言语应对及其性别差异

13.New Coinage of the Chinese Expressions and the Synchronic Development of the Chinese Language;从日常话语新方式说到汉语言共时发展问题

14.The communicative functions of fuzzy language in English spoken communication模糊语言在英语日常会话中的交际功能

15.The researchers did not use Japanese because that was the language the birds normally listened to.研究人员不用日语,因为日语是这些鸟类通常听到的语言。

16.Seeing parenthesis’s function at daily vehicular language and legal language from relationship theory’s angle从关联理论看插入语在日常交际语和法律语言中的语用功能

17.appropriate to literature rather than everyday speech or writing.合乎文学的特点而不是日常的言语或者作品。

18.Whom is rarely used in everyday language.在日常使用的语言中很少用到whom这个词.


logical analysis of everyday language日常语言逻辑分析

3)everyday language日常语言

1.This article analyzes this kind of misunderstanding and shows the differences between scientific language andeveryday language.自从达尔文提出进化论以来,“进化”这个概念已经成为日常语言中的一个常用词。

2.The meaning of education is the question of "What is education?" whose answer can be found in the circle ofeveryday language, and in the circle of educational theories.这个问题的答案在日常语言世界中 ,在教育理论世界中。

3.New application ofeveryday language to the web environment gives rise to the local or the general variation from the original form both in form and in content of representing the idea.日常语言在网络环境下的新用,产生了相比原形式在表意方式和表意内容上的局部性或整体性变异。

4)common language日常语言

1.Thecommon language has the characteristics of being ambiguous,experienced,and lack of system.日常语言是哲学语言产生的基础,但哲学语言和日常语言相互区别。

5)daily language日常语言

1.Symbolism had broken through the logic restrains of a language,based on the connatural inspiration between human beings and the world to seek for the image speech replacing human speech with cognitive surpass and difference of the logic speech ofdaily language.象征突破语言的逻辑限制,以人与世界之间的先天共感为基础,努力以物象自身的言说来代替人的言说,并以此达到认知上的超越性,与日常语言的逻辑言说方式区别开来。

2.It holds that western meta-ethics in revival has at least three general features:(1)the study ofdaily language is universally valued;(2) normative questions have come to the fore;(3)theoretical experimentation has brought about the contention of a hundred schools of thought.复兴中的西方元伦理学具有三个主要特征:(1)日常语言研究普遍受到重视;(2)关注规范问题已成大势所趋;(3)理论创新呈现百家争鸣之势。

3.This paper studies the grammatical difference between poetic license and thedaily language from three aspects: sentence, discourse structure and syntactic structure.在句子的解体、话语结构的瓦解和句法结构从松动到离析三个层面 ,分析了诗歌语言语法和日常语言语法的差异 ,并由此指出诗歌作为一种本真言说 ,其生命力就在于以拒绝的态度来反抗日常语言语

6)ordinary language日常语言

1.It had influenced philosophy of language,especiallyordinary language.维特根斯坦对语言的分析,从语言与日常生活的关系来加以论述,对语言哲学,尤其是日常语言哲学产生了重大影响。

2.In his later philosophy, Wittgenstein thought that previous philosophers had always understoodordinary language by the simple pattern of psychologism or essentialism, which resulted in the intrinsic disease of philosophical language.他在后期哲学中认为 ,以往哲学总是采取心理主义或本质主义的单一固定模式来理解日常语言 ,结果导致了哲学语言的痼疾。

3.He offers a way to restore philosophical discourse toordinary language.为此 ,他提出了使哲学话语重回日常语言的治疗方案。


剑桥学派(见日常语言哲学)剑桥学派(见日常语言哲学)Cambridge schoolJ lanqiao xuePai剑桥学派(Cambridgesehool)哲学。见日常语言
